September 27, 2007
Mahmoud & Michael X3
Political Cartoonist Michael Ramirez has had a field day with Mahmoud AhMADinejad these last few days, first with the Iranian PUNK President wanting to go to the Twin Towers memorial site, next with his SPEECH harangue at Columbia University and lastly with his INTEMPERATE asinine rant at the United Nations. So, for those of you not familiar with this outstanding cartoonist, I present the three above noted Editorial Cartoons true life portraits of Mahmoud.
First, the real reason he wanted to visit the Twin Tower Site:

Second, his harangue at Columbia:

And lastly his rant at the UN:

Ahmadinejad was accorded all the privileges of state as is dictated by "protocol" even though everyone with a lick of sense knows that he is only one step away from being a mass murderor. That some in this country would idolize him turns my stomach:
Daily Kos: Why I Have A Little Crush on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.That was from diarist SallyKohn writing at the Daily Kos. So let me get this straight (assuming that's possible) "blunt truths" about Bush's Administration and would kill her, execute gays etc., etc., but he is "cuddly?" My G-d, is this woman daft? Oh, wait, she is of course! Which is precisely why so many of the left are in dire need of treatment for severe mental disorders such as Bush Derangement Syndrome and Moral Retardation.No, it’s not a joke. And no, this is not an unusual sentiment at Daily Kos.
I know I’m a Jewish lesbian and he’d probably have me killed. But still, the guy speaks some blunt truths about the Bush Administration that make me swoon...
Okay, I admit it. Part of it is that he just looks cuddly. Possibly cuddly enough to turn me straight. I think he kind of looks like Kermit the Frog. Sort of. With smaller eyes. But that’s not all...
I want to be very clear. There are certainly many things about Ahmadinejad that I abhor — locking up dissidents, executing of gay folks, denying the fact of the Holocaust, potentially adding another dangerous nuclear power to the world and, in general, stifling democracy..."
With luck, the Iranian people will rise up and gut this hitler-wannabe, until then, I hope Bush and/or his successor has the guts to call a spade a spade and deal with Iran like the threat the Mullah's and Ahmadinejad have made it.
Posted by GM Roper at September 27, 2007 06:58 PM