December 11, 2006
Clinton News Update [UPDATED]
First, regarding what happened during Bill Clinton's administration:
Princess Diana was bugged by US secret service - I guess Bill Clinton wanted to know if she was available, if you know what I mean. Where's the outrage from the press that you could expect if a Republican had allowed or requested this surveillance? This action is probably going to grow to be a bigger deal than we realize at this time.
[Update]: From the linked article...."Both US and British intelligence then forced Diana to change her plans.... Instead the princess took the fateful decision to take a summer break with Harrods owner Mohamed Fayed. This ultimately led to her going to Paris with his son Dodi, where they died in a car crash."
...which leads to this: "Clinton spied. A Princess died." (Sorry.)
Next, from the junior Senator from New York:
Hillary Clinton Releases New Edition of "It Takes A Village": Keep your village people away from my kids. I can do fine without you and could do with less government intrusion into our lives. And, if Janet Reno is in your village, this goes double.
It takes a village idiot to believe the Clintons
Posted by Fausta at December 11, 2006 01:23 PM
How children are raised anywhere can impact our lives and our children's futures
Well, duh! You could put everything Hillary Clinton knows about parenting in a thimble and still have room for the thumb. What "It takes a village" really means is that they want to control how you raise your children. If enough people are convinced it takes a village then it will seem perfectly proper when the village begins forcing parents to do their bidding at the risk of losing their children.
Posted by DADvocate at December 11, 2006 08:00 PM
They dimmi's don't want the NSA to track terrorists phone calls but it's ok for a dimmi president to track a future (hoped) conquest. Guess he came up with an extra cigar.
Posted by Scrapiron at December 11, 2006 10:08 PM
Hey, Fausta, watch it! We have our pride.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at December 11, 2006 10:44 PM