July 16, 2007
John Edwards Replaces Ambien [Updated]
This morning, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards appeared in a town hall meeting on ABC's "Good Morning America." When the camera was on Edwards alone, one could see that a participant behind him was clearly asleep. The director switched to another camera. During that time, it appeared that the first camera was relocated for a "better" perspective. Guess what this perspective showed...another person sitting behind Edwards with her eyes closed, too! To cut that, the camera zoomed in for a close-up of only Edwards' head so that we couldn't see how many people he had nodding off. Maybe Edwards' government health care plan includes substituting his message for sleep drugs. Then, I felt as if he was starting to put...me...to...sleeeeeeeeepppp.....
NewsBusters provided before and after pictures and a big question from the Edwards townhall meeting.

...Then Vanishes
Did "Good Morning America" physically remove a man who appeared to be dozing off during Democratic Senator John Edwards's town hall meeting on Monday? Early in the 7am hour, the man...appeared to be sleeping, or at least dozing, while Edwards discussed his plan for Iraq.Around 7:11, the individual, who was seated to the back and right of Edwards, mysteriously disappeared....
Maybe Criss Angel was there and made the man disappear. Yeah, that's it. ABC wouldn't pass up this story and remove the man unless...well, unless it was for a Democrat. You know it would be big news if this happened to a Republican.
Posted by Woody M. at July 16, 2007 09:20 AM | TrackBackzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Whazat... what did Edwards say?
Posted by GM Roper at July 16, 2007 09:25 AM
Wha da - hey keep it down in there - - try'n to get some "shut eye" here! Yawns guaranteed in all directions with this clown!
Posted by chrys at July 16, 2007 03:59 PM