May 02, 2005
100,000,000 Deaths - And Counting
Liberty Dog at One Billion Red Chinese And A Dog Named Liberty Notes that May 1st (May Day) is a DAY OF REMEMBRANCE for all those who have perished under the heel of this utopian ideology. He has a bumpersticker for sale as a reminder too. Go check him out and buy his bumpersticker. It's a steal at $3.99

Hey, a million deaths is a tragedy. One hundred million is just a statistic. Communism could kill an even billion and you would still have people walking around in Che Guevara shirts, calling themselves communists and thinking they're cool. And these people would still grow up to be college professors and journalists without revising their ideology.
Posted by Van Helsing at May 2, 2005 12:19 PM
I have the "low-down" on "Che". The few times I see some lad wearing a "Che" t-shirt, I hand him the scoop. It may not do any good...but, maybe it will.
Posted by tad at May 2, 2005 02:48 PM
"Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals with no cure except as a guillotine might be called a cure for dandruff." -- Clare Boothe Luce
Posted by HB at May 2, 2005 05:24 PM