May 14, 2007
You Have To Be Careful With Technology
Two days ago, on this site I announced that I was "running for president," an entirely tongue in cheek exercise in a little bit of humor, and poking fun at some of the more ... oh, shall we say, outrageous, positions of all the major candidates for president, and, being an equal opportunity gazetteer (those of you with a public school education can look that word up) I poked at both the Democrats and the Republicans.
The next day, taking a peek at who had been linking to my blog, I found an interesting entry from a site supporting Bill Richardson and thought to myself "Surely they don't think I'm actually supporting Governor Richardson for president?" But, sure enough, I looked at the title "America For Bill Richardson | Growing The Netroots Of Bill Richardson For President" as seen right here:

"Oh wow," I thought, "I've been called lots of things in my time, handsome, cute, brilliant, charming, wise, funny, screwy, rethuglican etc., and etc, but never, n.e.v.e.r. have I been called a netroot." Did these people actually think I'm supporting Bill Richardson? Really? Moi, a prime example of a knuckle dragging, neanderthalic conservative? Moi? So, I quickly grabbed a screenshot with my trusty Snag-It program just to preserve this for posterity:

The moral of this story folks, is that when you design a website supporting someone for president, a site that scours the internet for mention of your guy (or gal as the case may be) be sure and double check your material BEFORE you let it go up on the net because it just might not be complementary!
Now, I'm wondering if they will pick up this entry? Any bets?
Posted by GM Roper at May 14, 2007 04:21 AM | TrackBackGM loves Bill Richardson.
GM loves Bill Richardson.
GM loves Bill Richardson.
GM loves Bill Richardson.
GM loves Bill Richardson.
Bill Richardson for President.Bill Richardson for President.Bill Richardson for President.Bill Richardson for President.Bill Richardson for President.Bill Richardson for President.
Posted by Ogre at May 14, 2007 05:26 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the comment above was written by my good friend Ogre, who just happens to have a weird sense of humor. But that is OK, he is under treatment and should get better in 25 or 30 years. (maybe)
Posted by GM Roper at May 14, 2007 05:49 AM
At another of my sites, Ron Paul's supporters glommed onto one of my postings.
Posted by Always On Watch at May 14, 2007 06:28 AM
I'm really getting worried about society nowadays. I recently wrote a post about switching to the Democrat party and I was shocked at how many took me seriously.
You and I both know that you and I both have every intention of voting for Bill Richardson for Prez but if Obama keeps up with his neat little comments, I might just have to break from you on this one.
10,000 dead in Kansas and 'Hey Detroit, the Japanese are better at making cars than you are'. Quality stuff there man.
Posted by Louisiana Conservative Dot Com at May 14, 2007 08:09 AM
Obama's best campaign material is "Hey, at least I'm not Hillary."
Don't give up the fight, G.M. One day you may get to list Bill Richardson's site as one of your netroots.
Posted by Woody at May 14, 2007 08:26 AM