July 02, 2007

Remember The Meme!

I've been Tagged, by Kat of Cathouse Chat, how droll. Normally I don't participate in these things, but in this case I'll make an exception and tell you a little story, then I'll tell you a little about myself. First, however I guess I'm supposed to follow the rules (I hate that) and tell you the rules.

The Rules are: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Now, doesn't it seem silly having had this foisted on me that I would even deign to foist it on someone else, but that is another story and I'll get to it shortly.

Now, the story I promised all of you. I've told you all, off and on about my "age discrimination tall tale contest" with my friend Mustang. Mustang is a retired Marine Lt. Col. and he came up the hard way (hence the name Mustang meaning a former enlisted man who was commissioned as an Officer and a Gentleman.) An Officer Mustang certainly was, and a damn fine one too, in fact, Mustang began his career as a Marine enlisting on November 10, 1775. But, I digress, this little story is about Kat. Now, as you all know, Kat is married to David and they have a beautiful little Munchkin who is beginning to reach her teen years and I'm looking forward to the consternation that Kat will face.

What most people don't know is that Kat is considerably older than David, and most people don't know that Kat is much older than either Mustang or I. In fact, rumor has it that Kat is secretly Mustangs Great, Great Aunt. But I've not seen any paperwork that confirms it, besides, there is little family resemblance except when sitting quietly and they think no one is looking, then they tend to pick their nose and drool a little. But, in spite of the actions being almost identical, there is not much resemblance. At any rate, back to Kat. Kat is known far and wide as a maker of Quilts. She has been doing this so long, that some of her quilts hang in the Museum of Ancient History and there are hieroglyphics of King Tut as a very young baby lying on one of Kat's quilts while his diaper is being changed. Kat made me a quilt last year when I was ill and I will be for ever grateful. It is for that reason, and that reason alone that I won't tell you about her blind date with Methuselah when he was a teenager and she a much older woman and getting drunk on elderberry wine. Nope, that story won't appear on THIS blog.

OK, lets now get to the meat of this thing and I'll tell you 8 things about myself:

  • I have broken every major bone in my body, with two exceptions, those being the cranium and the hyoid bone. (I'll let you look up the location of the Hyoid.
  • My favourite sports are para sailing, riding a souped up Ducati motorcycle and playing rugby. I do this 6 or 8 times a year without fail, except when I am actually in traction. (See 1.)
  • I own a 6-foot teddy bear named Theodore Ursus
  • I once ate an entire Thanksgiving turkey without gravy over a two day period, roasted turkey, turkey sandwiches and Turkey A' La King.
  • I am a tetraploid mutant, having 92 chromosomes. I also have two livers.
    Despite that, I am unable to metabolize alcohol. Any alcohol I consume remains permanently in my system, like dioxins do for other people.
  • When asked to provide random facts about myself, I invariably lie.
    H/T Pixy Misa @ Ambient Irony

  • I know that is only 6, but if you think I'm going to divulge the true 7th and the 8th "facts" you are out of your minds.

    Oh, and I'm going to break the rules and only tag Woody. But, I will allow him to get off if he will pay me back all the salary I've given him over the last two years.

    Posted by GM Roper at July 2, 2007 03:29 PM | TrackBack

    Well, then, since age hath its privileges, then you and Mustang are gonna straighten up and fly right when I yank your chains, right? [eeeeevil, sly grin]

    This was too funny GMan - but that wasn't King Tut who had his diaper changed on the quilt, it was MOSES. He eventually gave it to his friend Caleb (you know him, he brought back the good news - along with Joshua - of how plentiful the land of Canaan was. Too bad the rest of the Israelites didn't listen...

    But really, it was a hand-me-down-down-down from his ggggrand-dad, Isaac. I mean, after all those years Sarah and Abraham waited for him, I thought he really should get an Aunt Kat original... ;-)

    You silly man!


    -- Kat

    Posted by Kat at July 2, 2007 02:41 PM

    Rumor has it that Kat taught Betsy Ross to sew...

    Posted by Big Dog at July 2, 2007 03:05 PM

    The joke's on you, G.M. For every dollar you've paid me, I' ve taken another one from your slush fund.

    I'm not going to say much about G.M.'s age or work habits, but when Jesus ascended to Heaven, He told G.M., "Don't do anything until I come back."

    Posted by Woody at July 2, 2007 04:59 PM

    Well, OF COURSE I taught Betsy to sew, BD... But I had to sneak in my machine for her when she was sewing the Flag. I mean, REALLY!, sometimes hand sewing just needs to get with the times!

    -- Kat

    Posted by Kat at July 2, 2007 07:28 PM


    Don't you think it's about time you tell everyone else here the true story of Joan of Arc?

    Posted by civil truth at July 5, 2007 06:30 PM

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