February 28, 2007

Dear Mr. Gore:

Dear Mr. Gore:

I read with interest your response to the Drudge Report's claim that your home in Nashville uses an extra-ordinarily huge amount of electricity. I've also read you response as to how you "off set" your so called "carbon footprint" by purchasing "indulgences" as noted by

[Kaylee] Kreider [who] said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.
But, you know what Mr. Gore?

Your Talk Talks,
And Your Walk Talks;
But Your Walk Talks LOUDER
Than Your Talk Talks!

Think about that!

Posted by GM Roper at February 28, 2007 08:34 AM | TrackBack

I checked a couple of my electric bills. Gore's monthly electric bill is roughly equal to my annual bill. I live further north also thus has to deal with colder winters.

It doesn't matter how many solar panels, etc. he has, he's still buying gobs of electricity that is primarily produced by coal fired plants. He's not "offsetting" anything. What they're really saying is it could be worse.

What this is really about is politics and power and Mr. Gore becoming the self-appointed Savior of the World.

BTW - Looking at Mr. Gore's increasing girth, he's probably eating too many of those flatulence producing cows that are creating global warming more than humans.

Posted by DADvocate at February 28, 2007 10:08 AM

I seen the picture of his house and unless they have made the solar panels invisible I cant detect them. The fact he buys green doesnt mean he gets green because they have no way to separate in transmission. Hes Hillarys twin both are driven by power and greed.

Posted by Mike at February 28, 2007 12:57 PM

My wife wanted to purchase something expensive, which we couldn't afford, so I came up with a cheaper alternative. Then, she asked if we could take a nice vacation with the money that we saved by not buying the expensive item which she selected.

Likewise, Gore decides to spend money on his expensive power consumption with the money he "saved" by purchasing "alternatives."

Posted by Woody at February 28, 2007 03:54 PM

Hypocrisy, left or right, is never attractive. There is always a cheap morality available of being "for" something (or more often, against some baddies), which flies out the window when it is our own ox being, er, gored. Sometimes the hypocrisy is something new to us, an embarrassment we really had not thought of before and hope to remedy. We can all be quite amazingly blind if the mood suits us.

But this is a further step downward. A businesswoman might be confronted with the idea that her ads, or even her product, contribute to values she is against. How she acts at that point is the key. The church elders may observe that the congregation greets the young and attractive more warmly. How they respond then is the key.

I thought the contrast with the Bush home in Crawford was not merely ironic, but informative. Some people think leadership is making people do something. Others think it is a more complicated task that involves persuasion and example as well as directive. Conservatives have actually wished that President Bush would be more directive, and not always attempting to encourage, listen, and persuade. But the man is who he is. I would admire it more if it worked better.

Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at February 28, 2007 04:32 PM

My wife was given a cute little 9" Bonsai tree as a gift.

Suppose I could rent it around to liberals as indulgences to help their collective consciences?


Posted by expreacherman at February 28, 2007 07:59 PM

Men, if your wife gripes about the yard needing cutting, tell her that you're letting the grass grow long so that it can absorb more CO2 to save the Earth. Also, if she wants you to run down to the grocery store to pick up some milk, tell her that she will have to wait, as you are trying to cut down on unnecessary driving. A light bulb is out? Don't replace it to save energy--especially any that require a ladder. Then, ask her if she can hang the washed clothes on an outdoor clothes line to dry rather than use the clothes dryer. It's all for Al Gore...and, your wife will really appreciate your social concern. Try it!

Posted by Woody at February 28, 2007 09:01 PM

Wait, all you guys sitting at your computers are using as much energy, if not much more, than Al Gore. You bloggers are killing the planet. Personally, I drive a big truck and still use spray cans whenever possible.
This is just the latest whinefest over nothing. I guess it is much easier to point fingers than affect change.
Point on brave righties, point on!

Posted by Bishopdic at February 28, 2007 10:53 PM

While braying, self styled saviors of the environment like Algore, spew about their great contributions to environmental salvation, the eeevil Dubya keeps his own council and practices what they only preach:


Posted by Seth at March 1, 2007 12:18 AM


Wait, all you guys sitting at your computers are using as much energy, if not much more, than Al Gore. You bloggers are killing the planet. Personally, I drive a big truck and still use spray cans whenever possible. This is just the latest whinefest over nothing. I guess it is much easier to point fingers than affect change. Point on brave righties, point on!

How does one respond to snark like this? This fellow works in dead-tree publishing and says bloggers are "killing the planet." How ludicrous is that? The reality is Joe, that I and other "righties" have no problem with saving the environment, we are, after all conservatives; we "conserve." But the GWTB (Global Warming True Believers) have all decided that a couple of things are truth beyond doubt. 1.) GW is an accomplished fact because of "consensus" in spite of the fact that consensus is not science, it is politics. 2.) you have obviously never read anything that will challenge your thinking and are thus one of the GWTB'ers. I suggest that you read some of the stuff written by Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama formerly with NASA and who did some absolutely pioneering work with measurments of earth temperatures from space. Then come back and tell us how you "non-righties" plan to save the planet while driving your big trucks, using spray cans, using all that electricity in your houses, driving big SUV's, flying around screaming "the sky is falling" from your private jets, and killing trees (which by the way, scrub CO2 from the atmosphere). Oh, and don't forget to buy your indulgences.

Posted by GM at March 1, 2007 07:20 AM

"I suggest that you read some of the stuff written by Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama formerly with NASA and who did some absolutely pioneering work with measurments of earth temperatures from space."

I guess they finally fired him for failing to keep up with the current level of knowledge like you folks. While solutions can be tough, they can be found. Talking about personal flight patterns, and heating bills are only sidestepping canards. I suspect you'd say the same thing if Gore lived in a yurt, but without the numbers of alternatively produced carbon credits it's just another winger attack. You can't back it up with facts, the same as your denial of AGW in the first place.

In that regard, there's still a problem on the Tyrannasaur paddock.

Posted by George M. Cross at March 6, 2007 04:51 PM

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