November 14, 2006

Will U.N. and Democrats Ignore WMDs in Iran?

What should be done about weapons of mass destruction in Iran? Members of the U.N. and the Democrats repeatedly attacked President Bush for his somehow believing that poison gas bombs, chemical weapons, and a nuclear program of Hussein in Iraq didn't count as WMDs, that Husseins' uncooperation did not matter, and that no action against Hussein was justified. What does count as WMDs and what could cause enough concern in Iran to justify action there?

Next are a progression of articles about Iran's nuclear program, ending with serious information reported today. (In them, emphasis is added.) If Bush isn't capable of handling Iran's WMDs, as the Democrats claimed about his handling of Iraq's, what will the Democrats do about Iran's nuclear program? Will they act in time? This could be more suspenseful than using your secret decoder pin for Orphan Annie's secret messages. Stay tuned, but don't have high expectations.


A speech over two years ago by John Bolton, who was not yet our U.N. ambassador at the time and who will cease to be that soon because of the Democrats, gave the U.S. perspective on Iran's nuclear program in this speech:

Preventing Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons

All of Iran’s WMD [weapons of mass destruction] efforts -- chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and ballistic missiles -- pose grave threats to international security. ...If we permit Iran’s deception to go on much longer, it will be too late. Iran will have nuclear weapons. ...Much of the pressure on Iran has come not by the international community threatening the use of force against Iran, but merely by the prospect of Iran’s nuclear program to be placed on the agenda of the Security Council. Never has the Council been so feared! This is quite an achievement for an Administration frequently criticized as "unilateralist." Clearly, the time to report this issue to the Security Council is long overdue. To fail to do so would risk sending a signal to would-be proliferators that there are not serious consequences for pursuing secret nuclear weapons programs.

But, shortly after that came this reassurance from the IAEA, the U.N. watch dog agency over world nuclear programs:
IAEA head confirms Iran has frozen its sensitive nuclear work

Iran on Monday froze its sensitive nuclear work including uranium enrichment, the United Nations atomic watchdog IAEA said in Vienna. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), confirmed the suspension, a move likely to spoil US efforts to refer to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Then, earlier this year came further "good news":

Iran: IAEA Report Shows No Nuclear Activity in Tehran

Iran's foreign minister said Tuesday his nation opposed atomic weapons, and the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency had not found any proof it was trying to manufacture them. ...The IAEA decided Feb. 4 to report Tehran to the (Security Council) over concerns it might be seeking nuclear arms. But further action was deferred until the end of next week's meeting at the insistence of veto-wielding council members Russia and China, which have close economic and political ties with Iran....

And, just this past September, came these "facts" about U.S. lies on Iran:

IAEA exposes US committee’s lies on Iran’s nuclear programs

Four years ago, President George Bush appeared before the UN General Assembly and demanded that the UN rubberstamp a war against Iraq that was based on flagrant lies about Saddam Hussein’s so-called weapons of mass destruction. Today, as Bush goes to the UN to demand tough action against Iran, American claims that Tehran has a nuclear weapons program have been exposed as fabrications. The UN’s nuclear supervisory body—the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)—last week issued a stinging rebuttal of the “erroneous, misleading and unsubstantiated information” contained in a US congressional report....

At the same time, we are warned of Republican's shocking intentions on Iran:

The Meaning of the IAEA Iran Vote - Where have we seen this before?

...there is only one logical reason to explain the current diplomatic push by the U.S. to haul Iran before the SC even without any consensus within the IAEA. Because when Iran's case comes before the SC and no sanctions are passed due to Russia's and China's vetoes, the U.S. will be left with no diplomatic options – not a desirable position to be in, unless the purpose all along was to resort to a military option. ...Since a ground invasion of Iran is impractical, the only possible military action is an aerial attack on Iran's nuclear installations, as Israel did to Iraq in 1981 (when Iraq was by all estimates several years away from the ability to build a nuclear bomb). However, unlike Iraq's Osirak reactor, Iranian nuclear facilities are underground and will require nuclear bombs to be destroyed. ...Is the U.S. willing to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear adversary that is an NPT signatory, thus risking universal condemnation? Several statements and documents from the Defense Department suggest that it is indeed fully prepared to do so.

Then, how do we get to this?:

IAEA finds plutonium at Iran waste facility -
U.N. agency also reports finding highly enriched uranium traces

International Atomic Energy Agency experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran and have asked Tehran for details, a report from the U.N. watchdog said Tuesday. The report, prepared for next week’s meeting of the 35-nation IAEA, also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the agency’s attempts to investigate suspicious aspects of Iran’s nuclear program that have led to fears it might be interested in developing nuclear arms. ...The report said it could not confirm Iranian claims that its nuclear activities were exclusively nonmilitary unless Tehran increased its openness. ...As expected, the four-page report...confirmed that Iran continues uranium enrichment experiments in defiance of the U.N. Security Council. ...Both highly enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make the fissile core of nuclear warheads.... ...But Tehran has shrugged off both Security Council demands that it stop developing its enrichment programs.... A senior U.N. official who was familiar with the report cautioned against reading too much into the new finds of traces of highly enriched uranium and plutonium.... ...Still, a series of IAEA reports across nearly four years have revealed a number of suspicious activities, including unexplained plutonium experiments, possession by Iran of diagrams showing how to mold uranium metal into the shape of nuclear warheads and other traces of highly enriched uranium at sites linked to military research. As such the newest findings were likely to be cited by the United States and other nations suspicious of Tehran’s nuclear agenda as adding to circumstantial evidence against it.

Dear Democrats, may we have your secret plan to deal with Iran and its WMDs, since you have told us that you, and not President Bush, know how to handle these things? May we have it now, even though the election is over, before it's too late? Otherwise, don't come back later saying that you could have done better.

Posted by Woody M. at November 14, 2006 04:40 PM | TrackBack

Iran has supposedly responded to this new revelation and now we're awaiting review of that response. It'll be interesting to see what it is. What bother's me is that the IAEA has vacillated on this issue more times than one can count. They're cooperating, they're not, they're cooperating, they're not. This is what we kept getting with Iraq for what, 13 years? Iran says they will continue enrichment because it is their right, by golly. Then the IAEA implies they're not doing anything questionable and in the same report they say Iran is not cooperative enough to confirm it.

Either Iran is cooperating or not and for the IAEA to make assertions about it and contradict it in the same report or the next day is ridiculous.

Posted by Oyster at November 14, 2006 05:30 PM

The only questions I have about the IAEA whether it will find conclusive (in its mind) evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program before the first Iranian mushroom cloud appears? And if so, how many days before? Not that the IAEA's opinion would matter much at this point, given how far advanced Iran's program is and the nuclear weapons technology support Iran is receiving from China and North Korea.

I guess the IAEA (along with Europe, Russia, and many in the U.S.) has forgotten how to spell R-H-I-N-E-L-A-N-D. The question is whether Israel has fogotten - I'm starting to fear the Olmert government has...

Posted by civil truth at November 14, 2006 06:53 PM

Maybe we'll bomb a couple of aspirin factories or something like that?

Posted by e. nonee moose at November 14, 2006 07:23 PM

e. - The thought of that gives me a headache.

Posted by civil truth at November 14, 2006 07:25 PM

The situation is already out of control. Barring a fortuitous change of circumstances, I believe we will see death and destruction unlike any since WWII. And, the U.N. and Democratic left are leading us straight into the abyss.

Is the increase in violence in Iraq and rejoicing of many Islamic radicals since the Democratic takeover of Congress just coincidence? I think not.

Posted by DADvocate at November 14, 2006 09:15 PM

Barring a fortuitous change of circumstances, I believe we will see death and destruction unlike any since WWII.

The people in Iraq are already seeing that...

Posted by e. nonee moose at November 14, 2006 10:10 PM

Moose, President Bush stopped Hussein's nuclear program (unless you believe Joe Wilson.) No one has stopped the nuclear program in Iran, which is building a nuclear bomb and whose leaders have already stated that they want the destruction of Israel--and America for helping Israel. I would suggest that the situation with Iran does cause far greater concern for death and destruction than we see in Iraq. But, world leaders will forego all military options in lieu of talk and sanctions, which do not work. This could be a rough ride.

Posted by Woody at November 15, 2006 01:12 AM

America is not in the position to demand anything in the middle east. Bush can send flowers to Tehran for every day the Mullahs don't motivate the Shiites in Iraq against the US Army. Time is Iran's side and it's ticking away for the USA. No surprise the Iranians aren't very impressed by the 'formidable' US Army at their boarders, no surprise even Israel rather puts trust in European diplomacy than in American "plans". Not only the Iraq war is a failure, not to say lost. To make it worse, as a result Iran is the big winner, and this turns the desaster into a catastrophy.

Note by Woody: The email addresss and URL of this commenter was edited out, as his words were vulgar profanity directed at us and our readers, who could see the message by simply running a mouse over the commenter's name. This will not be tolerated, and G.M. will make the decision as to how to handle this particular commenter. (Commenter is located in Germany and came via "Atlantic Review," so it's not reg if some of you were suspecting that it was. Profanity is universal for leftists.)

Posted by 2020 at November 15, 2006 04:23 AM

Moose, Iraqis are seeing a lot, that's true. But I'm wondering if it's any worse now than when Saddam was in power. Remember that those mass graves didn't appear from nowhere. The difference is that previously it was systematic government slaughter kept mostly secret (with help from CNN) and was for no purpose like the possibility of a legitimate, representative government, the ability to vote and equal rights.

Posted by Oyster at November 15, 2006 06:02 AM

The people in Iraq are already seeing that...

As Oyster said, the people in Iraq are seeing a lot. But much of the Middle East has been so entrenched in violence for decades that the names of the players are the only thing that has changed.

And it's no where near what we're on the brink of if Iran and some others aren't controlled. Unfortunately the West has lost its resolve. Apparently it will take a terrorist attack greater than any seen yet to wake up the liberals, if at all.

Posted by DADvocate at November 15, 2006 09:03 AM

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