June 27, 2007
'Nuff Said

This Picture is worth at least 1000 words, if not 100 times that. Sad isn't it?
H/T Hugh Hewitt
Posted by GM Roper at June 27, 2007 07:33 AM | TrackBack'Nuff said? Not if that elephant's name is Dumbo, who can fly! Oh, wait. It is a Republican elephant so maybe that is his name. I hope it has a magic feather.
(Another view of the elephant?)
Posted by Woody at June 27, 2007 11:03 AM
If you will notice in the picture, there are still 2 feet on solid ground. This is not where Republicans or Conservatives ever thought they would be. If they would listen to the ones who FEED them, pay for their peanuts, then they would be in a much better position.
Posted by Debbie at June 27, 2007 08:30 PM
The terrain in the background gives the illusion that the fall off the precipice has a bottom, that it's not bottomless.
Posted by Jeremayakovka at June 27, 2007 09:54 PM
Perhaps the metaphor is that the Republican Party, needs to remember just where it came from?
Or maybe, are the Republicans ready to...
Posted by Patrick Sperry at June 28, 2007 12:22 AM
Something is missing from this picture: The bullet hole in each front foot.
The GOP has shot itself in the foot bigtime and now it's about to make the plunge into the abyss.
This has been in the making for years. All that blatant partisanship instead of concern for the needs of our country has done them in. What a drag! Both for America and for the GOP.
Posted by Rastaman at June 28, 2007 05:22 PM