December 10, 2006

Democrats Put Power Above Principle

I bet that title really shocked you. Imagine that.

Democratic Leadership Knew About Foley E-mails

The House Ethics Committee Report includes new information that top Democrats were also aware in 2005 of Mark Foley's inappropriate e-mails to congressional pages at about the same time as outgoing Speaker Dennis Hastert's office was informed.

While the report is critical of Hastert and his staff for not taking sufficient action, nowhere is there any evidence that the Democrats followed up.

Of course, we knew it all the time. Isn't it amazing that the major media failed to catch this before the election? But, now they know it and suddenly protecting young people from congressional predators is not important to them. It never was to the Democrats.

Posted by Woody M. at December 10, 2006 10:30 PM | TrackBack

But the Democrats mean well. If you mean well, then it's OK to commit unethical actis, crimes, etc.

Posted by DADvocate at December 11, 2006 06:18 AM

Oddly enough, many liberals (I mean those on blogs and in comment sections) are repeating, ad nauseum, the revelation that the Republican leadership knew about it and spare nary a word that Democrat leadership also knew. Their only consession is, "It's not their job. It was the job of Republicans to do something about him." What makes this different from the rest of their push to indict and smear other republicans?

Posted by Oyster at December 11, 2006 01:22 PM

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