January 17, 2007
A Study In Contrasts
Sometimes, nature is more interesting than politics. This is one of those times the top photo was taken in Florida last Friday, the second taken in Austin after an ice storm.
P.S., the hands in the second photo are my daughter's hands, the photographer is her fiancee'
Posted by GM Roper at January 17, 2007 07:43 AM | TrackBackNature and politics separate? Tell that to the global warming folks and have them explain the second picture at the same time.
Posted by Woody at January 17, 2007 08:38 AM
All right Woody I'll take your bet. The final stage of global warming is the shift of the Gulf current far enough south that we get to play with another ice age. Mother Nature is self correcting, so there you are. GM thanks for posting my pic.
Posted by psyberwolfe at January 17, 2007 11:27 AM
Congratulatons, psyberwolfe, on your engagment to G.M.'s daughter. You couldn't be becoming part of a better family.
On global warming, gw advocates can't lose. If it gets warmer, blame global warming. It it gets colder, blame global warming. Of course, it must be emphasized that global warming is entirely the result of mankind.
Posted by Woody at January 17, 2007 11:38 AM
I learned that little tidbit from Nova on PBS. I think they did a wonderful treatment on the subject. Should we be concerned? Yes. Will we destroy the planet? Probably not.
The doom and gloomist don't ever paint the full end game for global warming. The reason being is that most would then say, "If the climate will cool anyway... Then why bother?"
Anyways, as any intelligent Blogger knows Global Warming is directly related to the decline in global piracy. Don't believe me? Go Here. Wink Wink. ;)
Posted by psyberwolfe at January 17, 2007 06:13 PM
That's incredible!
Posted by Jeremayakovka at January 17, 2007 09:28 PM
Psyberwolfe, the real issue vis-a-vis Global Warming is whether it is caused by man and whether any efforts on the part of the industrial economies will make any difference. My scientific skepticism says we can't be sure if it is caused by man, because the data is inconclusive. Is the earth getting somewhat warmer? Probably, but is this cyclic, caused by an excessive number of sun spots or by anthropomorphic CO2 and the data just isn't there yet. Climatic models cannot predict 3 months in advance so why waste billions on Climatic modeling that says 20 years from now we will be "roasting." Besides, I gave the Pirate theory a show here some time ago... (Insert double grin here) ;-))
Posted by GM Roper at January 17, 2007 09:52 PM
�Sometimes, nature is more interesting than politics." Hmm...'sometimes'? I would say that it is always more interesting than politics. So many times I have vanished into the wilds of South or Central America by myself with just tent and pack. Upon emerging a week or more later I would find the same politicos regurgitating the same arguments over the same issues---as if I had never left.
The way I figure it, God made nature, man made politics. Nature---another word for �creation�--- was made by God for us. He does not need those endless forests and mountains and jungles. He presents them to us as yet another one of His gifts. It is the global warming crowd---just another reincarnation of Babylonian earth worshippers, really---that completely misunderstands nature. They would have her locked away in seclusion, available to be enjoyed only by grubs and worms and salamanders.
Oh, here in Oklahoma we are under the full force of global warming. Ice, freezing temperatures and closed schools.
Posted by Mike Austin at January 18, 2007 02:34 AM
Mike, you are of course right, I'll put up some more Nature Studies from "Sunny" (as opposed to dang cold south Texas right now) Florida by this week end.
Posted by GM Roper at January 18, 2007 07:12 AM