"Peace and freedom come only through superior firepower not absurd and suicidal ideas of 'inclusiveness' regards your mortal enemy."
.......................................................Col. Robert Neville

October 08, 2007
Happy Columbus Day!
Celebrate Columbus Day. Upset a liberal. It's okay. Political correctness is not observed at this site.

This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 12:00 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

October 05, 2007
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:07 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Vamping for Veterans
Ask a WWII vet if he remembers PIN-UPS and first you will get a smile, then a resounding "YES!" Well those days are gone ... or are they?
This charming lass has put out a calendar to be sent to hospitalized vets, wounded warriors and to boost the morale of troops everywhere. Each of the "Pin-Ups" are a nostalgic look at Pin-Ups from WWII. Betty Gable, eat your heart out.

In an e-mail from Gina she states:
I hope that you will find this project of interest to your readers...Please visit my website at : www.PinUpsforVets.com and go to "In the Field" to see all the Vets and troops with the calendar. You can go to "behind the project" to learn some more about it !I am the blonde, brunette, redhead, and black-haired model in all the photos. This is a one-woman project, but people think that there are different pin-up models in the calendar. The calendar tries to capture some of the nostalgia of the 1940's pin-up photos.
I am hoping your readers will want to purchase my calendars & posters for my visits to the Wounded Warriors and also donate the calendars & posters for the many troop requests and the requests from homeless Veterans shelters I receive !
The proceeds from the 2008 "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar will benefit a polytrauma center at a Veterans Hospital. This center treats multiple injuries from brain injury to amputations to post-traumatic stress syndrome and many more injuries sustained by our Wounded Warriors.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this project. I am deeply indebted to the bloggers who have posted my project's website, so that I can bring more donated calendars and posters on my visits to the ill and injured Veterans. We cannot forget our brave heroes !
With much appreciation....Gina Elise
Email: PinUpsforVets@aol.com
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 06:48 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

October 04, 2007
Can Hillary Get The Nomination, Or Even Win?
Can Hillary get elected? Or, should I say Hillary can't get elected? And that is not my conservative voice speaking, it is an honest question as to the electability of first as a female, and secondly as a controversial female.
Look, the facts are that she can very likely get the Democrat Party nomination, that is not the scope of this article. But once nominated? And therein lies the question. Currently the Washington Times Donald Lambro writes Game, Set, Match ... for Hillary? and notes that in 31 vulnerable congressional districts for Democrats, Hillary is running behind Rudy Giuliani:
But some Democrats wonder whether her polarizing image and high negatives will also hurt their most vulnerable candidates down ballot."While a 10 point lead this early in the process is nothing significant, it is telling that this lead is in districts where the Democrat could lose and thus, the house may once again change hands even if she did with those districts. How would a polarizing figure like Hillary manage with a congress or the Senate not in her corner? And that is precisely the fear of many Democrat leaders."A little-noticed August survey by Democratic pollster Celinda Lake showed Mr. Giuliani leading Mrs. Clinton (49 percent to 39 percent) in 31 vulnerable Democratic-held congressional districts and possibly eroding their re-election chances. Mr. Giuliani's margin is closer against Mr. Obama (41 percent to 40 percent)."
Add to this, an American dislike for a dynastic political base such as from a Bush to a Clinton to a Bush to a Clinton (though this has indeed happened from time to time in some places on a much smaller scale) would seem to preclude Hillary being able to carry the day. And yet, there were those who also said the same when George W. Bush ran in 2000 (and though he won the Electoral Vote, he lost the Popular Vote) perhaps, in part, for that very reason. Perhaps that is why Hillary is running by her first name only - she doesn't want to be identified as being the spouse of Bill Clinton or at least not when people think of the candidate. She wants them to think of HILLARY, not Hillary CLINTON
Too, we must also take a look at the perception of a troubled world with rogue states such as Iran and North Korea, unstable countries as in parts of South East Asia, Latin America and Africa, the likelihood of a resurgent Russia and a nuclear armed Iran let alone the war in Iraq are people ready to entrust the safety of this country to a woman and a democrat? Oh nonsense the Democrats will say, but the reality is that there is still a mistrust of Democrats when it comes to foreign policy and security and actions such as pulled by the Speaker of the House making trips to Syria against White House advice, a nasty reception for a General who had been unanimously confirmed by those same Democrats for purely partisan reasons. Who Hillary all but called a liar to his face when she said she must "...suspend disbelief" regarding his testimony (and this from a GENERAL who has forgotten more military strategy and tactics then Hillary will ever know). And let us not forget a continuing cry to "surrender" or at least "negotiate from weakness" with the islamo-fascists." Those are very real problems for Hillary to overcome.
Add to this, a perception by the public that Hillary has eagerly sought "dirty money" from bundlers such as Norman Hsu, Oscar Wyatt, John R. Burgess and William Danielczyk. And this is the tip of the iceberg. Is Captain Hillary on board the SS Titanic-Bundler? Perhaps she is now looking into how much she ought to rent the Lincoln bedroom for.
But, money worries aside, she still faces a civil suit in regards to one Peter Paul's fundraising. Perhaps, given the "smoking gun" video, she will end up having to testify. Won't that be interesting to hear her deny that it is her on the other end of the phone conversation videotaped with a substantial number of witnesses. But, no doubt that Hillary will state to counsel '"It all depends on what you mean by 'my voice'."
Recently, much ado has been made of her "laugh" described by many as a cackle and defended by others as a genuine "belly laugh." I've heard it, and to be honest, it doesn't sound like a "cackle" to me, but it sure does sound contrived.
All of this put together yields a picture of a woman who claims to have always been a Yankee fan despite having grown up with the Chicago Cubs (and which hat will she wear if those two clubs end up in the World Series, but I really don't care, I'm a Boston Red Sox fan myself), who says she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. She may have been, but if so she was named after a bee keeper in that she was born some years before he became famous for climbing Mt. Everest. And that underscores another problem for Hillary. She seems more wishy-washy than even that master of the Flip-Flop John "Do you know who I am?" Kerry. If there are two major issues you can be sure Hillary has at least 12 or 13 opinions over a three to six month period of time. People notice that.
I also suspect that her support, except from the wild, wild left and the nutroots supporter George Soros that people will forget about voting for Hillary once the curtain is pulled in the voting booth. Only time will tell and you can bet that I'll be there every step of the way in chronicling it.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:39 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

October 03, 2007
Phony Soldiers? Nah, Phony Patriots
Welcome Instapundit Readers, Thanks Glenn!
Having stubbed their toe on the MoveOn.org's Betray Us adv., and having made fools of themselves with remarks like "willing suspension of disbelief," having uttered decades ago comments saying Americans had "cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan." Having made themselves look like fools by stating that General Petraeus cleared his report with the white house first (in spite of him saying otherwise). Having said our Marines were cold blooded murderers in Haditha, having said they were terrorists terrorizing Iraqi women and children in the dead of night, having blown up the actions of half a dozen jerks at Abu Ghraib into a routine "torturing of prisoners" theater wide. And who can forget Dandy Dick Durban comparing our soldiers to Nazi's? Having shown high dudgeon at the flushing of a Koran down the toilet (what fools these democrats be, to paraphrase Willy Shakespeare) you can't even flush a comic down the toilet) these fools now are trying to weasel out by pointing the finger elsewhere.
The Democrats loudly decried any calling of them "unpatriotic" when no one was saying any such thing (as Willy Shakespeare should have said in a play "Methinks they doth protest too much."). The Democrats have unfailingly claimed that they support the troops, just not what the troops do.
Now, to get the spotlight off of themselves, to make "Much Ado About Nothing" (sorry Willy, you just have too many usable quotes and paraphrases and I'm having too much fun with this to easily let go) they are pointing their fingers at Rush Limbaugh for having used the words "Phony Soldiers" in a conversation with a caller when he was obviously, in the context of the discussion, referring to folks like Jesse Macbeth whom the left IDOLIZED until it was proven he was indeed a phony soldier; referring to folks like Scott Thomas, who happened to be a real soldier, but who reported phony actions which were then published in a national magazine (though of small import) which still hasn't acknowledged that Scott Thomas BEAUCHAMP had a PHONY story to tell.
John Kerry and his "Winter Soldiers" schtick was full of phony soldiers all telling the same sordid though utterly false tales of murder and mayhem. Indeed, there were a few real bad guys (Mi Lai anyone?) but these, as in Abu Ghraib were not only a small minority, but when found out were prosecuted.
So now, having spoken his perception of the truth, the left responds with lies. Wesley Clarke wants him taken off Armed Forces Radio. Well, GENERAL (insert sarcasm) if you want to take a poll and see if the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan agree with you... what do you want to bet that the tally will be 94-6 AGAINST you? If not more-so. Limbaugh is on AFR because the TROOPS ASKED FOR HIM TO BE THERE and he has shown in his own inimatable fashion that he has supported the troops far more than a fired Commander of NATO Forces. I thank you for your service General, but I'll thank you more to keep your leftish ideas to yourself.
41 Senators had the balls to write to the owner of Clear Channel Communications and he had the balls to tell them to go jump in the lake. Good For Him!!!
Technorati Tags: Politics, Limbaugh, Phony Soldiers, Democrats
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:29 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Stop the Flight 93 Murdoch Terrorist Memorial Blogburst

There are memorials to heroes such as the U.S.S. Arizona, the Iwo Jima monument, Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and then there are abominations such as the planned Murdoch-designed "Crescent of Betrayal" monument. Cao, who writes Cao's Blog and who is the originator of this blogburst says:
Editors and reporters at both the Post Gazette and the Tribune Review are fully aware that a host of bloggers have independently verified the Mecca orientation of the crescent design. It was actually the Tribune Review that first commissioned Professor Griffith to analyze the blogosphere’s Mecca-orientation claims. Alec Rawls, who has written a book about the many Islamic and terrorist memorializing features in the crescent design, has a copy of Griffith’s report for the Tribune Review posted online. The first thing Griffith does is calculate the direction to Mecca:Read the rest. This is not going to go away folks, our fellow Americans who so bravely stopped the terrorists and thus had their lives snuffed out in a Pennsylvania field deserve more, and if we bloggers have our way, they will GET MORE.I computed an azimuth value from the Flight 93 crater site to Mecca of roughly 55.20°.“Azimuth” is the technical term for “direction,” measured in degrees clockwise from north. Now Griffith is denying that there is any such thing as the direction to Mecca, and the Tribune Review refuses to tell its readers that Griffith is contradicting the report that he wrote for them.
Cao ends her post with:
If you want to join us outraged protesting bloggersin objecting to planting an Islamic symbol instead of an American one on the crash site,
in objecting to its pointing to Mecca and the terrorists’ intended target,
in objecting to dishonoring the memory of the people who fought the terrorists on Flight 93
in pointing out how Paul Murdoch cleverly and symbolically cast the passenger and crew out of the Islamic heavens in the design while the terrorists are inside the Islamic heavens
in pointing out how the date and the site are dedicated to the terrorists
in pointing out the numerous redundant mosque design features
in pointing out the terrorist memorializing features
and post along with us on Wednesdays, please contact caoilfhionn1 at gmail dot com with your website url. She will, in turn, add you to the email list, send you the blogroll code (if you want to put it in your sidebar), and will send you the prewritten text to post. You should receive the email from Cao a day or two prior to the Wednesday it should be posted, and tracked back to Cao’s blog and Error Theory, if your blog has that capability. This will help us track who in the blogroll is posting the blogburst.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 06:49 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Failing Public Schools
Parents cannot always rely on public schools to do their job. Textbooks are tailored to please the largest customer, the liberal California textbook committee. Teachers, for the greater part, drop the ball further.
One of my son's history books had only three paragraphs on World War II but had enough room for two full-page color pictures showing Bill Clinton and Maya Angelou. Fortunately, my son had a teacher who put together his own curiculum with articles and research papers that he collected over the years and on the topics where the textbooks failed.
Many students are not as fortunate, as evidenced by this sample of ninety students tested in San Francisco high schools.
If high school juniors' answers to a World War II questionnaire were strung together, here's how history would look:World War II took place in 19-something, when Theodore Roosevelt was president and the Germans claimed to be the best race.
Hoping to aid Third World countries, the United States joined the war to stop racism and end the dispute over Jews.
The head of the Nazis was a killer named Hitler whose evil partner, Mussolini, was president of the USSR. Ultimately, the war ended with the bombing of Iwo Jima and Hitler's suicide. Then a treaty was signed.
To make it worse, San Francisco city leaders never want to honor our military or teach that it has made people free throughout the world.
Parents need to be more involved and demand that their children get the education necessary to make livings and to learn history so as to avoid making mistakes of earlier generations. Education departments and teacher's unions need to start caring less about their power and more about "the children."
When will they start?
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 09:50 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, What My Country Means to Me
If you're going to come to the U.S. to benefit from our freedoms and economy but don't want to speak our language, observe our customs, assimilate into society, and honor our heritage, at least respect our laws and our flag.

I would have handled the situation differently than the person who stood up for our flag in the story, but his message was well intended and made clear. Now, this leaves the ACLU, which would consider flying these flags illegally as they were or any descreation of the U.S. flag as protected freedom of speech and even admirable.
I suggest to Mexican immigrants, especially those here illegally, that they join us like past immigrants rather than form a parallel society with a primary allegiance to their country of origin--the one which forced them to here for a better life.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 08:20 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

October 02, 2007
"Invasion of the Truthers"
"Plan 38 from Inner Space"
Recently, a friend of mine (Cao of Cao's Blog) received an e-mail from one Paul Revere III, either a nom de internets or someone with a not so small touch of grandiosity. The email:
From: PaulRevere3rd < PaulRevere3rd@yahoo.com >
Date: Oct 2, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: The truth must go mainstream! Here's a way to help do it...
To: cao (email address omitted)I urge everyone to begin "mass emailing" 9/11 truth messages now! It's easy to disseminate thousands of emails per day. Here are tips to get you started:
Copy or compose your own 9/11 truth message, including some web addresses (links) to truth sites. Next, spend an hour searching the web to become familiar with the following terms & methods:
Open free email accounts at Yahoo, Gmail, etc. These accounts let you send hundreds of emails a day. (Better yet, open an unlimited number of these
accounts via an "anonymous proxy service" like the free "Tor" network, and/or use several WiFi locations.)Purchase inexpensive programs called, "email spiders", & "bulk email senders" to quickly accumulate & disburse your own email lists. (Most bulk senders let you deliver messages directly to recipients' in-boxes, bypassing your ISP's mail servers.) You can even buy email lists for about $39 per 1 million addresses.
Alternatively, open an internet account with a bulk-email friendly ISP, either domestic or overseas. Various ones will even execute your mass-email campaign for you, at a price.
I don't care if some people call this "spamming." That's like claiming Paul Revere disturbed the peace when yelling, "The British Are Coming!" Just spread 9/11 truth as if the fate of your family, your nation, & the world depend on you--because they do!!!
Paul Revere III
Now, anyone that is a truther has some serious emotional blocks that they need to take out and clean up, because only an idiot would believe that the United States Government would (or the Joooos according to some) kill 3000 of our own citizens over three different states and
keep the secret
Now, I know that the world famous, Nobel Prize winning, metalurgist Rosie O'Donnel has proclaimed that fire can't melt steel but come on folks, this is not bordering on the insane, this is "You are pissing me off insane."
Can you, for one moment, imagine the feelings of the average internets user who finds their e-mail box flooded with "Truther" materials? And Mr. (Ms.?) Revere thinks that this will "HELP" their cause? On second thought, go ahead folks, tick off the majority of Americans with your paranoid delusions, you will do the rest of us a favor and rapidly show your cause to be the cause of the mentally unstable at worst and the highly gullable at best.
I've got an Idea, you could start a self help group with the Flat Earthers and the followers of Erich von Däniken and L. Ron Hubbard. Think of the possibilities:
Now, I admit that this will not likely be enough Mr. Revere, so, though I only take new patients that can be helped, I'm willing to make a special cause out of your problem so if you will call my office, I'll treat you for only $350.00 per hour. What a deal!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:05 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

The Politics of Personal Destruction
Michael Ramirez Nails It!

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 07:13 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

The Dodo Awards
This month's Dodo Award is presented to Senator Harry Reid for his outstanding stupidity in questioning the patriotism of conservative Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh via an obviously trumped up charge of calling our troops "phony soldiers."
Not only does Reid know better, he damn sure ought to know that we know he know's better. Know what I mean?
Senator, I not only question YOUR patriotism, I question your ethics, your judgment and your intelligence.

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:18 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

October 01, 2007
PTSD, Guns and HR 2640
There has been a lot of blogfroth regarding HR 2640 and what it will do, and what it will not do.
What it won't do is take the right to own a gun from soldiers who have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), what it will do is add records from those committed to a mental institution by a court of competent authority who are mentally ill and as a result of that mental illness pose an immediate threat to themselves or others. And there-in lies the problem.
I cannot imagine anyone writing this bill has the least inkling of mental health treatment and/or current methods of treatment. Having said that, lets review what an involuntary commitment is and what it isn't. In my state, one can get committed under one of two methods. The first is a family member or some other concerned citizen who knows a patient goes to a local justice of the peace and presents evidence that an individual has mental problems and as a result of those problems is A) not getting treatment and B) poses a threat to himself or someone else. If the evidence is convincing, a mental health warrant is issued and a constable or other peace officer will pick up the individual and transport them to a mental health facility where a psychiatrist must evaluate the patient within 24 hours and either release the patient as not-commitable under the law or complete a set of paperwork which is presented to a magistrate. Within the next 14 days another psychiatrist must also evaluate the patient and if commitable under the states laws, a hearing is held and the patient is either released due to lack of evidence or committed for treatment for a period not to exceed 90 days. The patient may be released sooner than that, but if further treatment is required, the treating psychiatrist must go through the same motions, another hearing held for the patient and another ruling made. The second process is essentially the same, with a peace officer making the initial complaint and taking the individual into custody. However, the rights of the patient are and should be closely monitored.
In the old days when I first started in the field at a state hospital (way back in the late '60s), typically patients who were not necessarily dangerous per se, but who were troublesome were often committed indefinitely when they were really just troublesome and not really dangerous.
The problem is, that mental health treatments have advanced considerably over the last 40 years. New medications, and new "therapies" are available so that often patients who may have been dangerous at one time, after treatment are not and would never be again. Others, may relapse from time to time, and will require additional treatment. However, only a very tiny minority of the mentally ill pose a significant threat to others. And there in lies the rub.
In the 60's and 70's much was made of the so called government trained killer going on a killing spree here at home (read - Vietnam Veterans). This of course was a calculated lie and Vietnam Vets were no more dangerous than others already in the public sphere. But it was one way for the MSM and the left to make the general population leery of Vietnam Vets.
Over the some 37 years of work in the mental health field I have worked with a lot of PTSD sufferers. None of them were one bit dangerous to others, and only a small portion of them dangerous to themselves, mostly with depression and accompanying self harm ideation or alcoholism/drug abuse problems. That is true of Korea Vets, Vietnam Vets and Gulf War I vets. I've not worked with any Gulf War II vets so I can't say the same for them, but I know of no studies nor have I heard from my fellow psychotherapists of unusual difficulties with these individuals.
I suspect that another round of stories about crazed veterans is about to hit the MSM to turn public attitudes just as happened in the latter years of the Vietnam War and post war period. Rambo I has sunk into the collective consciousness so that a "model" is already there.
I will also state that one cannot accurately predict the future, but we can make judgements based on past behavior. Those truly dangerous are relatively easy to identify and I agree that they should not have access to guns. But the majority of individuals committed to mental health facilities do not fit that mold and it will be just one more way of keeping guns out of the hands of otherwise capable individuals.
One other problem is that government can dicatate health care policy, but they almost always fail when they do so. The outcry for universal health care or single payor is going to be the death of American medical care. Medicare, started in the 60s was supposed to be a low cost method of insuring that the aged could receive medical treatments. The cost is now anything but low. Hillarycare from the early 90s would have been a disaster. Adding SCHIPS subscribors of children whose parents make enough money to be considered fairly well off and who may have to pay the alternative income tax is ludicrous and is just a sneaky way of advancing the universal health care goal of the left. Health care in these United States is the envy of the world, and access to health care is close to being universal, and by law, is available in ER's whether you can pay or not. That is of course, one of the reasons that ER's are so overcrowded.
But, I digress, if the issue is those with mental health problems having access to guns then I can state catagorically, with some 30 plus years experience with the emotionally disturbed and mentally ill, that I would rather that some of those have guns than a lot of people you would consider "normal" and even without a gun, an awful lot of damage can be done by those with "congressman" after their name.
And since we know that future behavior can often be predicted on past behavior, what do we say about Hillary Clinton's fund raising using dolts like Hsu? More of the Clinton's Lincoln bedroom escapades? Hmmmm?
Update: Shrinkwrapped has an excellent post on this trend here
I also might mention that I am a member of Give An Hour a program that offers a free hour of therapy each week to a vet or their surviving family members. There web URL is http://www.giveanhour.org/cms/index.php
If you are a vet reading this and you need some help, see if there is a participating therapist in your area.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:37 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Selling What Belongs to Iraq
Own a part of history. Acquire some exotic item that might have been outright stolen or bought with money from Iraq's treasury and owned by a murdering dictator, now dead. I would want something owned by Saddam Hussein about as much as I would want Hitler's gold taken from the teeth of his victims.
The seller says that twenty percent of the proceeds will go to help rebuild Iraq. I think that I would want some proof of that, and I wonder why not one-hundred percent if these items were acquired through the then existing Iraqi government. I cannot say how the seller obtained these items and how much he paid, but I sure would like to know.
An unprecedented and unique opportunity has arisen to purchase some of the most valuable and infamous possessions in modern day history, which are showcased throughout this web site and are being auctioned.Saddam Hussein's possessions include his personal silver cigarette case that was given to him as a reward for killing his first man, his personal Rolex watch that was made for him on special order which is made of gold, diamonds and saphire, the pen that was used to sign the death warrants of 66 members of the Ba'ath Party, his personal prayer beads, the sunglasses he wore when on the desert front in the Iran-Iraq war and more.
Pretty sordid. I also noted this Persian rug up for bid:
This Persian hand made rug (sacred giant floor rug) was in the main Jewish synagoge,in Baghdad, until Saddam Hussein visited the synagoge in 1979 and personally requested the rug to be added to his personal collection. It was made in 1350 Lunar calender (1906).
The rabbis are probably still laughing after they doubled the price and told Saddam that he was getting twenty-five percent off. Such a deal.
Other items include Saddam Hussein's neck ties, and I wouldn't mind seeing the one that cost him the most--the one around his neck.
I still have my "Most-Wanted Iraqi Playing Cards," which are sure to be a collector's item. Look for them on the "American Roadshow." Saddam Hussein didn't own those because he refused to give the U.S. military his forwarding address, and catching up with him meant that the Ace of Spades became immediately out of play. I think we know where Hussein eventually settled, though, and it's not with seventy-two virgins.
Let's hope that the items Hussein took from the Iraqi people come back to them in full, one way or another.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 07:40 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Why did the chicken cross the road? Explained by...
Some Monday Morning Humor:
DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't
realize that he must first deal with the problem on 'THIS' side of
the road before it goes after the problem on the 'OTHER SIDE' of the
road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting
by not taking on his 'CURRENT' problems before adding 'NEW' problems.
OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which
is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the
chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life,
I'm going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across
the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.
GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the
road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road,
or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no
middle ground here.
COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see
the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road...
ANDERSON COOPER - CNN: We have reason to believe there is a
chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other
side of the road.
JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am
now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about
the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.
NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY!
You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.
PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.
MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way that chicken
was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my
eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave
me any insider information.
DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad?
Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain. Alone.
JERRY FALWELL: Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see
the plain truth?' That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends,
that chicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too.
I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the liberal
media white washes with seemingly harmless phrases like, the 'other side'.
That chicken should not be crossing the road. It's as plain and as simple as that.
GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road.
Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.
BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will
be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story
of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish
its life long dream of crossing the road.
JOHN LENNON: Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing
roads together, in peace.
ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.
BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2007, which will not
only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents,
and balance your check book. Internet Explorer is a integral part of
eChicken. This new platform is much more stable and will never
cra...#@&&^( C .. ... reboot.
ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did
the road move beneath the chicken?
BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is
your definition of chicken?
AL GORE: I invented the chicken!
COLONEL SANDERS : Did I miss one?
DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?
AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? We need some black
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:49 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (10)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Final Bow
There are powers that be, and there are the powerful, and there is Power! Raw, Energetic Power of the Mind. Cox and Forkum have been that latter catagory for as long as I can remember being attracted to blogs. Today, they cease publishing their "Cox and Forkum" website, and the world of politics will be poorer for that.
With mixed emotions I announce: John and I will no longer be producing editorial cartoons. John will continue posting his work at his blog, John Cox Art, and he and I will continue working together on various projects, but there will be no more regularly scheduled editorial cartoons. The Web site will remain running indefinitely, as a means to market our books and as an archive of our work.You will be sorely missed gentlemen, and the farewell bow is a sad thing to see.This decision is primarily mine. I will go into a little more detail below for those interested, but I want to first call attention to some closing matters:
1) The image above is the cover illustration for our final book collection. Black & White World IV will contain over 200 cartoons and caricatures. A special section will showcase the development of a few cartoons, from my rough, to John's pencial sketch, to the final product. As with our last book, signed copies are being offered for a limited time. Just click here to place your preorder. The book is slated to ship out by the end of October.
2) Signed, original art for many our editorial cartoons will soon be available for purchase. I hope to create a special Web page for the art eventually. In the meantime, if there's a cartoon you're interested in, send an inquiry to me at "contact -- at -- coxandforkum.com", and I'll let you know if it is available and at what price. Prices range from $250 to $500. Some cartoons are already gone or not for sale.
3) Be sure to visit John Cox Art daily. John has posted loads of excellent work since we launched his site in May. He's been painting, illustrating and cartooning for over 20 years. Currently you can see a page from a comic-book project he's working on. He'll be posting his Newsmaker Caricatures there too. Contact him at "johncee10 -- at -- hotmail.com" to inquire about commissions.
Let me start by saying that quitting editorial cartooning has been one of my toughest decisions. Having such a creative outlet for expressing my opinions is immensely satisfying. It's an art form I've admired for decades, so I do not take lightly having the opportunity to work in the medium and to have that work seen by others. One of my proudest moments came soon after 9/11 when I held in my hands our first published cartoon. It was easy to feel useless, even helpless, in the weeks and months following the attacks. But to be able to fight in the battle of ideas was empowering.[read the whole thing]

Farewell friends, but not goodbye!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:00 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

From Whence Comes the ACLU?
From my friend John Stephenson
Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal"."__Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU
More info: American Communist Lawyers Union
A Short History Of The ACLU
The Record of the American Civil Liberties Union
Congressional Record: The Truth About The American Civil Liberties Union
A History Lesson On The ACLU
The ACLU - The Founding Fathers of Degeneracy & American Communism
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:50 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 30, 2007
In The Mail: Soon To Be A Best Seller

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 02:15 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Pandering Politicians Packing Polling Places with Pathetic Populace
I have always opposed the lowering of the voting age to below the age of twenty-one. Young people can follow orders and give birth, but that does not automatically give them the widsom and experience to cast intelligent votes. But, the Democrats, always on the prowl to register uninformed people for their votes, have a new champion.
But probably the most important point from an underdog - maybe the most important point made by any candidate - came from Dennis Kucinich, who said he not only favored lowered the drinking age to 18, but the voting age to 16. I seriously support such a lowering of the voting age - I've been saying for years that it should be lowered to 14 - an age at which, according cognitive psychologist Jean Piaget, people have completely adult reasoning processes, and have had them for at least two years.
If some Democrats trust the wisdom of kids to vote, then maybe they will lower the ages for drinking, smoking, driving, statutory rape, obtaining credit, and running for office.
Maybe my dog should vote, because she listens and follows commands better than most teenagers, plus she barks at Democrats.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 01:40 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (8)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 28, 2007
You are on a dark lonely road out in the middle of nowhere, up ahead you see an accident and pull up. Then you notice that it is your spouse behind the wheel of the car wrapped around the tree. It is obvious that your spouse is gravely injured and unresponsive. You pull out your cell, hoping you are in range and dial 911 with some difficulty because the tears blur your vision. An operator comes on, you advise the operator of the need for an immediate ambulance and medical care and the operator calmly says, "I'm sorry, you will have to make application and it will be at least 12 hours before we can get a medivac chopper to you."
Think about that scenario and keep it in the back of your mind as I tell you about three kidnapped G.I.s as blogged by Ace at Ace of Spades HQ:
Last May, Iraqi terrorists kidnapped three American soldiers.12 Hours! One of the soldiers has been recovered, dead, mutilated, tortured. 12 Hours! Almost immediately, American forces had a live listen to the kidnappers but couldn't listen. 12 Hours!American intelligence officials searched for cyber-signals about the kidnapping... and actually found them. They found the kidnappers talking to each other on-line.
However, they had to stop listening because the signals were passing through an American-based server and under the law that meant there could be no eavesdropping without a warrant.
So they stopped listening in on foreign terrorists holding kidnapped American soldiers.
For ten hours, officials worked to get "emergency authorization" to resume eavesdropping.
This then required the personal okay of AG Gonzales, who couldn't be reached for two hours.
Ace goes on to note:
The law has been changed to expressly permit eavesdropping in this situation, and some Democrats such as Rep. Reyes (D) are arguing for a rollback to the previous rule."12 hours that may have made a difference. 12 Hours!
The rules are now that in an emergency you don't need permission to "listen in." 12 Hours! And some want to go back to that? Bastards!
We find ourselves back on that lonely road, watching the rescue chopper touch down. 12 Hours! The medics find two bodies. Your spouse who died of the injuries and you, who died of a broken heart! 12 Hours!
A tip O' The GM Derby to Larwyn
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:09 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (9)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Remember Liberals Laughing at "Star Wars?"
President Reagan proposed a missile defense system (SDI) during the cold war and the liberals in the media and the Democratic Party couldn't wait to attack it as too expensive and something that would not work. They worked overtime to try to ridicule President Reagan.
Well (as Reagan would say with a tilt of the head), the facts are that liberals were not very good at dealing with the Soviet Union and were perfectly willing to take away any defense advantages that the U.S. might have. As it turned out, Reagan was right and the liberals were wrong, as Reagan's strategy ended the cold war.
Now the left has something else to be unhappy about. Another missile defense test was successful! Why, it must kill them to think that we have been working on Reagan's long-term plan, which offers additional hope for protection against new nuclear threats from Iran and North Korea and, oh yes, China, for whom we have President Clinton to thank for upgrading their missile guidance systems with our secrets to hit us.
Here's the bad news for the left and good news for the intelligent.
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - A ground-based missile successfully intercepted a target missile Friday in a test of the nation's defense system, the Missile Defense Agency said.An intercontinental ballistic missile interceptor blasted out of an underground silo at Vandenberg Air Force Base shortly after 1:15 p.m., and tracked a target missile that had lifted off from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska, the Boeing Co. said in a statement.
The Missile Defense Agency said initial results show the interceptor's rocket motor system and kill vehicle performed as planned. Boeing said the warhead was tracked, intercepted and destroyed.
It seems that the Democrats and liberals have been against a lot of good military ideas in the past. We just keep proving them wrong and will continue to do so. This test is more good news for us.
Real Problem Story Book Lesson (On Missile Defense)
Reagan's Address to the Nation on Defense and National Security
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 08:10 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Hillary's Hsu Shine!
Hillary Clinton's fundraising problems with Norma Hsu (pronounced 'shoe') don't seem to be "fading" as fast as no doubt her handlers would wish. Recently, Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell returned money to Hsu as have countless others. Hillary's campaign spokespeople have consistently said that they had no idea that he was either wanted, or crooked for that matter. Yeah? Oh, by the bye, did I tell you about that bridge in Brooklyn I have for sale?
Clinton's favorite bundler and a designated "Hill Raiser" moved millions of dollars to a variety of Democratic office holders and aspirants but Hillary was by far the biggest single recipient of Hsu's largesse. Does anyone believe, really, that Hillary wasn't trying to garner the same type of dough that Bill glommed onto in the mid 90's? Really? If so, how gullible can you be? Guess you don't know the meaning of Shine do you? (Definition # 15)
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 07:45 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Mahmoud & Evo
"There are no gays in Iran"
A tip O' The GM Derby to Fausta
Update: More at Spanish Pundit and at Lamplighter
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:35 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 27, 2007
Justice Delayed...and Delayed and Delayed
A contract murderer just received a temporary stay of execution by the governor. This guy has had twenty-five years of life since the murder and his initial trial, but let's make sure that he is comfortable and had every chance.
I'm on the fence about capital punishment--not so much for it...unless one of my relatives was killed. However, justice delayed is justice denied, and justice has been delayed too long for the citizens and the murdered man's family, if there are any still around. In thinking about this issue, consider this case.
Governor grants stay of execution MONTGOMERY – Gov. Bob Riley granted a 45-day stay of execution this morning to Thomas Douglas Arthur who was scheduled to die by lethal injection at 6 p.m. at Holman Prison near Atmore. ..."The evidence is overwhelming that Thomas Arthur is guilty and he will be executed for his crime," Riley said.
In a related article, I loved this classic comment from the murderer.
He admits he was having an affair with Troy Wicker's wife. He admits an earlier murder, for which he was still in work release when Wicker was killed. He admits shooting a jailer during an escape."I've got a checkered past," Arthur told me in 2001, "but I'm not running for citizen of the year."
What a joke! "Checkered past." Not "citizen of the year." By trying to brush off those crimes with such a flippant comment, this guy needs to be on Hillary Clinton's campaign staff.
Now, the same journalist who provided that quote had this to say at the end of her article about giving him another chance with one more time-delaying appeal.
He's not the best person in the world. He may not even be the best person on Death Row. But that's not the point. It's this: What kind of people are we?
Some people (I assume the writer is a liberal) are never happy. Am I responsible for what he did and the long-established laws of the state? And, forget that "we" business. The question needs to be switched to ask what kind of person is the murderer, besides not being "citizen of the year?" He committed the crime and got caught and now has to pay.
Now, here's my concern. I don't mind another forty-five day stay, but why does the process take so long, in this case twenty-five years, to carry out capital punishments? The guy could have died of old age first. I don't recommend that we adopt the system that had Saddam Hussein hanging three months after his conviction, even though I have to say that Iraq has a better handle on swift and sure punishment.
But, we either change the laws and do away with capital punishment or we carry out the laws on a timely basis, without unreasonable time delays, for the sake of justice for the citizens and for the families of the murdered.
Oh, and I don't want to even think about what the frivolous delays have cost the taxpayers or how that money could be used to improve the prisons for others, but that's a financial and a moral issue rather than a legal and a moral issue.
Capital punishment - it may be repealed but, until such time, it should be administered in a timely manner in accordance with justice.
For earlier details on the conviction and appeals, click on "Read More."
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 08:00 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Mahmoud & Michael X3
Political Cartoonist Michael Ramirez has had a field day with Mahmoud AhMADinejad these last few days, first with the Iranian PUNK President wanting to go to the Twin Towers memorial site, next with his SPEECH harangue at Columbia University and lastly with his INTEMPERATE asinine rant at the United Nations. So, for those of you not familiar with this outstanding cartoonist, I present the three above noted Editorial Cartoons true life portraits of Mahmoud.
First, the real reason he wanted to visit the Twin Tower Site:

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 06:58 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

"There Is A Sucker Born Every Minute" And 44% Of Them Just Took Part In The Rasmussen Poll
David Hannum (the last "owner" of the Cardiff Giant) probably said it best: "There's a sucker born every minute," although it (the saying) is almost always attributed to P.T. Barnum.
Now the Democrats have taken that saying to the hilt demanding "free health care" for America. In fact, the latest Rasmussen poll notes that 44% of Americans think that health care ought to be free for everyone:
Forty-four percent (44%) of American adults say that health care services should be made available for free to all Americans. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 39% disagree and 17% are not sure.
The "free health care" hysteria is sweeping the nation because, after all, it's FREE... yippie, free health care. That mean's no one has to worry at all about their personal habits, want to smoke? Sure, no problem. Eat like a pig and get obese and get heart disease? You betcha! Because after all, the government will take care of you if you get sick!
OK, now comes reality. With that free health care who will pay for the surgical suite that the hospital provides for your quadruple bypass surgery? Who will pay for the Surgeon? How about the medicines, oxygen and medical care while you are in intensive care following surgery? Who pays for the cardio-rehabilitation afterwards? Who pays for the doctor visits, the immunizations, the emergency room visit becuse you were in an accident caused by some fool drunken driver? What's that you say? The government? Well, where the hell do they get the money for that? Ohhh, Taxes.
And who do you suppose pays those taxes? You? Me? Your great, great grandchildren if you have any? OK so it's not free, you pay for it with taxes. And because the middleman in this is the Government, for every dollar you pay for "Free Health Care" you only get back, what eighty-three cents? If that much!
There is another calculation we need to discuss here, what does health care in this country cost and why? Total spending was $2 TRILLION in 2005, or $6,700 per person. So, if you have a family of four, your taxes will go up an average of say $27,000.00. No harm you say? Got that kind of dough? Well, don't forget that the top 50% of working folk pay 96% (roughly) of taxes. And don't even talk to me about "corporate taxes" those are passed on to the consumer in the price of goods and services. So, that means half the workers will pay most of the health care costs of the other half.
Well, that's no bueno. OK, let's "soak the rich." After all, that is what the Democrats keep telling us, "make them pay their 'fair' share." How long do you suppose it will take for burdensome health care taxes to drive the rich either out of business or out of the country? A week? A month? Two years? And who will pay for it then?
The Democrats are excellent at selling the "Free Lunch" but you just gotta remember Hannum's saying: "There's a SUCKER born every minute." And I know who 44% of them are.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 02:00 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Match the Candidates to Your Views
Answer the twenty-four questions from VAJoe in the following link to find the 2008 presidential candidate who best aligns with your beliefs:
When I did this, it came up with a choice that I had not made in my own mind, so it might have flaws or it might mean that some candidates will say whatever it takes to get elected, even if what they do is different. Hint: It wasn't Hillary Clinton.
To see how others have voted to this point and my thoughts on that, click on the "Read More" link.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 01:30 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Banned In China
Not only is GM's Corner hacked by a jihadist with a tiny penis but now GM's Corner is "blocked" by The People's Republic of China (hint: It is neither the peoples nor a republic). This is a shame, because it means that people in China now do not have this blog's vision of the truth or a different political viewpoint from what they are fed through their obnoxious government.
I note that when blogs "proudly" announce that they have been banned in China, that this only means that the Chinese don't get to hear what they have to say, and that is a shame as many bloggers, especially the conservative ones, have a lot to say about freedom, justice, and liberty that the Chinese people need to hear.
So, I'm not proud of the designation "Banned in China" but I reluctently join some very fine bloggers. Wow, Banned and Hacked all in the same month!

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 12:33 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Crescent of Betrayal
On September 11, 2001 terror struck America. The plan, led by Osama bin Laden, was an attempt to bring down the United States for imagined slights to Saudi Arabia and Islam. At least that was the communique from Al Qaeda.
Two passenger jets slammed into the Twin Towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in northern Virginia and one, taken back by intrepid passengers didn't get to its destination of either the Capital Building or the White House. That plane, United Flight 93 plowed into a field in Pennsylvania killing all aboard, the hijackers, the passengers, and the hopes and dreams of the family members of the passengers.
A memorial has been planned on that site, initially called the "Crescent of Embrace" it was designed with a multitude of similarities to an Islamic worship center. Protests by the public resulted in a superficial name change and slight design changes, but it seems as though the "artist" that designed the memorial site is too deeply in love with his design to hear clearly the objections from America and the family members of the victims of Flight 93. The design elements that are objected to are detailed in the book "Crescent of Betrayal" by Alec Rawls and is available as a download here at Crescent of Betrayal.com
Cao, writing at Caos Blog says:
Alec Rawls also blogs at Error Theory and exposes there not only the hypocrisy of the media on this issue, but leftist thought processes which seem to be totally divorced from rational thinking. Does one have to be a conservative to think that planting an Islamic flag on the crash site doesn’t honor the crew and passengers who fought the terrorists on that fateful day?"
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:42 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 24, 2007
Six Minutes 'Till Midnight!
The clock below this paragraph is from the ACLU and is from their site (I won't link to their site, and while I could have hot-linked the clock to use their bandwidth, I didn't - the image rests on my server) with a post on "Surveillance Society" meaning of course that we are almost certainly doomed to being in an Orwellian 1984ish society. Balderdash!

Who are we kidding? We are not anywhere near being a surveillance society unless you want to count security checks in trains, busses, airports etc. Those are however likely targets and a little surveillance of crowds looking for bad guys is a good thing. The ACLU would have you think Uncle Sam (and others) are looking over your shoulder daily and while there is plenty of that going on, we are not close to 1984 by any stretch of the imagination.
We are however, at a real Six Minutes To Midnight and we are being pushed closer by the surrendercrats, the multiculturalists and folk like Bollinger at Columbia. To those of you who think that the war on islamofascism is a bushism brought about only by Bushco with Dick Cheney behind the curtain are not only kidding yourselves, you are really making it easier for the islamofascists. Interesting isn't it that both Mahmoud Ahmandinejad and bin Laden have both given the same talking points of the democrats.
The nutroots at Kos and MoveOn are too busy idolizing Ahmandinejad and demanding an end to the war to recognize what kind of life they would have should the islamofascists take over a significant part of the world. There are bad people out there and they do not subscribe to the same kind of "liberty" that the nutroots seem to dream about. Without security there is no liberty.
There are times when I truly think that the lunatics are running the asylum and looking at the shenannagans of Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) doesn't make me think less so.
Six Minutes 'Till Midnight indeed. Just not what you think!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:49 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (11)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 22, 2007
Crescent Bowl of Embrace Betrayal
My blog friend Cao has an important post up regarding the memorial to the heroes of Flight 93 in a field in Pennsylvania. The elements of the memorial are so much like a mosque that it is amazing that more people aren't up in arms. Cao has documented carefully the elements and how they fit into the memorial making it like a mosque.
Had the designers made it with all the elements of a Christian Cathedral can you imagine the hue and cry in as much as it is being built with public monies? Why the designer and supporters are masking their intent is beyond me, anyone with a lick of sense can see. Here is a tidbit, after reading this, head on over to Cao's Blog and read the whole thing:
THIS Flight 93 memorial isn’t to honor our heroes; it honors the TERRORISTS who attacked us that day. It would be the biggest memorial mosque ever; on American soil; comemorating the 9/11 attack on the people on flight 93 in Pennsylvania. This is literally another Islamic hijacking. Where is the outrage?I was thinking last night that terrorists believe that war is deception. This deception would be the biggest slap in the face of all time. Instead of making a monument to the courageous heroes on that flight who said ‘let’s roll’…the proposed design is dedicated to the terrorists of 9/11, and I doubt that if more people knew about it, they would support it.
Read the whole thing: "The Crescent “Bowl” of Embrace; a memorial mosque to the terrorists of Flight 93"
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 07:52 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (5)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 20, 2007
Hey Abu Jneya, I Got Your Hack Ri-Chere!
Not Safe For Work There is nothing more juvenile, childish and more stupid than a moron who hacks a blogsite just to prove he can. A little while ago that was me, hacked by one Abu Jneya which I have on good authority translates into "Pork Lover," well, maybe that is not an exact translation. At any rate, Mr. Jneya thought it cute to take over my main page with this abomination of a hack (but the kid is kind of cute - too bad he has a dickhead for a father):
When you click to read more of this, I'll provide the exact Arabic translation (well, as near exact as I can make it) but remember, this IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK... vile language ahead including my response!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:02 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (11)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Damn You Hillary Clinton and Your 24 Fellow Travelers
The final vote was 72-25, with three not voting. Those voting against "condemnation" were as follows, including her royal majesty Hillary Clinton. Why am I not surprised given her disgusting "willful suspension of disbelief" comment during the hearings with General Petraeus. Twenty five United States Senators are so afraid of the netroots, that they are afraid to vote FOR condemnation of a scurroulous advertisement by Moveon.org. Not only were they afraid to vote for the condemnation, but they were also so dhimmified as to vote AGAINST condemning the ad. Shame on you all, you are a disgrace to your office.
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
If one of these dispicable so called public officials above is one of your senators, write to them and let them know of your disgust.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 01:11 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Hillary and the Cowboy
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, on an airliner bound for Texas, finds herself seated next to an older, weathered man in a western snap shirt, faded jeans, and a cowboy hat. Thinking herself above the old cowboy, she decides to make sport of him.
"You know," she says, "I've heard these flights go much more quickly if you strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger. So, let's talk."
The cowboy looks at her wryly and says, "Well s'pose that'd be all right, m'am. What'd ya like to discuss?"
"Oh, I don't know," says Hillary with a slight hint of sarcasm. "How about Iraq?"
"Hmm," says the cowboy, sensing an attempt to perhaps belittle him, "That
could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first: Horses, cows, and deer all eat the same stuff--grass. Yet a deer passes little pellets, a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse makes muffins of dried poop. Why do you suppose that is?"
Dumbfounded, Senator Clinton replies, "I haven't the slightest idea."
"So tell me, then," says the cowboy with a smile. "How is it that you feel qualified to discuss Iraq when you don't know s**t?".
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 12:46 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Join Me At Blogworld Expo - An Interview with Rick Calvert
One of the truly nice guys in blogging is Rick Calvert. I first met Rick via an e-mail from him asking about advice for his blog The Real Ugly American. Now, I was pretty much a novice also so I don't know how much help I was, but Rick and I hit it off real well. When I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, Rick was there in my corner, sending e-mails and checking on me from time to time, and for that I bless him. Recently, I asked Rick a few Questions about the up-coming Blog World Expo, which I intend to attend, (Las Vegas look out, here come GM) and at which, I hope to meet many of my friends the blog world over. (Note: Click on the BlogWorld Expo logo on the left and it will take you to their site.)
1. You started blogging with “The Real Ugly American” but recently, you are working quite hard to put on the BlogWorld Expo. Why a blog expo?
Well George as my Blogfather, you know you were one of the first “big” bloggers I ever contacted when I was a newbie. As The Real Ugly American started to grow I had all these questions. Again you know that because most of the time I would email you and about 10 other people asking you “how do I add this widget?” “how does site meter work?” “what is a trackback?” etc. Finally I had reached a point where I wanted to take my blog to the next level. I happen to have been producing major tradeshows for a living for the last ten years so naturally I thought “I should go to the blogging tradeshow”. That’s when I realized it didn’t exist and there were at least a million other people with the same questions I had.2. There are trade shows all over the world, all the time. What makes Blogworld Expo different?
There isn’t another blogging tradeshow. At least not what I consider to be an industry wide tradeshow like the other events I have attended, exhibited at or produced. We want every blogger, vlogger, podcaster, internet radio and TV broadcaster in the world to think of BlogWorld as the place to go to find out what’s new in this industry, where to get the tips and education they need to create better content, increase their readership, and monetize their site.
3. You picked Las Vegas, Nevada for the venue. Why there?
Because Vegas is the number one tradeshow city in the world. It is the 2nd cheapest city in the country to fly in to, it has over 200,000 hotel rooms at every price range, more entertainment choices and restaurants than you could ever experience in a lifetime. People of course think of gambling when they think of Vegas but tradeshows actually bring in far more money to the city’s economy than gaming. They have three major convention centers at the LVCC, the Sands and Mandalay Bay each with over one million square feet of space. There are only a dozen cities in America with even one convention center that big. Not to mention Vegas has dozens of hotels with 100,000 square foot convention and conference centers.
4. The world of blogging has grown from a few thousand not so many years ago to several millions and more being added all the time. Why do you think this is so? And what impact do you think this will eventually have on the MSM?
Andrew Sullivan back in 2002 called blogging “a publishing revolution more profound than anything since the printing press” and he was right. When we announced the launch of the show back in November of 06 Technorati was tracking 57 million blogs, today there are well over 70 million. I tell all my blogger friends this revolution is just beginning. People like Sullivan may have been blogging in 2002, and guys like Dave Winer back in the 90s but most of the world had no idea this great content was out there. The MSM is just starting to get it now and the mainstream public is just starting to get it. This will be much much bigger than it is today and already every major newspaper, magazine, TV and Radio station is blogging. Not to mention vlogging and podcasting. We are in for a very fun and interesting ride.Blogging empowers every day people to ask the questions MSM journalists never ask, to write opinions never expressed in MSM outlets and talk about topics that just don’t get MSM attention. It takes literally five minutes to start a blog and the moment you hit “Publish” more than a billion people can read it. That is a power that the common man has never had in all of human history.
5. You and I both were commenter’s at Marc Coopers blog and Marc is certainly one of the biggies. Will he be at Blogworld expo?
He is certainly invited and I hope he joins us. I love Marc’s blog.
6. Why should bloggers attend this show?
To learn how to make their blog better, to learn the tricks that the techy guys already know. How to use the latest widgets and plug ins, decide which publishing software is best for you, learn how to increase your readership, monetize your content if that’s your goal, influence more people if you want to advocate a political or social position, just meet your friends who you email every day and those guys like you that people look up to. We will have Rock star bloggers from just about every community. Political bloggers, business bloggers, Godbloggers, tech bloggers, mommy bloggers, milbloggers, pop culture bloggers, sports bloggers, diarists, every type of blogger you can imagine will be there. I just want to say I was there for the first one ever.
7. This is similar to question number one, but what gave you the idea to do this, and how long have you been working on it?
I wanted to go to this event. It didn’t exist and this is what I do for a living. I know I’m not the only person in the world who is geeked up about blogging. For all the reasons I mentioned above I want to go to BlogWorld and meet the people I admire and respect. It was last September that I first started thinking about it. I told a couple of my tradeshow friends including my partner Libby Durfee and as soon as they heard they idea they said “Lets launch that show today!”, then I set up a meeting with Hugh Hewitt who had linked to my blog several times and actually inspired me to start blogging. I know these guys at a really great PR company who had an associate who used to work for Hugh. She set up a lunch. He had no idea who I was. We sit down and he asks so what’s this all about?I had to tell him to start that I was The Real Ugly American and I had called into his radio show several times an even interviewed him for my blog when he released his book “Painting the Map Red”. He was just a really nice guy and was familiar with my blog. Then I told him the idea and like everyone else he just looked kind of stunned for a moment and said “I’m in!” he was a huge help in the beginning introducing us to major bloggers and other potential exhibitors partners etc and still is a huge supporter of the show. Townhall has been a sponsor of the event since the very beginning.
8. Can you tell us about some of the exhibitors that will be there?
Sure. Yahoo, Feedburner, WordPress, Six Apart (Moveable Type, etc), Pajamas Media, Federated Media, b5 media, Truth Laid Bear, Shure, Sports Blogs Nation, Military.com Biola University, Blogger & Podcasters Magazine, Blog Talk Radio, Talk Shoe, Blurb, PRWeb, Blogsvertise, Newstex, PayPerPost, Campaigns & Elections Magazine, Fast Company Magazine and a lot more.
9. What about speakers and/or presentations?
Honestly it is going to be amazing. We will be announcing a big list of speakers soon but just a few names your readers will know, Hugh Hewitt, Dean Barnett, Mary Katherine Hamm, Lorie Byrd, Roger L. Simon, Glenn Reynolds, Jerome Armstrong, and I am really leaning on some other big progressive bloggers as well Glenn Greenwald, John Amato from Crooks and Liars, and one really big name I can’t mention until she is confirmed. There are at least a dozen more major political bloggers and that’s just the political guys. LaShawn Barber. We have huge tech and business bloggers like Om Malik, Dave Taylor, Charline Li, Maggie Fox, Andy Wibbels, the Chief Architect of HP.com, the Director of New Media communications from Kodak. The Milbloggers alone are worth the trip, Matt and Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive, Tim Boggs, Colonel Austin Bay, Michael Yon told me he would be happy to do a live feed from Iraq if we set it up. I am actually talking to Andi from Andi’s world who runs the milblog conference tomorrow to talk about other speakers. It is going to be an amazing mix of people. You can check out the sessions on our website at: Blog World Expo
10. Bloggers run the gamut from folks just writing about and for family members to hugely popular political blogs like Instapundit and Daily Cuss, I mean Kos to gadget blogs, blogs like BoingBoing and so very many others. Is Blogworld expo for everyone, or mainly the political bloggers?
Everyone. While political bloggers will have a big presence so will the mommy bloggers, milbloggers, godbloggers, sports, business and tech bloggers. We are intentionally a non partisan event and I sincerely hope on the political side that the guys on the left and right will be able to realize they are talking with real people over the net who if you leave politics out of it would probably really like each other. If we could impact the level of political discourse in the Blogosphere in some positive way that alone would make the event worthwhile to me.So, I encourage everyone connected with blogging, or who wants to blog or who reads blogs to consider attending this Expo. Besides, you'll get to meet me and that is worth the trip alone.

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 12:05 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

There Can Be Only Two
Could there be two more stupid people in the entire world? I don't think so.
Dummy Number 1:
Dummy Number 2:
Number 2 will doubtlessly win the Darwin Awards This Year!
H/T to David Harnasch
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 12:22 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 19, 2007
Who Gets O.J. Simpson's Endorsement for President?
O.J. wants government medical care for knife victims, so he endorses.... (Short ad precedes video.)
Now, with bail having been set on his latest adventure, O.J. can get back out on the golf courses to keep looking for the real killer, and with O.J.'s endorsement, Hillary can count on the support of murderers to help her slash through the opposition.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 06:40 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

The Dream Act
Fausta reports on the Dream Act. I think it should be renamed the "Lets shove amnesty into a defense bill so that none of the redneck yahoos notice it Act"
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:25 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 18, 2007
Chesty, Come Down and Slap Down This Miscreant!
From this:
To This:
To This:
Accusation on Brit TV ---> Murtha Hypes the incident calling it "Cold Blooded Murder" --->Marines acquitted or charges dropped and Murtha hasn't got the guts to apologize. May the Shade of Chesty Puller haunt Murtha for the rest of his misbegotten life.
I can see it now:

A tip O' The GM Derby to Kat for "SQUIRM, John Murtha, you anti-military, libelous B*ST*RD!"
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 09:10 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (6)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Brief Politico-Therapies: A Tour of the Psych Bloggers
It is time to once again take a tour of the Psych bloggers, those intrepid bunch of mental health professionals. As we take a look at their take on politics, the human condition and anything else that catches my eye. Our usual bunch of suspects include: Dr. Helen, Dr. Sanity, Shrinkwrapped, neo-neocon, Assistant Village Idiot, One Cosmos (Gagdad Bob), Sigmund, Carl and Alfred, Its About Them, and Dr. John Jay Ray.
Tonight's foray begins with an older post of Dr. John Jay Ray's but one in which the term Liberalism is sliced, diced and par-boiled. The Psychology Underlying "Liberalism" This is a long post, but worth every minute of reading it. Here is a sample regarding "moral equivalence"
The Leftist's ceaseless agitation for equality often makes him/her into a modern day Procrustes. In Ancient Greek mythology, Procrustes was an innkeeper who had beds of only one length so if a wayfarer came in who had legs longer than any of Procrustes' beds, Procrustes would cut off the legs of the wayfarer until they fitted his beds. Similarly today, if anybody is clearly not equal the Leftist is determined to force him to be equal or at least is determined to deny his inequality. Stalin, of course, made Procrustes look like a wimp. Anybody in Russia who looked unequal -- such as the kulaks ("rich" peasants) -- Stalin simply had executed.Be sure and read it all.
Now, let's head over to Dr. Helen's place. Dr. Helen is a forensic psychologist and the better half of Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit. Today's selection takes a look at Mens Health and the heart, an interesting post for someone who has had a Heart Attack herself and I can see why she posted about it Be sure and read all of the links too.
Are you a susceptible person? I was, although my heart condition was a bit different. The only way to find out if you are at risk is to ask your doctor if you need tests such as an ECG or EKG and if abnormalities are found, to follow up with an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart) or whatever tests the doc recommends.Dr. Helen is one of the best reads on the net, if you don't have her as a favorite, you are missing something for sure.If you have gotten this far in the post, don't get paranoid but do take care of your heart health; it's important.
Next up is my favorite tripartite therapist Sigmund Carl and Alfred. His blog squib is "We talked to your mother, we know everything." Last week I had the pleasure of being on a podcast with Fausta and SC&A and boy, is he smart! Hope I get invited back because I really had a great time (and you can listen to the podcast here) (Heh, how do you like the way I snuck that plug in?) But, I digress, SC&A have a terrific post up on Legacies: Theirs and Ours and the opening paragraphs are ... well, you just have to read the whole thing, but here are the opening two paragraphs:
No matter how current events play themselves out, in the Middle East and elsewhere, only America will stand with her head unbowed. Those nations and individuals who fiercely oppose the efforts to bring freedom to others will eventually hang their heads in shame. Every effort and national policy that impedes the American efforts in liberating a nation and people from tyranny result in unnecessary loss of life, hope and dignity.SC&A have written a MUST READ post. God Bless 'Em!Do those nations and individuals that have benefited from the blessings of a free society, take their own freedom for granted so much, that to delay freedom for others means nothing to them? Does the Would those nations, if oppressed, appreciate a delay in our efforts to liberate them? Would they appreciate our decision to refuse to become involved?
Turning the corner, we come across neo-neocon's blog and "Dissing the generals and fighting the previous war: the historical underpinnings of MoveOn’s moves (Part II)" (part 1 is linked to also). Neo-neocon takes a hard look at the reception of General Petraeus and to the reactions to the military during the Vietnam war. This is a must read and here is a tidbit:
[...]In many cases, those in charge were considered not just incompetent and/or confused, but purposeful liars, deceivers, and betrayers of the fighting forces under them whose lives were being wasted in a cause already known to be lost.Read both parts for the full impact.This press agenda took its full form not in the early days of the war, but after the PR debacle of the Tet offensive and the real debacle of My Lai and the initial investigatory coverup of that terrible event. Tet caused the trusted and avuncular Walter Cronkite to leap over the heretofore rigid boundary between reporting the news into opinion journalism. In Cronkite’s opinion, Vietnam had become a lost cause.
Up in the road ahead, we come to a new favorites, Dr. James Sutton blogging at It's About Them (who by the way makes terrific hand crafted wooden pens, they are available at The Texas Penwright - I own two of them and they are beautiful). In today's choice, Dr. Sutton writes about "Doubt:"
Doubts don’t diminish our humanity; they make it honest. Doubt is a human condition, so what’s wrong with being human?Dr. Sutton is another that you should have on your favorites list and if your organization needs an excellent speaker, I've heard him and I highly recommend Dr. Sutton.Abraham Lincoln suffered angst and doubt most every day he was president. Yet he is regarded as one of our greatest leaders and humanitarians of all time. His doubts caused him private pain … not public failure.
Up next? Why, tis none other than our own Dr. Sanity. Doc Sanity posts on the left and their dogmatic insistance that everyone think like them - no diversity of thought for them. THE IMPOSITION OF LEFTIST SHARIA, a little taste:
Definition: Leftist Sharia - the dynamic body of leftist quasi-religious dogma that dictates suitable behavior for everyone...or else.Read, and follow all of the links. Doc Sanity proves her point!
Gagdad Bob, that oh-so-effervescent punster often gets serious; real serious!. This is one of those times as he takes down the myth of who beat the Depression in "The Redefinition of Liberal Act of 1932:"
We're still discussing the outstanding new book on the Great Depression, The Forgotten Man.The left won't like this one from Dr. Bob - how dare he pound one of their shibboleths into the ground?Instead of dealing in reality, the left habitually deals in myth and image, and there is no bigger myth than the idea that FDR rescued the economy from the Great Depression. To the contrary, it is now well understood by mainstream economists that his economic acumen was essentially nil, and that he aggravated the Depression at every turn, causing it to last many years longer than it otherwise would have."
Shrinkwrapped, a regular on the Sanity Squad delves into rites of passage in "Of Boys and Men."
we have managed our way to become more civilized, the murderous nature of male Rites has been tempered, so that often such Rites are only distant derivatives of such primitive aggression. Rites of Passage also become the basis for the culture's evocation of heroism. For example, a society that honors the warrior as the greatest ideal to which a boy can aspire can be sure to contain Rites of Passage that glorify aggression.Shrinkwrapped once again hits the nail on the head, and we as a society, need to figure out which way our rites of passage should go and how will that direction preserve our freedoms.This creates a problem for pacifist societies. Since the role of the Rite is to enable the boy to channel his aggression in socially acceptable ways, societies that eschew aggression in all spheres will often find themselves celebrating feminized men who lack the abiltity to express what in more simple times have been known as masculine traits."
And last, but never-ever-under-any-circumstances least comes the Assistant Village Idiot. This post takes a look at "Little Boxes" the anti-suburb song of the early 60s and the "Little Folkies." The post is an excellent example of the reflective ability of this terrific blogger. A sample:
Tom Lehrer called "Little Boxes" the most sanctimonious song ever written. I hadn't stated it so bluntly, but the sentiment has been in my mind for some time. The lyrics deplore the sameness of 1962 suburbanites and their houses, which "are all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same."Be sure and read it all, including the comments especially the one from Dr. Mercury in all his sanctimonius bellyaching, and of course, a number of commenters take "doc" to task for his comment. Superior post, well worth the read!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:44 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (2)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

An Interview With John O'Neil
Leave it to Lurch John Kerry to be involved in any and all mess-ups! (Update - Kerry apparantly tried to settle things down - good for him**. An interview with one of the attendee's here who saw the whole thing) This time, a student at a University of Florida gets tasered at a John Kerry bash.
Which brings me to the subject of this post. A good friend, one John Moore became involved in the dump Kerry movement in the 2004 elections. John is the author of Useful Fools, a website that has been somewhat quiescent of late. Noting a link however, I took a tumble over there to see what John has been up to as I've not heard from him for awhile. John posted "Behind the Scenes: Swift Boat Veterans vs. John Kerry" John interviewed John O'Neil who was involved in the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth on Veterans Day in 2004. That interview is available in full, and in shorter clips. This is something that is a must "listen" and the time you spend won't be wasted. Welcome back to blogging John Moore, your intelligence, your honesty and your ability to gig the left has been sorely missed.
** Update note: It pains me sometimes, but when I gig the left and found out I was wrong, I'll post a correction. John O'Neil wasn't wrong though!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:12 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 17, 2007
Think Again!
Think the amnesty "fix" for illegal aliens is history? Think Again!
... Senator Richard Durbin (D–IL) announced on the Senate floor his intention to offer the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act as an amendment to the defense authorization bill.Think Cindy Sheehan is just an "anti-war activist? Think Again!
"You [Sheehan] give us hope and you show us that there are different Americans than those whom we know," stated Ramadan Adassi, chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the West Bank's Anskar Refugee Camp.Think that Pelosi and Kucinich's visits to Syria will help heel in state sponsored terrorism? Think Again!
It was not clear what the ship arriving from North Korea was actually carrying, although Israeli sources largely believed it was delivering nuclear equipment, the expert told the Washington Post.Think Madaline Allbright learned the futility of diplomacy with tyrants due to her experiences with Kim from North Korea? Think Again!
"I don't think I have ever seen the world in such a mess," Albright said to a packed house at the West Des Moines Community Center.Albright is advising Clinton on foreign policy and believes the U.S. needs to withdraw from Iraq, stabilize the country, help in reconstruction and use a diplomatic surge.
This Post Blogged By: gmroper at 09:44 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 16, 2007
Global Warming Redux: Part 6,428
The National Weather Service has issued a warning for parts of Massachusetts and New Hampshire:
FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM EDT MONDAYWhen I looked at the calendar for tomorrow, it says September 17, 2007 and in my part of the country, we still have weather reaching the low to high 90s. How could Eastern Mass and Western New Hampshire be that cold so I queried a friend living in that neck of the woods and she says that this is and has always been common, wearing warm coats to school, dragging them behind after school because it's too hot to wear them.
Urgent - Weather Message National Weather Service Taunton MA 300 PM EDT Sun Sep 16 2007Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA-Western Hampshire MA- Western Hampden MA-Eastern Hampshire MA-Eastern Hampden MA- Cheshire NH-Western And Central Hillsborough NH- Including The Cities Of...Charlemont...Greenfield...Orange... Chesterfield...Blandford...Amherst...Milford...Northampton...Springfield... Jaffrey...Keene...Peterborough...Weare
...Frost Advisory Remains In Effect From 2 AM To 8 AM EDT Monday...A Large High Pressure System Will Move Over The Region Tonight. This Will Allow For Clear Skies And Light Winds...With Low Temperatures Reaching 33 To 36 Degrees Across The Advisory Region By Daybreak Monday. This Will Make Conditions Favorable For Frost... With A Few Locations Possibly Reaching Freezing Briefly Around Daybreak. [emphasis added]
But, that can't be, after all we are in the midst of (shudder) Global Warming and thus, weather like this should be delayed until say November, or even perhaps October but NOT September! Could they be wrong? Nah, not possible, after all a consensus of scientists have decreed we are all gonna toast. Well, something like that because even a non scientist with stature, Al Gore, said before congress that the "...earth has a fever."
Well, the fact is that they are wrong, at least as to the cause and most likely to the degree as well. Granted there is a warming of the earth, but it preceded the build up of CO2, not the other way around.
...CO2 trace lagged the temperature curve by about a millennium. This confounds the greenhouse theory prediction. CO2 couldn’t be the cause of past global temperature increases! [source]So, is this the proof that the consensus folk have it wrong? Well, not necessarily, lets see if more proof of calamitous claims are false, not that one necessarily proves the other.
For example, The 1987 Montreal Protocol On Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol) turns 20 this year. Remember that one, the hole in the ozone layer over antarctica was growing and growing and growing and we were all going to die of melanoma?
The international treaty to protect the ozone layer turns 20 this year. But is there really much reason to celebrate?What, more catastrophizing by concerned scientists? Hard to believe isn't it? Well, not if you are old enough to remember the "predicted Ice Age that should have arrived by now. Now, I will admit that the "scare" was mostly predicted by Newsweek and National Geographic without much scientific report, but the fact remains that "scare stories" sells and sells well. And if enough selling takes place, then you get some political critter passing out grants to "study" the problem and when money becomes available, all kinds of scientists jump on that bandwagon to keep the money flowing. If you are a GW supporter, you will immediately point to the folk that are labeled deniers and say they are taking oil company money but you can't deny that others are taking government money.Environmentalists have made numerous apocalyptic predictions over the past several decades, virtually none of which has come to pass. Yet each time, the greens and their political allies proclaim victory, arguing that their preventive prescriptions averted disaster.
...The lurid predictions of ozone depletion-induced skin cancer epidemics, ecosystem destruction and others haven’t come true, for which Montreal Protocol proponents congratulate themselves. But in retrospect, the evidence shows that ozone depletion was an exaggerated threat in the first place. As the treaty parties return to Montreal for their 20th anniversary meeting it should be cause for reflection, not celebration, especially for those who hope to repeat this “success story” in the context of global warming.
The treaty came about over legitimate but overstated concerns that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, a then-widely used class of refrigerants) and other compounds were rising to the stratosphere and destroying ozone molecules. These molecules, collectively known as the ozone layer, shield the earth from excessive ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) from the sun. The Montreal Protocol’s provisions were tightened in 1990 and again in 1992, culminating with a CFC ban in most developed nations by 1996.
So what do we know now? As far as ozone depletion is concerned, the thinning of the ozone layer that occurred throughout the 1980s apparently stopped in the early 1990s, too soon to credit the Montreal Protocol. A 1998 World Meteorological Organization report said that, “since 1991, the linear (downward) trend observed during the 1980s has not continued, but rather total column ozone has been almost constant ...”
However, the same report noted that the stratospheric concentrations of the offending compounds were still increasing through 1998. This lends credence to the skeptical view, widely derided at the time of the Montreal Protocol, that natural variations better explain the fluctuations in the global ozone layer.
And so we are in a quandary, the sun is heating up, so are Mars, Venus and other planets and we haven't been shipping CO2 to those planets so it seems plausible that the sun's activity may be a large portion of the current "GW" scare. Occam's Razor and all that! "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem." or the law of parsimony (in English) "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity." which is essentially what the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham implied: "The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae ("law of parsimony" or "law of succinctness")."
Toast anyone?
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:18 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (6)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

The Freedom Concert
Angel, writing at Woman, Honor Thyself! has a terrific post up at her blog. She attended the Freedom Concert in New Jersey honoring those who have fallen in the War on Terror and setting up college scholorships for the kids they left behind. Great Pictures including one of Angel herself. Now, I get to see what she looks like, she always sends emails with a cheerful Hi and humorous spelling.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:32 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Carnival of the Insanities
One of my favorite shrinks Dr. Sanity has a new Carnival of the Instanities up. Drop by for some fantastic reading. Her carnival picks up some 20 to 30 blog posts of delicious irony, humor and stupidity of the left. So go there & enjoy.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 10:38 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 15, 2007
La Esposa de Silky Pony Strongly Condems MoveOn.org
Elizabeth Edwards strongly condemned MoveOn.Org during an interview in Des Moines in the runup to the Iowa caucases:
I'd like to ask MoveOn.org — if they want to debate on issues, on positions — we certainly disagree with nearly everything they said on their add today — um but uh it's quite another matter for these personal attacks that the things they have said over the years not just about General Petraeus but about other Democratic candidates — it lowers our political dialogue precisely at the time that we need to raise it. So I want to use the opportunity … to ask them politely stop the personal attacks."Oh, wait, my bad! This is what she actually said:
Someone who’s spent their life in the military doesn’t deserve ‘General Betray Us’.”The first is a condemnation of Ann Coulter with a few substitutions made for effect. Nice to see the Democrats condem the devisive slurs and tactics of personal destruction adopted by the nutroots.
A tip O' The GM Derby to Don Surber
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 14, 2007
It's Jihad
Found this at The Gathering Storm... just a little humor, but posting it before (as WC says) it gets pulled in the name of political correctness!
This Post Blogged By: gmroper at 03:27 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

GM on BlogTalk Radio with WC of The Gathering Storm and AOW of Always on Watch
Today, I was on The Gathering Storm weekly Storm Report on Blog Talk Radio with Always on Watch and WC of The Gathering Storm
Have a listen and enjoy yourselves.
This Post Blogged By: gmroper at 03:14 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 13, 2007
Clinton Buddy Quiz
How are Clinton fund-raiser Norman Hsu and former Clinton deputy White House counsel Vince Foster alike and how are they different?
They are alike in that they were both friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton. They are alike in that they were both connected with suicide notes.
They are different in that Hsu seemed to have written his suicide note while Foster's seemed to have been faked. They are different in that Hsu was found before he could follow through but Foster is dead.
Moral? Do what the Clinton's want or die trying--or, better yet, don't answer any of their help wanted ads.
The Death of Vincent Foster: Evidence Of A Cover-up
Hsu Sent Suicide Note Before Disappearance
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 10:10 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
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----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Impossible To Ignore
Bill Roggio is reporting as an EMBED with the Tenth Mountain Division in Iraq:
A crucial indicator of success or failure of the “surge” – the deployment of an additional five US Combat brigades and supporting soldiers – is the ability of US forces to involve the local population to provide for security. The crux of the General David Petraeus’ counterinsurgency plan for Iraq is to provide the security to allow the local, provincial, and central governments to move forward with political accommodations." [read the whole thing]Of course, Bill, like most embeds has reported the "surge" is working far better than we learn from the mainstream media (i.e., The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS, NBC and ABC.) He reports:
The impact of the surge in the Haswa region is impossible to ignore. The Sunni insurgency has gone fallow while the Mahdi Army is under assault. Attacks on US forces have dropped significantly. Reconstruction projects are underway. The local markets are open and packed with people, while local farmers and merchants are looking to push their products to markets outside the region." [emphasis added]"Impossible to ignore" - except by the Democrats questioning General Petraeus that is. Suspending disbelief indeed!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 07:14 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (3)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 12, 2007
I'm Sorry Mrs. Clinton...
...but I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about so very many of the things you have done and weasled about. I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about the dispicable behavior of many in the Democratic party over the war, over their behavior towards other house and senate members when the Dems sense blood in the water, I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about:
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 06:53 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

UC-Irvine Enters Bizarro World [Updated]
The new law school at UC-Irvine hired a professor from Duke as its new dean, and then fired him a week later because he's a liberal. What a reversal from the normal ways of colleges. I guess they didn't want any partisans either.
Information and links can be found at UC-Irvine Hires, Then Fires, Chemerinsky as Inaugural Dean. Here are some of the comments which give information that you won't find in most articles.
As a UCI grad and Irvine resident, I'm guessing the Chancellor didn't know how thoroughly Chermininsky has placed himself in the public eye. It's not just that he's very, very liberal - it's that he's very very liberal every week on radio, in the newspapers and on TV."Since when did the UC system fire ANYONE for being too liberal?"
Uh yeah -- isn't that sort of like firing a basketball player because he's too tall?His sponsoring of a petition opposing Judge Roberts’ appointment to the Supreme Court based on distortions of Roberts appellate record and smearing him by association for the clients he represented (which is ironic considering some of the cases that Chemerinsky has taken) was disgusting behavior.
Well, what goes around comes around. I'm sure that some good TV lawyer would be willing to take the case for him.
(Our buddy Celeste Fremon teaches at UC-Irvine. Watch out, Celeste. You might want to change your politics from the dark side.)
Assignment: Compare and contrast how liberals and conservatives approach this firing. See Celeste's post titled UC Irvine’s New Gag Rule with additional emphasis on the commenters to look into the soul of liberals (if they haven't already promised them to the devil.)
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 04:40 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (1)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Confirmation Process In Reverse Order
Shouldn't we learn something about this guy first?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed on Wednesday to block former Solicitor General Theodore Olson from becoming attorney general if President George W. Bush nominates him to replace Alberto Gonzales."He's a partisan, and the last thing we need as an attorney general is a partisan," Reid told Reuters in a brief hallway interview on Capitol Hill.
I thought that the Democratically controlled Senate was supposed to hold the confirmation hearings first and then reject the Republican nominee after smearing his reputation. It was nice of Sen. Reid to put this one on the fast-track and reject Olson even before he was nominated.
I like that part about not having an Attorney General who is partisan. Maybe we could nominate and confirm a "non-partisan" acceptable to the Democrats, like Bill Clinton, who could have that cabinet post to keep him out of trouble while his wife runs for the presidency. She could make it permanent, if she wins and if non-partisan Janet Reno doesn't object.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 04:00 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

A Thinking Blogger Thinks I Think and Awarded Me The Thinking Bloggers Award
My very dear friend Fausta Wirtz of Fausta's Blog was awarded a Thinking Bloggers Award complete with logo:
Now, Fausta is one of the really good bloggers around, and she has been on my Favorites List from way back when she was on blogspot and called her blog "The Bad Hair Blog." But, I digress, Fausta then posted the following:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you Think,Thinking it through, I Thinkthat she gave a lot of Thought to the process and nominated four really good bloggers/Thinkers and she also nominated me. I've been nominated before by some really good folk, and I'll add this one to the score for a Triple Play of Thinking Blogger. At least I Think I can do that. I even Think I may be able to do this without too many gripes. I don't Think too many folk will Think it inappropriate.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote.
Since the Nice Matters Award was for women bloggers, now it's time for the guys:1. Siggy, for his blog and for his invaluable support and help with my podcasts.
2. Ed Morrissey, for his excellent blog and for being a true friend.
3. GM Roper, because his posts make me laugh and Think.
4. Rob Bluey for his blog, for his support, and for his work at the Heritage Foundation, which is an invaluable source of well-researched, well-explained information in all economic matters affecting our contry.
5. Jeremayakovka, for his excellent commentary on arts and politics.
![thinkingbloggerpf8jw8[1]-769643 copy.bmp](http://gmroper.mu.nu/archives/thinkingbloggerpf8jw8[1]-769643 copy.bmp)
So, who to nominate? First, they must either be Thinkers or make me Think. OK, so here goes:
1. Yaacov Ben Moshe who writes Breath of the Beast A Thinker if there ever was one.
2. Lawrence Harris who occasionsly blogs at GM's Corner. I can't read 5 sentences of his without Thinking about what he has said.
3. The Bald Headed Geek who writes a blog of the same name who in spite of being quite a Thinker has still said some nice things about me. Silly man!
4. Mike at Mike's America - an unabashed patriot. Nuff said!
5. My Aussie Friend Didgeman from Down Under: who blogs at Voice of the Pacific a true Thinker who supports both his country, and unabashedly ours!
Note: Though some of this is said jestfully, the thoughts behind my thanks to Fausta and my feelings about my nominees are sincere and well Thought out.
This Post Blogged By: gmroper at 02:35 PM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (4)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

It Depends Upon the Meanings of "Associated" and "Betray"
As widely publicized, Moveon.org (which never moves on) ran a full page ad on Monday in The New York Times (discounted by $102,000) attacking Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, with the headline "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?"
At an important Congressional hearing, Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker testified on the U.S. future in Iraq. At that hearing, this exchange took place:
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida): "...I offer my colleagues the opportunity to use this hearing to distance themselves from the despicable ad that was published today calling into question the patriotism of General Petraeus.”
Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii): "Point of order, Mr. Chairman! Nobody has to distance themselves from something they weren’t associated with.”
Liberals defended the ad and said that the inference that that the general is a traitor is wrong because "the word 'traitor' appears nowhere in the MoveOn.org ad.... The word 'betray' used by MoveOn in the ad implies many meanings, but does not directly imply 'traitor'."
Here are my thoughts:
• The ad is wrong and offensive to say that our commanding general in Iraq betrays our country.
• The Democrats do not consider that taking money from MoveOn.org, accepting its publicity, and participating at its convention is the same as associating with that organization.
• The word betray, when used in context of military leadership, clearly suggests that the general is a traitor.
• The Democrats are not distancing themselves from the ad, much less condemning it.
It's bad for a major suporter of Democrats to suggest that our general betrays us, it's bad for an elected U.S. represetative to not "distance" himself from such a statement, it's bad to hide behind the word "associated" and an unexplicable definition of it, and it's bad to defend the ad with a strange definition of "betray."
The Democratic dictionary sure keeps people confused (not to mention that they end sentences with prepostions.)
Can't the Democrats quit hiding behind words and just come out and say that the ad is wrong because they are loyal Americans and serve in Congress? (You don't have to answer that.)
But, just to show how simple this should be, the word "betray" has a clear meaning when used to describe a military person, it is offensive and misleading to use that term to describe this general, I have no association with MoveOn.org, yet, I can not only distance myself from its ad but, as a patriot, I condemn it as well.
Try it yourself. If we can show Democrats that we can condemn the MoveOn.org ad, then maybe they will know that it's possible.
In the meantime, people should be reminded of the cowardly refusal of the Democrats to do the right thing, and people should continue to pressure them to condemn disgusting attacks on a good and competent general. We wouldn't want the Democrats to be put into a position where others would say that they betrayed our soldiers and our country.
This Post Blogged By: Woody M. at 09:30 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Sign The Petition!
Stand By The American Mission In Iraq
Click on the link above, read the petition from the Victory Caucus and sign please if you support the Mission In Iraq.
A tip O' The GM Derby to Fausta
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 05:53 AM | Talk Back but Remember That Comments Do Not Necessarily Reflect The Opinion Of GM or of Woody: (0)
We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 11, 2007
Berlin, September 11, 2001
Reprised from a prior posting.
It was the trip of a lifetime, planned, on board the SS Marco Polo with hundreds of fellow veterans, all courtesy of USAA travel. We had landed in Copenhagen, traveled to Tallinn, Estonia; to St. Petersburg, Russia; to Finland and Stockholm and then to Warnemunde, Germany where we were to take the train to Berlin. I was excited, taking my wife to Germany, land of my birth, home of many fond memories of my youth.
We disembarked at Warnemunde at 7:00 AM, for a three hour train ride to Berlin Arriving at 10:20 AM; 3:20 AM New York time a 7 hour difference. A cab ride shared with friends to the Brandenburg Gate. Walking through the Brandenburg gate, visiting Checkpoint Charlie and the Checkpoint Charlie Museum. Making a purchase of a piece of the Berlin Wall for my brother and other Berlin souvenirs for other family. Walking down Unter den Linden with a rain squall having made the street's damp and muggy. Waiting in line at the Bundestag but giving up when the rain started.
Grabbing a late supper we desperately hunted a cab to get back to the train station on time for the return trip and the cabbie, thinking we were just stupid tourists took the long way around. He was a little surprised when I let him know that I wasn't going to pay for the extra miles. Getting to the train station with a few minutes to spare, I looked up at the at the TV overhead and noticed a building on fire, but the train was boarding and I didn't have time to listen. It was probably just as well, my German was pretty poor anyway.
Settling down in the car with two others from the ship that we had befriended the train started on time. One of the passengers came in and said, America had been attacked. "What?" Confusion! By who, what happened? Questions flashing through my brain, concern on my wife's Face, rumor flashing from train car to train car!
Finally, one of the German guides came in and told us that the Twin Towers in New York had indeed been struck by planes and had since collapsed. Fear was on every face in the train.
It took longer than the trip down to get back to Warnemunde, a time that while only close to four hours, seemed like twenty four. All the time cut off from additional information. Worry traveled with us the whole way.
Arriving in Warnemunde we were warned that re-boarding the ship would take a while, and that we needed to be sure that we had no contraband and plenty of identification as everything would be closely checked. Our Guide said that the Deutsche Bundeswehr (German Army) was now in control of the port at Warnemunde and would be in charge of our safety. Walking the three blocks from the train station to the dock in the dark with only the occasional street lamp to guide us, and fear and worry accompanying us, we arrived safely to long lines.
Soldiers with grim faces and submachine guns at the ready stood guard along the dock and massed at the gangplank of our ship and the other cruise liner docked there. Two military vehicles were at the head of the dock with stern looking soldiers manning what appeared to be close to .50 caliber machineguns on the top of the armored personnel carrier type vehicles.
We slowly made our way to the ship, presented our passports and had our bags searched. On board at last, we made our way rapidly to our stateroom and turned on CNN. The scenes of the Twin Towers being struck, on fire, collapsing was played again, and again, and again. America! Struck by an enemy that cared not who he killed. Innocent civilians going about their jobs wiped out in a matter of minutes. Finally dropping off to sleep in the wee hours of the morning of the 12th, I slept fitfully, with images of fire and disaster haunting my dreams.
The rest of the trip was somewhat of a blur. I know we cruised the Kiel Canal to Amsterdam and then to Dover for the bus ride to London. In London, finally, at a hotel where we could decompress, the emotions hit, the tears flowed and anger coursed.
The next day, we traveled to the U.S. Embassy and went to the memorial garden set up by the peoples of England at the base of the statue of General Eisenhower. Some of the flowers and items left tore at my heartstrings, especially a little fire truck left by some small English child. Some of the photos of the memorial are below. The memories still haunt me from time to time. For the citizens of New York, it can only be worse.

The Flag at the Embassy, Half Mast
Candles left by the Wonderful People of England
Cards of Condolence, expressions of Love
The Flag in Flowers
The firetruck of a child reading in childish script "to all the firemen who died," the one photo that then, as now breaks my heart.
Thank you London, Thank you People of England, you took some of the pain away and left memories. Some bitter, some sweet, all worth having!
The Ultimate 9/11 Memorial Movie
Linked at STACLU and Texas Fred's
Moving Photos at Mudville Gazette
An updated post at The Bald Headed Geek
Cathouse Chat has T.H.E. videos.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 11:59 PM
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

September 10, 2007
GM Interviews Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan famously retired from participating in the anti-war movement on May 28, 2007 announcing her decision on her Daily Kos Diary:
I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called "Face" of the American anti-war movement. Especially since I renounced any tie I have remaining with the Democratic Party, I have been further trashed on such "liberal blogs" as the Democratic Underground. Being called an "attention whore" and being told "good riddance" are some of the more milder rebukes.Of course, I doubt that she was given a lot of "smear and hatred" until she became the "so-called 'Face' of the American anti-war movement" but that's another story. A short six weeks after "retirement" Ms. Sheehan announced that she was taking on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) because:
Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership. We hired them to bring an end to the war. I'm not too far from San Francisco, so it wouldn't be too big of a move for me. I would give her a run for her money."Then I read where Ms. Sheehan was arrested today protesting the presence, and presumably testimony of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker before Congress. It occurred to me that perhaps Ms. Sheehan had thus decided to come out of retirement and perhaps she would consent to an interview. I called around and tracked her down and she graciously
The Interview

This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 08:49 PM
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Sheehan Bloviates Again.
Cindy Sheehan, semi-professional anti-war/anti-bush, political gadabout famously announced her retirement a couple of months ago stating that she was getting out because she was tired of a number of things, but included being called a media whore. Well, she came out of retirement again to announce she was running against Nancy Pelosi. Today, she came out of retirement again to protest the presence and one presumes the testimony of General Petraeus and was promptly arrested:
According to the information from the Capitol Police, Sheehan and the other three were shouting in a hallway.Hmmmm, was it her presence? Nooooo! Was it the fact that she was protesting appropriately? Noooo! Was it because she was shouting and being her typical media whorish self? Yes! Retirement my ass.
This Post Blogged By: gmroper at 01:05 PM
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

GM on BlogTalkRadio
This coming Monday, September 10, 2007 I will be the guest of the incomparable Faust Wirtz of Faustas Blog along with her co-host Siggy of Sigmund, Carl, & Alfred on BLOGTALKRADIO. The show starts at 12:00 PM Eastern time, 11:00AM Central time and 10:00 AM Pacific Time (all those are daylight time of course).
Join us for a rollicking good time as we make fun of John Edwards (See my post "The Mental Health Police" for a rather funny look at the whole universal health care idiocy as though one plan fits all.
Don't miss it, I guarantee it will be a blast!
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 12:00 PM
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845

Carnival of the Insanities
The Carnival of the Insanities is up over at Dr. Sanity's place. Be sure and drop by for some very funny, and very sobering looks at the insanity of what is going on in the world in general, and the left in particular. There is some great reading here folks. If you don't have Dr. Sanity on your "Favorites" list, you are missing out on a lot.
This Post Blogged By: GM Roper at 05:18 AM
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We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
----- Texas Preamble, 1845