February 16, 2007
In Case You Missed This....
Anna Nicole Smith is dead. We wanted to tell you in case you think that there just hasn't been enough coverage on this.

Also, I am coming forward to say that I might be the father of her daughter. Hey, that reminds me of this joke.
An old man walks into a church, and goes for a confession. The priest pulls back the window, and the old man says: "Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I am 80 years old and I was walking home from the library the other day and two college girls stopped their car and said they were on spring break and needed directions and we got into a discussion and they offered to drive me home and on the way one of them asked me the last time I'd had "some fun" and I told them it had been years and she said would I like to have some fun now, and before I knew it the three of us were in my apartment and I had the most magnificent "fun" for two nights and the day between and they're still there waiting for me and promised they'd show me things I never even knew a man and woman could do. And that's why I've come to confession."
And the priest asks, "When was the last time you went to confession?"
And the old man says, "Actually, this is the first time."
And the priest says, "You're 80 years old and this is your first confession? Why now?"
And the old man says, "Because I'm Jewish."
And the priest asks, "In that case, why are you telling me?"
And the old man says, "I'm telling everybody!"
It would seem that Woody has a Rival for his claim:
Woody, I thought you were married to Eva, not Zsa Zsa...
Posted by jim hitchcock at February 16, 2007 06:55 PM
Uhhh, maybe both Jim?
Posted by GM at February 16, 2007 09:19 PM
Oh, my God!! Anna Nicole's dead!!
Why didn't somebody tell me? Where's my daughter?
Posted by DADvocate at February 17, 2007 08:04 AM
The only thing in this affair that is starting to attract my attention is this rather amazing proliferation of paternity claims, the number of which constitutes a remarkable statement about Anna's character, since obviously each of these guys is claiming to have have a sexual relationship with her.
Now based on prenatal history and birth observation, the date of conception should be know within a few weeks, I would think. In that case, either Anna was competing to break Wilt Chamberlin's (self-proclaimed) record for sexual partners, or these despicable fellows are playing a macabre form of liar's pool.
Now what was that again about money and happiness...
Posted by civil truth at February 17, 2007 09:52 PM