July 13, 2006
GM's Corner Experiences Technical Disaster
What a night tonight was. Shortly after signing on, my computer froze up and I had to re-boot. Then, sound faded on my mic for some unknown reason (perhaps I developed a liberal gremlin on my hard drive perhaps I just had too many windows open). At any rate, Rick Calvert, my guest, did a fantastic job with Kender filling in for me as I tried to clear up problems on this end. I will set up a dedicated computer in a spare room so that this
will not probably will not happen again. At any rate, for those of you listening, thanks for tuning in and thanks for supporting GM's Corner. Onward and Upward!
G.M., as you still using a Commodore or Tandy computer? If there is ever another such hitch, just use the call-in line to get on the air to host the show.
Posted by Woody at July 14, 2006 06:12 AM
Dang! I tuned in last night wondering if I got the time wrong. Better luck next time. I'll be listening!
Best wishes
Posted by Michael Meyn at July 14, 2006 08:27 AM
You did a great job George for all of the 15 minutes you were on.
Unfortunately no one will ever hear the amazing radio you delivered for the next 25 minutes before you realized you were talking to your self.
In all seriousnes; thank you for allowing me the honor of being your first guest.
Posted by The Ugly American at July 14, 2006 10:50 AM
Hey guys, I heard the show and enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one GM.
Oh, and for those who missed it, Rick has a stunning singing voice.
Posted by Mike at July 14, 2006 11:36 AM