June 27, 2007

More Proof!

Of what? Don't ask.

South Africa: Johannesburg recorded its first confirmed snowfall for almost 26 years overnight as temperatures dropped below freezing in South Africa's largest city....

Australia: Local citrus producers have their fingers crossed waiting to see if their fruit suffered frost damage after the area experienced its coldest June day ever last week.

Posted by Woody M. at June 27, 2007 02:50 PM | TrackBack

Unfortunately, while a little unusual, it is winter in South Africa and Australia. But, I'm sure Gore recently visited both places. - G.M.


G.M., give me some credit for understanding the different seasons on each side of the equator. Maybe that's Al Gore's problem. He spends December down there and July up here and never sees it get cold. -Woody

Posted by GM Roper at June 27, 2007 04:11 PM

lol..he should have been in Texas with me..it rained cats and dogs and monkeys and elephants!

Posted by Angel at June 27, 2007 05:27 PM

It'll be interesting to see if you are still joking about this twenty-five years from now.

Posted by e. nonee moose at June 28, 2007 07:18 PM

I'm still laughing about the second ice age that was predicted 30 years ago.

Moose, honestly, I'm not taking this lightly, and it's not like I haven't done some research. However, I am skeptical about most everything, partly because of my profession, and I need a lot more evidence than people screaming that we need to hurry up and spend money before they have really proven their case.

Posted by Woody at June 28, 2007 07:35 PM

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