November 29, 2006
Happy Blogaversary AVI!
I woke early this morning and noted a comment by my friend The Assistant Village Idiot, whom, like another commenter, Tad, thinks should be named the Chief Village Sage. So, wanting to see what AVI (as I affectionately call him) was up to I went to his blog The Assistant Village Idiot.
Now, AVI always has some interesting posts up, and Monday he had up "Old Europe -- A Visit to the Nursing Home" which was a reprise of a post he did last year. Going to the original, I found out that it was posted the 2nd day his blog was up which means that the day before was his first post which means that AVI has just passed his FIRST blogaversary. Happy Blogaversary AVI, I love your writing, I love your comments here and you are one hell of a great guy! Long may the Wyman banner wave.

Thanks. 3 new posts up today, maybe a fourth coming.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at November 29, 2006 06:46 PM