September 17, 2007

Think Again!

Think the amnesty "fix" for illegal aliens is history? Think Again!

... Senator Richard Durbin (D–IL) announced on the Senate floor his intention to offer the Development, Relief, and Edu­cation for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act as an amend­ment to the defense authorization bill.
Think Cindy Sheehan is just an "anti-war activist? Think Again!
"You [Sheehan] give us hope and you show us that there are different Americans than those whom we know," stated Ramadan Adassi, chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the West Bank's Anskar Refugee Camp.
Think that Pelosi and Kucinich's visits to Syria will help heel in state sponsored terrorism? Think Again!
It was not clear what the ship arriving from North Korea was actually carrying, although Israeli sources largely believed it was delivering nuclear equipment, the expert told the Washington Post.
Think Madaline Allbright learned the futility of diplomacy with tyrants due to her experiences with Kim from North Korea? Think Again!
"I don't think I have ever seen the world in such a mess," Albright said to a packed house at the West Des Moines Community Center.

Albright is advising Clinton on foreign policy and believes the U.S. needs to withdraw from Iraq, stabilize the country, help in reconstruction and use a diplomatic surge.

Posted by gmroper at September 17, 2007 09:44 AM

Good post!

When I was a lot younger and considerably more naive than I am today, I never would have been able to accept the bald fact that there would ever be people elected to Congress who would be so dead set on ringing down the curtain on the United States of America in both the concept and the practice thereof.

I'm reminded of a Russian political joke I read in Arkady Shevchenko's autobiography (Breaking With Moscow) back in the 1980s, in which Brezhnev wakes up from a nightmare and when his wife asks him about it, he says, "I dreamed that we finally realized our goal of Soviet world domination!"

His wife inquires, "Well, what is wrong with that?"

He replies, "Where will we get bread!?"

Posted by Seth at September 17, 2007 06:00 PM


1.What a problem for Dems in SF....deciding whether to vote for Pelosi or Sheehan.

2. Aircraft from the IDF attacked sites in Syria. Hmmm, what could be at those site? Ah, they were innocent children and other civilians....eating pizza at Sbarro's out at secret sites in Syria. Right. No? OK, what were at those site? Of course, the real deal is that Israel has NO time for error or reflection. All kinds of really bad people wish to do really bad things to them. Thus....well, GM, you know. At any rate, I love their zipped lip approach to all military ops.

3. For the hurrah for illegal aliens crowd: I think we ought just disband the Border Patrol - completely - and let anyone and everyone cross out borders. Seems the really right, moral, and intelligent thing to do. I would note, however, that all Libs must also take the doors off their houses and not whine is someone else has moved in.

Hey, let's do so...."..and then what happens...and then what happens...and then what happens.." kind of questioning and thinking. Whoops, Libs don't do that.

My other plan is to give TX, NM, AZ and Southern CA back to Mexico. Everyone living there now would have 90 days to decide whether they were Americans or Mexicans. All Americans would have to leave. All others would then become Mexican citizens. THEN, a real wall and a serious BP would enforce the laws of the U.S. at the new border. Hey, fair is fair, n'est pas?

No, I would not have the U.S. border like the Iron Curtain of GM's and my personal experience and observation. I would, however, be serious. Now, everyone with a problem with either Plan A or B, raise your hand.

See, this isn't nearly as easy as all those college professors say or their bumper stickers proclaim.

Posted by tad at September 17, 2007 06:25 PM

"...a diplomatic surge." No! Did she really say that? You can't make this stuff up, eh?

Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at September 17, 2007 08:00 PM

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