June 04, 2007
Don't Stop Thinking About (?) ...
Aren't these Democrats some of the same people who made fun of Dan Quayle?

You would at least think that Hillary Clinton, the smartest woman in the world, would have seen how her husband's presidential theme song was spelled on the record album cover...unless they were sitting around smoking weed, I mean "not inhaling" weed, when they listened to it.
Maybe they should have gotten someone who is homeschooled to check the signs for them, as the one who made these probably was taught in government schools.
Via Grouchy Denny
With an "e" Potatoe is an archaic spelling of the word potato as a variant form. So, one for Quayle. "Tommorrow" however is a misspelling, unless of course it was supposed to read "New Jobs For Tom Morrow" in which case I'm wondering why Hillary wants to get a job for only one person. So, minus one for Hillary. ;-)
Posted by GM at June 4, 2007 11:23 AM
It takes a village to teach spelling.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at June 4, 2007 08:42 PM