October 05, 2006
Make Your Own Caption - The Religious Left?

I'm sure that you can come up with some caption for the picture above. It's an easy assignment.
The group responsible for the sign, Grassroots Dems, had this post on its purpose: Jesus Cares, which states: “The whole thing behind it is to counteract the Christian right and their so-called monopoly on religion.†and to the Christian right "...your Jesus is pro-rich, pro-war, and only pro-American, and your monologue is over." Does that sound Christian to you? And, what's wrong with being pro-American?
Also, you may want to check out another post from this "progressive" organization titled The Left Hand of God. Here's part of the discussion.
GRSD Progressive Book Club discussed The Left Hand of God by Michael Lerner on Thursday, June 8. Rabbi Lerner touched upon fundamental basic sense a lack of spiritual direction and fulfillment in America. He contends that this sense of lack that lead us to reach out to one another is being used and abused by the political right to undermine basic principles that spurred the growth of our country.The group discussed how the right hand of God, that of fear, is used to promote detrimental military, environmental, and economic policies. Lerner believes that instead we need to turn to the left hand of God which fosters hope – a hope that by embracing the spiritual aspects of our shared humanity. It is also his assertion that Democrats/Progressives cannot ignore the spiritual needs of Americans if they want to guide the country to a return of the American promise for all citizens.
It's the right which uses fear to promote environmental policies? As Mr. Subliminal would say, global warming. Military policies? deaths in Iraq Economic ones? government health care Run that by again. Actually, the book might make for an interesting discussion, but it would surely be one of politics rather than religion, as the Left has a hard time separating politics from anything.
Ironically, the post preceding that one on God is titled Petition Drive to Refer South Dakota Abortion Ban . It encourages people to sign a petition to make abortions legal again in the state through a popular vote overriding the legislature. It's rare that you find any one from the left wanting a popular vote rather than an activist judge to decide things.
In a skillful twisting of words, that same post refers you to a group calling itself South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families, which, unbelievably from the name, is a pro-abortion group. I have never considered a family as healthy when a member of it has been murdered. Part of the family is dead. And, I have never considered that those who promote abortion to have the blessings of God, despite His left hand that the "progressives" claim for hope above. No hypocrisy here, huh?
Anyway, Democrats claim to care for the poor, just like Jesus. Maybe they will heal the blind, too, so that people can see through them.
Posted by Woody M. at October 5, 2006 12:00 PM | TrackBackI have so had it with that "we care" attitude!
For a caption, how about "The Lord helps those who help themselves"? Maybe scrawled across the billboard....
Posted by Jeremayakovka at October 5, 2006 11:35 AM
Only Democrats Can Use God To Get Elected
I blogged about a similar situation recently. A liberal blogger harshly criticized Jim Bryson for saying in an interview that he had prayed over his decision to run for governor of Tennessee. But then the blogger's favorite Democratic candidate for U.S. Senator films a campaign ad in a church and all is OK.
Posted by DADvocate at October 5, 2006 01:10 PM
What do the two halves of the billboard message have to do with each other? What's the connection between Jesus and Democrats? I don't get it.
Posted by civil truth at October 5, 2006 01:22 PM
Civil Truth, the Left seems to be telling its flock to take over the churches and interpretation of doctrine, just like they took over our schools, because they view the chruch as a political tool and they want control over it.
This reminds me of a recent post that I wrote about the publishing arm of the Presbyterian Church (USA) putting out a book saying that President Bush organized the September 11, 2001, attacks against our country. http://gmroper.mu.nu/archives/192393.php
Of course, I saw changes in the church long ago when liberals took over the seminaries, which originally prepared ministers to serve but now to indoctrinate. It appears that, to them, there is nothing so sacred that they can't bastardize it for their political agendas.
Posted by Woody at October 5, 2006 02:30 PM
I can't think of a caption right now ... I'm still laughing too hard to concentrate. Just when you think it can't get any weirder, it does ...
Posted by Vulgorilla at October 5, 2006 04:40 PM
Jeez, why does this remind me of the `George W. Bush, Our Leader' Clear Channel billboards in Florida before the last election?
Or, for that matter, the song lyrics (paraphrased)`wackos to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck inthe middle with you'...
Posted by jim hitchcock at October 5, 2006 05:47 PM
P.S. Woody and GM: hope you watched the Moyers show on Abramoff, Norquist, and Reed
last night on PBS. Oh, did I forget to mention DeLay?
Pretty fair accounting of some very crooked people.
Posted by jim hitchcock at October 5, 2006 06:02 PM
Only the stupid anti-christian democrats would attempt to con the American people that the democrats have finally saw the light of Christ. Did they hire 'give me a million dollars' Jim Baker to write their sermons.? ROFL
Hi, i'm Jim Baker and i'm sure if you send me a million dollars or more I can win the election for you and get you into heaven.
Posted by Scrapiron at October 6, 2006 12:02 AM
There is one truth on the sign. The democrats really do care for the poor, the more people they can make poor the more they can hype they support the welfare system. And they will tax the middle class down to poor.
Posted by Scrapiron at October 6, 2006 12:04 AM
About that one truth ... if your point is that the Republicans are going to make lots of rich people, that's a great idea, and one that The Party of Responsibility should get cracking to implement right away. One place to start would be to introduce uniform national health care coverage. I mean, letting all these people wander around without any medical insurance at all is just playing into the Democrats' hands, as far as I can tell. Think of the look you'd see on those sorry Dinocrats' faces when folks discover that the Republican Party cares too! Totally unexpected, right?
Posted by Jassalasca Jape at October 6, 2006 02:40 AM
Oh my. I am rolling my eyes.
Posted by Raven at October 6, 2006 07:20 AM
Jim Hitchcock, do you think that G.M. and I would watch Moyers on PBS?
I began wondering, out of those people responsible for the sign, how many actually care for the poor personally rather than demanding that government do it.
Democrats: Still Caring -- with Other People's Money
Posted by Woody at October 6, 2006 08:16 AM
The sign in the post brings to mind a big sign I once saw a panhandler holding in San Francisco:
"On Sunday you worship a homeless man, the rest of the week you ignore him."
It's amazing how far some arsehats will go, using religious applications to achieve their own ends.
Given their record re G-d to date, such as evicting Him from schools and public premises and labelling those who follow his laws as religious zealots, their use of His name or Jesus' name that in any way equates anything to do with Either to them(and here I am a Jewish guy) is both despicable and hypocritical.
Posted by Seth at October 6, 2006 01:38 PM
way to stay on topic, jim hitchcock. Shows you're really thinking about each topic as it goes by in the conversation, rather than standing around with canned responses.
Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at October 6, 2006 04:56 PM
So if I read AVI's response above correctly, he wants me to adhere to posting rules he imagines exist?
Posted by jim hitchcock at October 6, 2006 06:19 PM
Jim, to be off topic myself, sorry about the Dodgers. You can join G.M. and myself as mere observers.
Posted by Woody at October 8, 2006 05:43 AM
"Democrats: Misinterpreting the Bible since 1963"
Actually, it should read "Jesus cares for the poor Jews" because He never did have anything to do with us Gentiles--it had to wait for Paul.
Actually, Jesus cares for EVERYONE--even the Islamists who want to kill everyone else.
Actually, it was the "poor in spirit" that should inherit the kingdom of heaven, not the "poor."
Jesus healed cripples. Democrats want to cripple.
Jesus said "render unto Caeser the things that are Caesars." Democrates would render EVERYTHING unto Caesar (as long as it was a Democrat Caesar).
Did Jesus favor a women's right to choose? What did he say about "suffer little children" and something about a millstone and the ocean?
Woe, woe unto you hypocrites and democrats and scribes (LLL-Blogs), and those who would pervert the ways of the Lord.
And who says the Bible has no relevance today?-cp
Posted by cold pizza at October 9, 2006 01:18 PM
This ad paid for by the Democratic Party and the American Atheists Association.
Posted by DRJ at October 9, 2006 10:28 PM