June 27, 2007
Move Over Mohammed Ijaz ul-Haq, You've Got Company
My very first Dodo Award went to Mohammed Ijaz ul-Haq for a truly dimwitted remark on the Knighting of Sir Salman Rushdie. This second award is somewhat different, and although I initially intended this award for truly stupid statements, at the time the possibility of utilizing it for other purposes should have entered my mind, but didn't. This second award is awarded to the United States Senate, to John McCain (Idiot, Az), Ted Kennedy (Drunk, Ma) and George W. Bush, RINO Prez. Why, you may ask? Simple, for trying to shove down our throats Amnesty Bill II (the first being passed in 1986). Oh, they'll tell us that it isn't, but it is, and it is because we were flooded with illegal aliens following the Amnesty I just as those of us who understood human behavior said we would be. And so, to those named I present the 2nd Dodo Award and the first for Conspicuous Stupidity!

and they truly deserve the award GM!
Posted by Wild Bill at June 27, 2007 08:27 PM
Very fitting!
I felt like partying tonight when I heard the the Amnesty Bill died in the Senate.
But be on the lookout: hate-crimes legislation may be next!
Posted by Always On Watch at June 28, 2007 09:21 PM