July 04, 2007
Articles of Surrender to Political Correctness.
I Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of England hereby declare that my government will no longer allow anyone in this government to mention members of the Religion of Peace in any connection with the terroristic acts recently attempted in Glasgow or in London. I take this action for a number of reasons,
In the very near future, I will require that all females of the English Crown dress in full RoP niqabi so that our fine women folk will not inflame the sexual desires of the resident Moslem men as everyone knows that members of the RoP cannot control their passions. To insure that there is true domestic tranquility, I require that the military turn over all arms to be kept under lock and key in the nearest Mosque, so that when we are attempted to defend ourselves and our way of life, as surely we will be if these Muslim Terrorists hooligans continue their campaign of bombing, beheading, burning and brandishing of swords and knives let alone gas canisters we won't be tempted to use extreme force against our friends, the members of the RoP.
Lastly, to make sure that each citizen of our great country understand where our future lies, I hereby order the following flag to be used at all official government offices, buildings, and any ceremony.

Ouch, the flag has got to hurt! It will lead to the new British Invasion...
Posted by Michael at July 4, 2007 03:58 PM
The British are turning into French. Have the surrender flags gone up yet?
Posted by Woody at July 4, 2007 08:31 PM
Gordon Brown is a dhimmi! The sons of Allah are, no doubt, reveling in his sycophantic drivel.
Now, for some anti-dhimmitude. Have you heard about the cabbie? See THIS and cheer!
Posted by Always On Watch at July 5, 2007 07:30 AM
Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way...if you live long enough.
AOW, I appreciated your additional information about the heroic Scots who went after the terrorists at Glasgow airport. I've linked your story to the story I wrote on this earlier today.
Posted by civil truth at July 5, 2007 05:59 PM
Great one!
Posted by DiscerningTexan at July 5, 2007 06:12 PM
Sadly, the French are actually much tougher than the Brits when it comes to fighting the Islamofascists.
Posted by Bald-Headed Geek at July 6, 2007 01:45 PM