August 29, 2007
Something for Each Side
The first poster represents my view of why our nation has the problems that it does and my message to those who put us there. The second is the left's view of how we're solving them now. Same message, different perspectives.

I remember the first guy from college. He's a professor now.
Posted by Woody M. at August 29, 2007 05:10 PM | TrackBackYes, quite. The insistence of moral rightness, and the claim that all the Real People think like they do, is an unacknowledged rationalization on the left. So obvious when one is standing outside, that they sound little different in rhetoric than some very nasty tyrants. That they intend to engage in no violence themselves is the sop to their own consciences. They will create the violence by not preventing it in others, shrugging and claiming that it was provoked. See, for example, Palestine. "No Americans were involved in the killing of these Jews. Isn't it sad what those poor oppressed Pallies were driven to?"
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at August 29, 2007 07:03 PM
The "non-comformists" of the 1960's became a club of conformists to non-conformity. They all think alike--if I may use the word "think" loosely.
Posted by Woody at August 29, 2007 08:19 PM