October 02, 2007
The Dodo Awards
This month's Dodo Award is presented to Senator Harry Reid for his outstanding stupidity in questioning the patriotism of conservative Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh via an obviously trumped up charge of calling our troops "phony soldiers."
Not only does Reid know better, he damn sure ought to know that we know he know's better. Know what I mean?
Senator, I not only question YOUR patriotism, I question your ethics, your judgment and your intelligence.

Harry Reid is a disgrace and your post says it beautifully.
Do these arrogant and utterly self-involved Dems understand that the American people are not NEARLY as dumb as they are and that they are rapidly shoveling themselves into a hole from whence they may not emerge?
Or: "If Democrats Had a Brain, They'd Be Republicans" - as in the title of Ann Coulter's new book.
Posted by GAYLE MILLER at October 2, 2007 07:39 AM
Perhaps we should start asking progressives exactly what they mean by patriotism.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at October 2, 2007 08:19 PM
I can help you with that definition, AVI.
A liberal's (sorry, 'progressyve's") definition of being Patriotic is to dissent. It matters not if there is no basis or truth to that dissent. Dissent, by simple virtue of being in disagreement, is enough. As in, "Don't question my dissent."
Patriotism is not agreement, nor support of your country. It's not pride in everything that is good and right in this country. That's called "lock-stepping".
Let me know if you need any further clarification.
Posted by Oyster at October 3, 2007 05:50 AM