August 01, 2007
And The Award Goes To...(May I Have The Envelope Please?)

We absolutely know that the Islamofascists and their running dogs are psychotic. We know this because while no one can read anyone's mind, we can absolutely tell by their actions. So, this issue of the Dimwitted Dodo Award for rank stupidity, sheer incompetance as a human being and someone who while taking part in the benefits of this country governed by our constitution is obviously someone who has never bothered to read it. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Omar M. Ahmad who stupidly, with malice aforethought, said
If you choose to live here (in America) ... you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam...Doofus! First Mr. AhMAD, you'd have to tear up the constitution. Second my dear islamofascist running dog, if someone chooses to live here (in America) they have a responsibility to support the constitution or get the hell out. Wanna fight for Islam? Fine, head for Iraq, Afghanistan or any similar spot on this planet, but don't come into this country and tell me that Islam is my fate or that the Koran should be the highest authority in my country.
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant."
The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth..."
Oh, any by the way, your lap dog Hooper can go with you to where-ever you choose to go.
So, to recap, this issue of the Dimwitted Dodo Award goes to Ahmad, Hooper and CARE C.A.I.R. and all the islamofascist running dogs.

H/T to that real authority on what is Riehl: Dan Riehl
Filed under: Islamofascism
It is up to each and all of us to proclaim every day that if muslims want to live here, they had better learn to fit in, and give up trying to make America (or Canada) part of the caliphate.
We have all tip toed around their sensibilities for far too long. I have tried to tackle this issue on my blog, and the simplest message to them is - your rights stop where the next guy's start. These are christian countries, and are going to remain that way. If that is too much for you, take your last welfare cheque and go home.
Posted by earl west at August 1, 2007 02:55 PM
The last graphic! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
I wonder how a Muslim feels about having his face on a dog's body.
Posted by Always On Watch at August 1, 2007 03:13 PM
What if the statement read:
"Christianity isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant."
Which is not far off from what I've heard many conservative Christians say.
Me personally, I frown upon Fundamentalism of any stripe.
Posted by e. nonee moose at August 1, 2007 03:45 PM
Excellent GMann.
Here's another reason CAIR and it's thugs deserve this award:
When can we start protesting CAIR and all it stands for?
Posted by Raven at August 1, 2007 04:17 PM
Moose, find me the quotes from conservative Christians who say that Christianity should be the only accepted religion on earth. Your impression that some people say things "pretty much" like that is easy to say, tougher to give evidence for.
I am using the standard of "high school test essay" for my requirement for evidence. I should say "college exam essay," but I seldom find that standard met in comments sections.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at August 1, 2007 08:28 PM
Moose, find me the quotes from conservative Christians who say that Christianity should be the only accepted religion on earth.
I didn't focus on that comment. I focused on the one where he said Islam should be dominant. And I personally know many Christians (I'm related to most of them) who whole heartedly and openly believe Christianity should be dominant.
But if you want public figures who espouse such views, try this guy:
And this was fairly recent:
And finally, there's this, though I admit many of these quotes are apocryphal at best:
And before someone makes the comment, "Christians don't send children and women out as suicide bombers", please be assured that I already know that. But that's NOT what this discussion is about.
Posted by e. nonee moose at August 2, 2007 06:18 AM
e.nonee - you are a fool.
as a christian, i can say i'd love for EVERYBODY to come to the saving grace of Yeshua, but i would never force a person to do so.
gm - please start leaving the "a" out of "c*ir" - they do not want relations with u.s. - as you said, they are here to dominate u.s.
Posted by nanc at August 2, 2007 03:25 PM
e.nonee - you are a fool.
Name calling is the best you can do? The token liberal here just chalked up a point on his scoreboard.
Posted by e. nonee moose at August 2, 2007 03:56 PM
Well, at long last, I finally know that Moose is a guy from his statement about "HIS scoreboard."
nanc, we like Moose. We just need to educate him more.
Posted by Woody at August 2, 2007 04:50 PM
Woody... I've actually emailed GM before... he should know my real identity.
Posted by e. nonee moose at August 3, 2007 07:18 AM
Moose, I was in Montgomery a couple of weeks ago. If G.M. had shared the information with me, we could have gone out for a Coke and talked about the Montgomery Biscuits. That's a great name!
Posted by Woody at August 3, 2007 09:37 AM
Moose, it may depend greatly on what is meant by the word "dominant," which can be interpreted in several ways, ranging from the fairly benign to the downright chilling. Because that word is ambiguous, we have to look to other evidence to determine what is meant by fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Moslems by that term.
I interpret the same word "dominant" very differently from the mouth of fundamentalist Christians, of which I know many and argue with often, and fundamentalist Moslems, of which I know entirely by reading. While it may be that I interpret conveniently, not seeing the reality clearly, I think not. Dominant Sunnis in Saudi Arabia do not allow the Shia to build mosques. Dominant Shia in Iran do not allow Sunni mosques (most places). Moslem dominance in Afghanistan means that death is the penalty for conversion.
In Western Europe, Moslems have "dominance " in some cities if one measures "most people at worship this week." But they do not consider Islam dominant there. They mean something much darker by dominance. Even in a time a century-and-a-half ago, when Americans displayed religious bigotry we are now appalled at, there was church vandalism but not bombing, gang fights but not warfare.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at August 3, 2007 09:37 PM
Moose, if you made the connection between the email and the nom de blog, I've forgotten it... sorry, chemo-brain still strikes on occasion.
Posted by GM Roper at August 4, 2007 09:02 PM
You're right, and I'm behind you 100%. Islam is incompatible with the US Constitution, and incompatible with any public official's oath to uphold same.
Posted by 1389 at August 5, 2007 12:25 PM