September 20, 2007
Hey Abu Jneya, I Got Your Hack Ri-Chere!
Not Safe For Work There is nothing more juvenile, childish and more stupid than a moron who hacks a blogsite just to prove he can. A little while ago that was me, hacked by one Abu Jneya which I have on good authority translates into "Pork Lover," well, maybe that is not an exact translation. At any rate, Mr. Jneya thought it cute to take over my main page with this abomination of a hack (but the kid is kind of cute - too bad he has a dickhead for a father):
When you click to read more of this, I'll provide the exact Arabic translation (well, as near exact as I can make it) but remember, this IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK... vile language ahead including my response!
Continue reading "Hey Abu Jneya, I Got Your Hack Ri-Chere!"September 06, 2007
Moral Retardation & Islamophobia
You will have to excuse a somewhat longish introduction but I think it necessary to set the tone for the whole post.
One of the smartest people on the web today, a blogger par excelance is Gagdad Bob who writes One Cosmos and who's banner proclaims:
Circumnavelgazing the Whole Existentialada of Lumin Development with a Seer's Prattleogue of Joycey Jimgnostics, Verticalesthetics, Dilettantric Yoga, Stand-up Cosmology, Wide Angle Pneumography, Extreme Seeking, Freevangelical Pundamentalism, Darwhiggian Evolution, and Buddhaflaw Correcting, all in a Reluxing Atmasphere of Omade Jehovial WitticismsBob's site never ever under any circumstances ceases to amaze me at both his insight, and his love of punny stuff. For who else could string together such a lengthy list of puns and gags? But, I digress. I always feature one of Bob's brilliant pieces in my series "Brief Politico-therapies: A Tour of the Psychbloggers." Today, I was scanning both an email from the indescribable Larwyn and a post from Gagdad Bob and I came across the term "Moral Retardation," and it struck me what a profound term that is, because it so well describes o much of what we call the left and the cult of islamofascism. Bob stated:
The moral retardation of so many leftists just astonishes me. And it is literally retardation, for just as one may be mentally retarded but a decent person, one may be intellectually brilliant but a moral imbecile, as so many leftist professors prove (not that they're so brilliant, either). Violence is good or bad, depending entirely upon the uses to which it is put."So, Gandhi was, except for who he was willing to bow down to, a early modern dhimmi.[...]
Yes, fighting fascists will only create more fascists! Until we kill all of them.
At a particularly dark time of the war, "when Germany's panzer divisions turned west, Allied armies collapsed under the ferocious onslaught, and British ships were streaming across the Straits of Dover from Dunkirk, [Gandhi] wrote furiously to the Viceroy of India: 'This manslaughter must be stopped. You are losing; if you persist, it will only result in greater bloodshed. Hitler is not a bad man....'" [by the bye, read the whole thing]
And, the suggestions that Gandhi made for European Jews was morally reprehensible in suggesting mass suicide as a "moral" response. As Bob notes, after the war when the extent of the holocaust became known, Gandhi was alleged to have said "that the Jews died anyway, didn't they? They might as well have died significantly."
Moral Retardation! That is what we are going to talk about when it comes to the islamofacist and their supporters. I'm sure you are as tired of being called an Islamophobe as I am, but when you get right down to it, it is a meaningless term used by morally retarded individuals who wish to see only one side of any dust-up involving Muslims. Let's get at least one thing straight, a phobia is a real disorder involving an irrational fear of a person, place, thing or situation. And the fear is such, that it interferes with normal day to day living/functioning. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. (text revision) (DSM-IV TR) has a diagnostic code of 300.29 for any given specific phobia. Thus, Coulrophobia (a fear of clowns) is given a diagnosis something like this:
Axis I: 300.29 CoulrophobiaDon't laugh, people who have true phobias are in many ways quite miserable in their fear. But again, I digress, so the term of islamophobia is a fauxphobia if you will. If someone is out to kill you (oh, not you specifically necessarily, for example they are not out to kill GM Roper, that I know of) but out to set bombs and other devices designed for mass death it is not an irrational fear.
If I believed, in spite of all available evidence that Islamists were out to kill me, the appropriate diagnosis might be paranoia. If I tremble and exhibit fight or flight symptoms in the presence of a Muslim, that might well be a case of islamophobia. But being angry at Muslims for not standing up to the islamofascists in their midst is not islamophobia, it is plain old anger, and not misplaced anger.
In the past, when Christians have trespassed the bounds of decency such as bombing abortion clinics, or a certain well known TV Evangelist saying that the tragedy of 9/11 may be God's wrath being visited on sinful America, the backlash against this was immediate and pronounced and most often, dealt with swiftly and succinctly. That has been almost universal. Even the bloodshed in Northern Ireland was denounced by a majority of Christians. Not so the trepidations of the islamofascists by other "moderate" Muslims. At least not more than a few.
Which brings us right back to the concept of Moral Retardation. There can be no response to the violence of the islamofascists other than to beat it back swiftly and harshly. To do otherwise is to embrace their tactics at worst, and at best a reprehensible bow to inhuman tactics. The Democrats (and others) who inveigh against the war in Iraq (or, if you are an avid reader of the New York Times inveigh against fighting Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia or as James Taranto says in the Wall Street Journals "Best of the Web Today:"
"al Qaeda Which Has Nothing to Do With Iraq in Mesopotamia Which Also Has Nothing to Do With Iraq Even Though It's Another, More Poetic Name for Iraq Which Has Nothing to Do With al Qaeda, a Homegrown Iraqi Group That Has Nothing to Do With Iraq Even Though It Is Mostly Iraqi, Albeit With Some Foreign Involvement Which Has Nothing to Do With Iraq."Convoluted to say the least. Yet, we can see in the left and in the Democratic party specific signs that indicate that there is no belief in this war, that it was a mistake, that it should have been a "police action" at most and preferably we would have negotiated with our enemies. Although they do not say how you negotiate with people that are actively trying to kill you.
If one cannot see that the reaction to a bunch of cartoons and ink drawings that call for beheading and death for the artist is over the top, the moral retardation is profound. What ever happened to the stalwart fellow who used to say "I don't agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?" What happened to liberalism? I'm old enough to remember when the staunchest anti-communists were part and parcel of the Democratic Party, that their willingness to tolerate a despotic and violent system was close to zero. Where did those people go? Have they all died out? Have they been replaced by those who say that islamofascism is just another belief just like Christianity and Judaism or Hinduism and Buddhism?
The chorus from the left is almost non-existent, except to say "Get out of Iraq," or perhaps a plea to "negotiate" with Iran or Syria. Cannot those people see the ultimate aim of the islamofascists? Cannot they tell that the tactics used by islamofascists and their supporters, those who hold up signs saying "Behead those who insult Islam" are beyond the pale? Is the moral retardation that profound?
I cannot help but wonder where and when there will be another strike of unimaginable proportions. Is that what it will take to wake up these people? Does the multiple arrests worldwide of would be terrorists complete with finding the ingredients of explosive devices not convince you that this is indeed a war of belief? If it doesn't, count yourself in with the other moral retardates, for you see, but you do not believe, you see, but you do not understand what is laid out before you in simple black and white.
So, the Diagnostic Criteria for Moral Retardation can be stated fairly easily:
An inability to comprehend the evil of islamofascism that occurs prior to the age of 100 and is pervasive in all or almost all of political thought and the presence of two or more of the following:Others may be able to add to the criteria, but for now, and for arguments sake, these are posted for your consideration.A belief that western values and traditions are a direct cause of increasing violence by the islamofascists. An inability to roundly condemn the tactics of beheading, explosive devices set off among non-military targets. A belief that George Bush is an evil greater than any other. A belief that all cultures are morally equivalent. An inability to understand that the very values that allow one to condemn the west, would be silenced should the islamofascists take over any political organization.
Update: A great example of Moral Retardation here.
August 30, 2007
Oh, THOSE Weapons of Mass Destruction
I think that we have a clue as to what happened to some of the WMD's that the U.N. inspectors said were not in Iraq. They were certainly right about these not being there.
(Reuters) Aug 30, 2007 - United Nations officials found vials of dangerous chemicals, which had been removed from Iraq a decade ago, in a U.N. building in New York.... The material was phosgene, a chemical warfare agent.... The Iraqi weapons inspectors came across the material as they were closing their offices, which are housed in a building near the U.N. headquarters in Manhattan....
Oops. I bet that these guys were just as surprised as Hillary Clinton was when someone found the Rose Law Firm billing records in the private living area of the White House. Maybe Hussein or the U.N. thought to have Sandy Berger sneak out the rest of the WMD's in his socks.
Keep moving, folks. There's nothing to see here. No evidence of WMD's. Keep your eyes forward and keep moving. No talking.
August 24, 2007
Gynophobia and Misogyny And The Islamic Male
Middle Eastern men, the vast, vast majority of whom are Muslim don't treat their women very well for the most part. The news, blogospheric, broadcast and dead-tree versions are full of stories of how Islamic men have mistreated women. The culture is rife with it. Yet, many Muslims in other countries are not near as drastic, not near as rigid so what is the cause, why so much damage?
Misogyny is partly the answer, hatred of women. The whys of that I'll leave to other mental health professionals, but I think it deserves a look. Another (part) answer may also be Gynophobia irrational fear of women. In most cultures, women are revered as mothers, caretakers, nurturers, comforters. In most of the Middle East, second class citizens. In Sharia courts, a woman's testimony is worth less than a mans. In a rape trial, four male witness must testify, if not, the woman may be accused of adultery. In Iran, a 16 year old girl who was raped was hanged for adultery (likely because she told off the judge). Women are required to wear ridiculous outfits such as the hijab and the burqa (pictured below).
Now, I acknowledge there is something slightly old fashioned, and not necessarily a bad idea in the concept of modesty (but that should apply to men as well - and one only needs to look at some of the outfits today to see what I mean; but then, I'm an old foggy). But, I digress, the hijab is traditional, the burqa is tribal and is the hijab taken to the extremes.
Above, I noted "In most cultures, women are revered as mothers, caretakers, nurturers, comforters." Dr. Sanity says it pretty well:
From a psychological perspective then, the freedom and empowerment of women in society are absolutely critical because they are responsible for the earliest environmental influences on children--influences that will impact the child throughout his or her life. If the society has little respect for women and regularly demonizes, debases or humiliates them, it will have a profound generational impact."In another article she notes:
Children who live with constant hostility and criticism learn to defend against the bad feelings and shame within; and to externalize blame onto others. Projection and paranoia, which are both external assignments of blame, are psychological defenses against shame."So it should be fairly obvious, that in the Middle East, at least, young boys grow up in this "external assignments" and focus on "someone perceived as weaker or more worthless..." or, in our discussion, W.O.M.E.N."Often this excessive shame is dealt with by humiliating someone perceived as weaker or more worthless than the shamed person (e.g., the family pet, women, Gays, or outside groups serve this function for both individuals and cultures)."
The failure of much of the left (though not all of the left for sure) to forcibly speak out about the treatment of women in the middle east is in part due to those on the left not wanting to be considered judgmental. That is a sin in P.C. parlance. After all, everyone knows that one culture is just as good as another. And even if they did speak out loudly, vociferously and call attention to the abominable treatment of women, organizations such as C.A.I.R. would cry "Islamophobia" which is, of course patent nonsense. But in the world of P.C. any so called phobia against any particular minority group is to be avoided like the plague.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed, for example, to drive. From MEMRI comes this little tidbit during a discussion on women and driving from Dr. Sleiman Al-'Eid, head of the Islamic culture department at KingSaudUniversity:
"In addition, this might lead women to wear make-up and uncover their faces. Even if you say that women will drive covered by a niqab, or dressed modestly, and so on, this will gradually lead her to uncover her face. This will also encourage her to be disobedient. There is no doubt that women will eventually be photographed, and these photos will be shown to other people - whether the traffic police or other who need to look at these photos, for identification or nay other purpose. This will lead women to mix with men."Or, as noted in Athena's Wisdom:[...]
"Another consequence of this will be the diminishing of men's guardianship over women. If a women drives, she will have a certain degree of independence, and she will come and go, travel, and so on. This will also lead to an increase in suspicions. When she has her own car, she will go out and return late." [source]
The good doctor reveals the real motivations behind the restriction: women aren’t allowed to drive due to the fear that Saudi men will have difficulty controlling their women. This is how deep this pathology is embedded in the Saudi culture psyche—a simple request for a women to drive threatens the very manhood of the Saudi male.I suspect that more than just the manhood of Saudi men are threatened, I suspect that they abjectly fear women having sexual pleasure, the ability to have orgasms, the knowledge that they are more than just sperm repositories for making babies and serving men. From what other reason could the practice of clitoridectomy and other types of female genital mutilation derive. While this practice is fairly widespread across cultures, as neo-neocon notes " tends to follow a geographic distribution that intersects in many places with Islam, so the two are sometimes linked together in actuality, if not in origins." The practice is NOT Islamic and indeed, predates Islam though many believe that it is required by the Quran. neo-neocon goes on to say:
In cultures where such mutilating customs are practiced, one reason that women tend to be in charge of performing them on other women (on little girls, actually) is that, in such cultures, men have been traditionally discouraged from touching women’s bodies intimately–except sexually, that is, in the proper sanctioned relationships. But the more important reason that women are the agents of their own mutilation is that, of course, women are part of the culture, too. The custom is all of a piece, as is the culture, and women are not separate from it.Or maybe I'm just blowing hot air, maybe this whole fear of women boils down to one thing. Their penises are so small that they fear that they will be laughed at, so they forestall that by mistreating their women.In the case of areas in which female circumcision is the custom, it is usually a cultural norm for men to only want to marry a circumcised woman. Of course, women want the girls in their own family to be marriageable; an uncircumcised girl would be a terrible liability. Still another goal of female circumcision is to enforce chastity by reducing female sexual desire, which is felt to be threatening and dangerous. Older woman, therefore, are also trying to control the tendency of younger women to run around and be sexually wild, and thus to reflect badly on the family (sleep around, get pregnant, etc.–all of which is absolutely forbidden in shame/honor cultures).
August 22, 2007
Live, From Iran, The New Theresienstadt
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,"
...............................................- George Santayana
More Connecting The Dots
Terezín, (now) in the Czech Republic is more frequently known by its German name, Theresienstadt. Theresienstadt is an old walled fortress constructed between 1780 and 1790. During World War II, Theresienstadt was used as a transfer point for the Nazi's and walled ghetto to act as a front in the extermination of Jews. The Nazi's went to great lengths, including the building of false fronts, theaters, concerts, artistic displays etc. to show how "happy" the Jews were in their incarceration.
In June, 1944 the Nazi's permitted the International Red Cross to visit Theresienstadt and
...erected fake shops and cafés to imply that the Jews lived in relative comfort. The Danes whom the Red Cross visited lived in freshly painted rooms, not more than three in a room. The guests enjoyed the performance of a children's opera, Brundibar, which was written by inmate Hans Krása."The hoax against the Red Cross was so successful for the Nazis that they went on to make a propaganda film at Theresienstadt. Production of the film began on February 26, 1944. Directed by Jewish prisoner Kurt Gerron (a director, cabaret performer, and actor who appeared with Marlene Dietrich in The Blue Angel), it was meant to show how well the Jews lived under the "benevolent" protection of the Third Reich. After the shooting most of the cast, and even the filmmaker himself, were deported to Auschwitz. Gerron and his wife were executed in the gas chambers on October 28, 1944. The film was not released at the time, but was edited into pieces that served their purpose, and only segments of it have remained."
There is, of course, nothing new about "fooling" the public. Does Potemkin Village ring a bell?
So, while "Potemkin village" has come to mean, especially in a political context, any hollow or false construct, physical or figurative, meant to hide an undesirable or potentially damaging situation, in fact there appears to have been no such thing.So, on one hand we have Theresienstadt a real "Potemkin Village" and the other "Pseudo-Potemkin Villages" some real, some not but all by socialist parties trying to "fool" the public or public agencies. Today, we have in Iran, another Theresinstadt/Potemking Village in Tehran where the ruling (and socialist but called Islamic Republic) has tried to make nice with the world by proclaiming how "happy" the jews are to live in Iran."Potemkin village" has also frequently been used to describe the attempts of the Soviet government to fool foreign visitors. The government would take such visitors, who were often already sympathetic to socialism or communism, to select villages, factories, schools, stores, or neighborhoods and present them as if they were typical, rather than exceptional. Given the strict limitations on the movement of foreigners in the USSR, it was often impossible for these visitors to see any other examples. [2]
This practice was certainly not confined to the Soviet Union, but rather has been common in "currently socialist countries." "The Big Fish" is a famous story from People's Republic of China which deals with the visit in the early 1970s of foreigners to an urban market Potemkin Village.
In this photograph, taken from Al Jazeera news, Jews are shown happily greeting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. From their dress, fedoras and beards, we can assume that these are Hasidic Jews(which oddly enough sprang up in 12th century Germany) or perhaps Orthodox Jews (Source) and from the smile on the face of Ahmadinejad, we can assume he is happy to see them. Now, that would be strange indeed as he has said in the past that he want's to exterminate the Jews so why would he be embracing them if not for a Theresinstadt moment?
Pam Geller, that oh-so-very astute blogger at Atlas Shrugs said in a recent post:
I love when al jizz is used as a "news" source. Sheer audacity to cite a captive 25,000 Jews living in dhimmitude in Iran. The idea that these subjugated Jews are happy Jews is vile.Not being a Jew nor an Israeli, I can't comment on that, but I can, as a rational being, decide for myself what Ahmadinejad is up to.
The al Jizz pic is rich - peyas does not a Jew make.
It should be obvious to anyone with two neurons to rub together, that no one is fooled by the show of this particular mad man. He has threatened to exterminate the Jews/Israel, he has denied that there was a holocaust, he has denegrated any ally of Israel calling them the Little Satan (lucky us, we are still the Great Satan) and he is feverishly working on developing nuclear weapons. Can there be any doubt as to what his intentions are. The show of releasing the Brittish sailor/marines hostiges was one such show. "See how happy these hostages guests are? We even give them parting gifts and release them on EASTER." "See how well we treat our Jews and how Dhimmitudenous happy they are? Why, I even smile as I hug them. How can I be another Hitler?"
To quote Al Jazeera:
If Ahmadinejad really is Hitler, why are some 25,000 Jews living peacefully in Iran?The answer should be simple Mr. Cook, even to a moron like yourself. To go with the "New Hitler" we need a "New Theresinstadt."By Jonathan Cook
Iran is the new Nazi Germany and its President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is the new Hitler. Or so Israeli officials have been declaring for months as they and their American allies try to persuade the doubters in Washington that an attack on Tehran is essential. And if the latest media reports are to be trusted, it looks like they may again be winning the battle for hearts and minds: Vice President Dick Cheney is said to be diverting the White House back on track to launch a military strike."
And so, to end this post let me change Santayana's quote a bit:
Beware of those who deliberately repeat the past, for we are sure to be harmed by it."
...............................................- GM Roper
August 20, 2007
I Demand the Muslim Foundation of America Attend Sensitivity Training!
Somewhere, sometime, some stupid jerk (Don Imus, are you reading this?) says something so far out and offensive, you just want to shudder. On the other hand, I get that same shudder when someone somewhere says that they are deeply wounded by an insensitive remark uttered by some comic, or politico or sports figure or author or blogger and the PC world jumps up and demands, DEMANDS i say that the clod go to (gasp!) Sensivity Training.
There, the wizards of PC will teach you how to stifle your feelings, how to close your mind to any sort of comment, gesture or joke that may, MAY insult someone. THe Wizards of PC will then give you a certificate of completion which you can show to your boss, or your neighbor (or a judge?) proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are now immune to calling Arabs "rag heads," Japanese "japs," or G-d forbid African Americans "niggers," or even a Mexican "spic" or "wetback." Now, I'll be the first to tell you that I grew up hearing those phrases all my life from my dads dad, and from assorted neighbors, friends and relatives. Fortunately for me, my Mother really tried hard to raise a gentleman and a gentle man (if you get my drift) and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I ever used those words, my mouth would have an uncomfortable encounter with Ivory Soap and the seat of my pants would have an even more uncomfortable encounter with a paddle or switch. I raised my daughter the same way and I hope to high heaven that she raises her kid(s) the same way.
Having said that, there are times when I think entire organizations ought to be paddled, have their mouths washed out with soap or some other dire and mysterious punishment that cannot be discussed in "polite" society. The Klu Klux Klan comes to mind, the White Citizens Council and even the entire leadership of Iran and Syria (I officially volunteer to wash Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mouth out with soap for all the idiocies he has uttered). To this list, let us now add the Muslim Foundation of Americ because they are obviously one of the more insensitive, idiotic, stupid, irrational groups around (second only to C.A.I.R. perhaps).
On Septermber 9th, 2007, 5 years, 363 days after the terror strikes Act of War by 19 Muslims between the ages of 19 and 49 when they flew two loaded air liners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are going to stage a MARCH in downtown New York.
New York for Pete's sake. New York, where 2500 people were murdered by the MFA's co-religionists. New York, where the scars of that animalistic attack are still present in the ground, and in the hearts of more than 8 million people. EIGHT MILLION, thats 8,000,000 people. Oh My G-d! Is the MFA nuts?
Yet, let someone say anything bad, slightly bad, mildly bad or report suspicious behavior and these groups stand up in unison shouting "Bigotry, Islamophobia" etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. They demand that America "understand" them, that we allow them special conditions, that we all but kowtow.
Well, I've had it. Send them all to Sensivity Training, whoop their butts, wash their mouths out with soap, disband them and make them illegal. I don't really give a damn. If those organizations are so insensitive as to not recognize how hurtful this action is in the city, then they are even more stupid than I thought they were, and that is saying something.
If you are at all concerned about this gross act of sheer stupidity, please contact the Mayor's office.
August 01, 2007
And The Award Goes To...(May I Have The Envelope Please?)

We absolutely know that the Islamofascists and their running dogs are psychotic. We know this because while no one can read anyone's mind, we can absolutely tell by their actions. So, this issue of the Dimwitted Dodo Award for rank stupidity, sheer incompetance as a human being and someone who while taking part in the benefits of this country governed by our constitution is obviously someone who has never bothered to read it. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Omar M. Ahmad who stupidly, with malice aforethought, said
If you choose to live here (in America) ... you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam...Doofus! First Mr. AhMAD, you'd have to tear up the constitution. Second my dear islamofascist running dog, if someone chooses to live here (in America) they have a responsibility to support the constitution or get the hell out. Wanna fight for Islam? Fine, head for Iraq, Afghanistan or any similar spot on this planet, but don't come into this country and tell me that Islam is my fate or that the Koran should be the highest authority in my country.
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant."
The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth..."
Oh, any by the way, your lap dog Hooper can go with you to where-ever you choose to go.
So, to recap, this issue of the Dimwitted Dodo Award goes to Ahmad, Hooper and CARE C.A.I.R. and all the islamofascist running dogs.

H/T to that real authority on what is Riehl: Dan Riehl
Filed under: Islamofascism
July 30, 2007
Radical Islam Working with the Left
After the fall of the Soviet Union, leaders of American communist groups found a new base in environmentalism from which to attack capitalism. Well, now the "environmental cause" has found new supporters in militant Islam. Who knew that the two groups would have something in common?
A post by Jennifer Marohasy, brings the connection to our attention. Besides being a nice person and extremely qualified on enviromental issues, she has shown a special interest in the plight of Richard Ness, who was charged and jailed in the environmental/legal struggle associated with these radical groups, and he is still fighting on appeal after winning the initial trial.
Abu Bakar Bashir, the well known spiritual leader of militant Islamic group, Jemaah Islamiya, has now joined forces with Indonesia's largest environmental organisation, WALHI, to protest against US-based mining corporation Newmont....It is perhaps not surprising that militant environmental and Islamic organisations are joining forces, they both believe that issues of poverty and corruption are a consequence of capitalism and the exploitation of people and natural resources by large multinational corporations....
Here is even more about the "environmental" group and backer of Democrats, Friends of the Earth, joining forces with the militant Islamic group, Jemaah Islamiya. The two are also fighting to disband the intelligence force that has been successful in arresting key people in the Bali bombing and with links to Al-Qaeda. This information is provided by the son of the accused man in this post: Strange Bedfellows
Even more shockingly (note sarcasm), the arrest and law suit against Richard Ness resulted because of an article by The New York Times, which boasted that they forced the government to take action against this man and the company. Now, they are being sued by him over their false and exaggerated story. Who would have guessed that the NY Times would publish something that is false?
Communists, enviromentalists, Islamic terrorists, The New York Times, and Democrats all in one happy cluster, working together to help each other's causes. We may be even leaving some others out. What does this tell you? Does it even surprise you?
May 25, 2007
Toads, Snakes and Being Eaten
One of the better, more thoughtful writers in the blogosphere is Yaacov Ben Moshe writing at The Breath Of The Beast. I've posted about Yaacov before and will doubtless do so again and again. This entry "The Queen Of The Toads" is particularly apt as a metaphor for those who make excuses for the islamofascists of any stripe:
I crouched down and watched for a while until the snake, with a subtle but urgent, peristaltic motion relaxed its hold instantaneously and inched up its teeth on the toad’s body- engulfing another three percent or so of its length. That gulp filled me with a claustrophobia and dread so deep that I couldn’t stand to see any more. I walked away- leaving them to their fates- one the devourer and the other the acquiescent devoured.Read the whole thing before coming back here and commenting.I’ll never forget the way the toad looked at me. It comes back to me time and again Even now, forty years later; the blank, blinking eye of the toad haunts me. Of course it is ridiculous to speculate on the motives, behavior and emotions of the toad. I don’t know why toads behave the way they do when snakes begin to swallow them. I do know that I am reminded of it very often by the behavior of my fellow human beings.
It is the look you get from people who are prepared to ignore any fact, accept any contradiction and succumb to any peril in order to support their current state of belief and comfort.
April 11, 2007
Bacon As A Hate Crime? Oh Please!!!
My good friend Always On Watch has posted an interesting tidbit regarding someone leaving a Koran on the steps of a mosque that had been "mutilated" with, (are you ready for this?) BACON... Sheesh.... C.A.I.R. is incensed, the police are investigating it as a hate crime. Hate Crime? Oh please! Where were the islamofascists of C.A.I.R. when "Piss-Christ" was put out, or the "painting" of Mary complete with elephant dung?
Lets see now... "Oh waitress, I'll have coffee, a large orange juice, two eggs over easy, English muffin toasted, hashbrowns and three slices of bacon. And, can I have a side order of Koran with that please?"
April 09, 2007
February 05, 2007
Rod Dreher; Islamophobe?
Rod Dreher has got some stones, is courageous, is articulate and is on a roll. Does that imply that I have a fairly healthy respect for Rod Dreher? You bet.
Recently, in City Journal Mr. Dreher published Muslim Mau-Mauing, a detailed account of his multiple run-ins with the Dallas Muslim community. Mr. Dreher started by noting the Dallas Morning News "ground breaking" expose of the Holy Land Foundation:
Dallas is home to a large and relatively prosperous Muslim community. The Dallas Central Mosque is Texas’s largest. The area’s Muslims, though, have had a contentious relationship in recent years with the Dallas Morning News, mostly because of the paper’s groundbreaking 2001 reporting on the Holy Land Foundation, whose leadership is now under federal terrorism indictment. Since then, local Muslim leaders have engaged in a running dialogue with the News, with the declared aim of improving relations. [emphasis added]"Now, I don't know about you, but this reminds me of the supurb editorial cartoon by Cox and Forkum:

It was in that spirit that Sayyid Syeed, then head of the Islamic Society of North America, came in, together with a local delegation, to see the editorial board a few months after I arrived from New York in 2003. Syeed made a laborious presentation about how journalists needed to join with the organization in promoting peace, tolerance, and reconciliation. I knew something about ISNA and asked Syeed why—if his group truly supported peace and suchlike—its board included members directly linked to Islamic extremism and anti-Semitism, including the notorious Wahhabi-trained Brooklyn imam Siraj Wahhaj. The professorial Syeed dropped his polite mask, shook his fist at me, told me that I would one day “repent,” and compared my question with a Nazi inquisition." [emphasis added]If the moderate Muslims in the United States really want to be part of an inclusive group, part of the national discourse than they must give up the idea that they are entitled to extra r.e.s.p.e.c.t. just because they are Muslims. I don't expect any extra measure of respect because I am a Christian, a male or a college educated individual. I don't pass out respect blythfully either and neither should anyone else. Respect must be earned and the shenannigans of the Dallas Muslim group is not doing so. Mr. Dreher, you have this blogger in your corner. Read all of the link to Mr. Dreher's post, and if you are a conservative, and even if you are not you might consider adding City Journal to your list of favorites. I have, and there is some mighty good reading there.
February 03, 2007
You Can't Keep A Good Pig Down
The good folk at Qatar Living recently did a post on the absolute stupidity of censoring a child's book:
In Qatar there is only one decent bookshop (that happens to be a Saudi chain) that has a few shelves of English books. Shopping there is hit or miss - you don't go there to look for a title. You go there in the hope of stumbling upon something interesting.Camper (the author of the post) provided a photo of the censored material.The kids selection is not bad though. The other night we saw Disney's "My Very First Encyclopedia with Winnie the Pooh and friends". We grabbed it and thought it was exactly what we needed for our daughter - not only does she love Winnie the Pooh but she's also started taking a keen interest in nature.
We flipped it open and noticed that some of the pages had been vandalised with a black marker. We figured it must have been bought and returned after some kids had got there hands on it. Further inspection made us realise that this was actually systematic. Someone had deliberately "censored" out each and every picture of Piglet from hundreds of pages in the book with a black marker (my guess is that the book got caught by Saudi Censors enroute to Doha).

Now, I don't know about you, but the deliberate defacement of a child's book like this would make me very, very curious as to what was inked out and would make me that much more interested in the topic than anything they could have done otherwise.
Being the curious sort that I am, I decided to call up the 100 Acre Wood and ask for my friend Piglet to see what Piglet thought about the whole brouhaha.
Ring, Ring, Riiiiiinnnnnnggggg!!!
Voice answers:
Helloooo? Christipher Robin here."
Christopher, it's me, GM. May I speak to Piglet please!"
Oh, hello GM, sure, let me get Piglet for you."
GM, so nice to hear from you once again. How have you been doing my friend."
Piglet, I'm doing fine. The wife and daughter are well also."
Oh GM, I'm so very glad to hear that. What can I do for you this fine February morning?"
Well Piglet, this is maybe a little insensitive of me, but I was wondering what you thought of having your picture magic markered over in Qatar?"
Oh yes, I read about that on one of the blogs just this morning with my cup of tea. I had Pooh over and we made scones with his favorite hunny. Well, GM, to be honest, I didn't think much of it. The people that did that really have no idea what they are doing, they are so confused and so backwards in their thinking. Besides, the last time I checked I was just a little insignificant cartoon."Oh, wait, they get really upset about cartoons don't they GM, well, as Pooh says, "Oh Bother."
But Piglet, do you mean to say that it really doesn't bother you at all? That you don't think it is anything to be worried about. After all, you live in England where there is a lot of unrest about what is going on in the Muslim world."
No GM, it really doesn't bother me. You see, I snuck into that bookstore in Qatar, you know the one owned by a Saudi chain and I fixed the problem I think. Here, let me share my "fix" with you. I'll send you an email with a picture of the fix."
Thanks Piglet. I knew I could count on you to figure something out. You know, if those folk had half your smarts, they wouldn't be as backwards as they certainly seem to be. Well, good bye my friend."
Good bye GM, and thanks for thinking of me. You know, we really must get together some time soon. When will you be back near the 100 Acre Wood?"
You never know Piglet, sometimes I just turn up and it may be there soon. Good bye again."
To see Piglet's solution, exactly as he emailed it to me, continue reading