August 19, 2006
The Real Story on Castro's Surgery - And Baseball With Cuba
Just to prove that you can't believe the communist press from Cuba (or the communist press in the U.S.), here's the real inside story on Castro's surgery:
Castro Passes Pitching Duties To Brother While Undergoing
Tommy John Surgery
August 10, 2006 | Onion Sports
Bet you didn't know that. Here's more.

(Picture Left) Castro warms up in minor leagues
(Right) Arguing with Hugo Chavez over who has coolest uniform
Castro has been considered by many to be the best baseball pitcher to come out of Cuba, even better than El Duque--because he has the power to torture players who get hits off of him. I've read more than one story about thrown games in Cuba to insure that the teams got out in one piece--not to mention the pressure on the umpires.
Maybe if Castro gives up ownership of the Cuban team, it can rejoin the American League rather than continue as part of the declining Communist League. This has a better chance than ping-pong diplomacy with China, as long as the spolier is gone. In the meantime, Bud Selig and Castro apologists can forget about a forced expansion into that region.
Do you thnk that baseball fans could vote on Cuba's future and its leadership when they fill out their ballots for the All Stars? It could only result in an improvement.
More on Cuban Baseball and Sports:
Baseball in Cuba and the United States and these Pictures
In the second link, note the picture of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro golfing together. Wouldn't that disappoint the anti-establishment, totally ignorant youth of today who love to wear Che T-shirts? If they only knew that Che had a ten handicap before becoming a revolutionary. (I bet he cheated.)
Posted by Woody M. at August 19, 2006 06:30 PM | TrackBack