November 28, 2006
From Whence Came This Photo Fragment?
OK guys and gals, this bit of photo is from one of my many. This one comes from a rainforrest and it has been enlarged but only slightly. The first to guess this one gets an email from Woody extolling their virtues top and bottom, left and right and all your good qualities in between.

Posted by GM Roper at November 28, 2006 07:28 PM | TrackBack
It looks like a $50 bill that I dropped. Thanks for finding it.
Posted by Woody at November 28, 2006 09:32 PM
The Tongass National Forrest, near Ketchikan, Alaska?
I haven't been there but several of my family members have. I remembered your photo because it brought back memories of their trip and how much they liked Alaska.
Posted by DRJ at November 28, 2006 10:16 PM
DRJ Nailed it on the nose. Woody, do your duty!
Posted by GM Roper at November 29, 2006 04:53 AM
Nothing like telegraphing the answer. How about a more challenging question next time, like...
Where was the Battle of Gettysburg fought?
In what year was the War of 1812 fought?
After whom was the Washington Monument named? (Bonus Q: what about the Lincoln Memorial?)
How many King Henrys preceeded Henry the Eight?
The Missouri Compromise involved what U.S. state? (Bonus Q: In what U.S. state did the Oregon Trail terminate?)
And two trick questions:
What notable event occurred in the year Zero?
What planet is the most extreme example of runaway Global Warming?
Posted by civil truth at November 29, 2006 03:56 PM
Let's see, G.M., it's your contest but I'm the one who has to extoll the virtues of the winner. Hmmm. Well, since the winner is "civil truth," whose reason, calmness, fairness, and humor are a valuable contribution to the site and to our lives, let me sum it up this way:
civil truth is better than the taste and enjoyment that one gets by pouring a pack of salted peanuts into a Coke bottle (it has to be a narrow neck bottle), so that you can enjoy the combined texture and flavors--plus, it's nutritious!
Of course, you may have to be from the South to appreciate the compliment.
Posted by Woody at November 29, 2006 05:51 PM
Ronald Reagan's hair.
Posted by Oyster at November 30, 2006 06:45 AM
Woody, what's to say? First I checked my pulse to make sure I was still here. And then I thought I might have to sew all my shirt buttons back on and get FAA clearance to boot.
I'm deeply honored...
Posted by civil truth at November 30, 2006 10:47 AM
CT, actually, DRJ guessed correctly first and Woody can't follow instructions worth a hoot, but as a follow up, who is buried in Grant's Tomb? (so that you can EARN your accolades of course - since they are all true, accurate and on the mark)
Posted by GM at November 30, 2006 03:56 PM
Hey, I really did mess up. That's what I get for being in a hurry and while having a Coke and peanut high. Still, what I wrote about civil truth is true.
Sorry, DRJ. Let me try again. DRJ is bright, observant, knowledgeable, expressive, and much appreciated on this site, and DRJ is better than a Moonpie with an RC Cola.
Posted by Woody at November 30, 2006 04:15 PM
Wait. I'm sure the instructions were for me to extoll the virtues of Woody and GM:
Woody is articulate, intelligent, witty, invaluable to this website, and better than a Snickers with a Coca-Cola.
GM is compassionate, discerning, steady, open-minded, and better than a Dr. Pepper float.
Posted by DRJ at December 1, 2006 09:38 PM
GM, you would have to stir things up.
I grew up believing that "Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?" was just a silly question, like "When was the War of 1812 fought?".
Indeed I was planning to start my list with that one, until a little voice reminded me that I had recently heard that the answer was no one (not Grant, as I had alway thought), though I didn't have a clue why. Thus I left it off my list.
But now, since you've asked me the question, I had to investigate, which led me to two internet sites (the official National Parks Service site and another NYC site). Both explained that this is a trick question based on semantics: since Grant's body (along with his wife's) are above ground, no one is buried there - they both are entombed.
Alas, another of life's carpets yanked from under my feet.
Posted by civil truth at December 2, 2006 02:33 PM
Following DRJ's lead, I decided to write a haiku extolling the virtues of Woody and GM.
Unfortunately, my first three efforts didn't quite turn out right...
Here's my fourth try:
Light shining from the Corner
GM and Woody
Integrity above all!
Posted by civil truth at December 2, 2006 02:41 PM
civil truth, thank you for the kind words and for putting me in the same class as G.M.
Regarding Grants Tomb, as I remember it, the tombs are above the ground inside an excavated memorial, but they are below ground level, which complicates the "who's buried" question.
Posted by Woody at December 2, 2006 06:04 PM
If Grant was buried in a tomb, isn't that another (perhaps imprecise) way of saying he's entombed?
Posted by DRJ at December 2, 2006 08:16 PM
Why don't we just bulldoze dirt over Grant to end the discussions?
Posted by Woody at December 3, 2006 09:53 AM