September 12, 2007

I'm Sorry Mrs. Clinton...

...but I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about so very many of the things you have done and weasled about. I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about the dispicable behavior of many in the Democratic party over the war, over their behavior towards other house and senate members when the Dems sense blood in the water, I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief about:

  • Rose Law Firm documents turning up in the White House.
  • Your making $100,000.00 with a $10,000.00 investment in such a short time.
  • Telling the Light The Lamp reporter: "As you know, I consider myself an evangelical Christian, really a Christian conservative..."
  • Telling people you were named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
  • Your saying you had no idea that Norma Hsu was corrupt.
  • Your many lies about Iraq depending on who you are talking to.
  • Your denying participating in smear campaigns of others.
  • Telling people that Chelsea was "in danger" she was jogging right by the Twin Towers on 9/11 when in fact she was on the other side of town.
  • Stating in "Liveing History" that you worked for Mel Burnstein when in fact you worked for Robert Treuhaft a member of the Communist Party of the USA and Lawyer for the party..
  • About anything you might claim about what you will do as president.

    Posted by GM Roper at September 12, 2007 06:53 PM
  • Comments

    I'll give her the Chelsea one. While it could be a me-tooism to show how she was really involved, it is also quite possible that a parent's mind would think like that.

    Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at September 12, 2007 09:26 PM

    The return on Hillary's commodities investment was even more miraculous in that she invested only $1,000 rather than $10,000.

    Careful, G.M. Remember the "Clinton Body List."

    Posted by Woody at September 13, 2007 06:55 AM

    Bush has a body list of his own, you know... Mostly Iraqis are on it, though.

    Posted by e. nonee moose at September 14, 2007 07:22 AM

    Mostly terrorists...and, they were killed over there rather than here. Bill Cliinton just bombed aspirin factories and the Chinese embassy. (That one must not have given him money.)

    Posted by Woody at September 14, 2007 12:21 PM

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