July 11, 2006
Wide Awakes Radio Is ON THE AIR

Wide Awakes Radio is On The Air. Click the microphone below or the one in the upper right hand corner of this blog and tune in. Go to http://wideawakesradio.com for the latest in scheduling. You can catch GM's Corner Thursday nights at 9:00 PM Central Time staring your own, your beloved, ME!
Posted by GM Roper at July 11, 2006 06:30 AM | TrackBack
I hear the theme music from Patton followed by commercials. Are they going to give me the morning farm and market report? What did pork bellies close at yesterday? Pork does have something to do with Congress doesn't it?
Uh, oh. I just heard some bad language. Apparently the technicians didn't realize that they were on the air.
Wait, they're back on the air. Let's listen.
Posted by Woody at July 11, 2006 07:03 AM
Any thoughts on your Wide Awakes cohort "Misha" who called for lynching judges in a recent blog post ?
Maybe Misha, like that Frisch loon, should lose his perch. Or was he just expressing "the right attitude" ????
Posted by reg at July 12, 2006 01:11 PM
About the same comment reg that you and your fellow travelers made when Alex Baldwin called for the stoning of Henry Hyde, i.e., none. In fact, I've read greenwalds screed, how about this one for example: Riehl World View or perhaps, if that isn't enough for you this one. Greenwalds hypocracy is so rampant, I'm surprised even YOU reg would link to him. But then, nothing about what you do/says surprises me. I'll send you a quarter, go call someone who cares.
Posted by GM at July 12, 2006 03:05 PM
The stench fills the room. Thanks for showing your butt. Frankly, I thought you were more than a bit above this.
Oh, and I've read all of the apologetics. Really sorry, evasive stuff. The Riehl bit is about as obtuse as one could get - comparing a legal opinion as regards legal speech to questions of judgement and decency. Are you stupid enough to think that's worth passing along as a serious counter to Greenwald's point ? As regards your centerpiece rejoinder, it happens that I don't share a regular media platform with Alec Baldwin. If I did and it came to my attention that he engaged in outbursts calling for people to be lynched, I'd feel compelled to - at the least - distance myself. I sure as hell wouldn't tell someone I could care less that if they called me on it.
Tell me again why the "Frisch Affair" was a big deal if lynching judges is acceptable hyperbole among the folks you choose to associate with ?
You and Misha have fun on the "radio", old bloke. Just don't haul out any outrage on Cooper's forum over any rhetoric from "the left" ever again, 'cause this shit is now officially on your shirt. One of your cohorts calls for a lynching and you could care less. Oh, and anyone who makes a fuss is a hypocrite, nothing is beneath them, etc. etc.
Keep your quarter. I've already made my call - it was calling you "decent" as regards stuff like this over at Coopers'.
Ooops..."wrong number".
Posted by reg at July 12, 2006 07:35 PM
reg, you are such a prevaricator. you have never considered me or any other conservative decent by any strech of the imagination except to perhaps set up a strawman argument and you are always disdainful, angry and hostile anytime we come around. Please, go away and bother someone who cares about your set-ups and your hostility to anything that doesn't mirror you particular set of thought.
You didn't condem Baldwin because you don't share a stage with him? Oh please, talk about lame.
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 04:41 AM
So reg can't condemn Baldwin's comments because he doesn't own a media company, but he can condemn you, GM, because he doesn't own a media company. Yeah, sure, that makes perfect sense to me.
Posted by Ogre at July 13, 2006 06:05 AM
reg, why are you asking GM about somethinge Misha said?
Misha is very capable of defending himself and would probably ignore a gnat such as yourself.
Perhaps that is why you attack Misha well away from his stomping grounds.
I have an idea Reg, if you possess the intestinal fortitude (or the correct amount of liquid courage), I personally, on behalf of Misha and the rest of the crew at W.A.R. invite you to call into one of the shows.
Misha is on saturdays at noon central with Jay and Gribbit on the Stop the ACLU show.
Now, I would wager that you were one of those children that stood on the other side of fences and talked smack to bigger kids, feeling secure that you woudldn't have to actually face them, much like you do online now.
So, with that in mind, allow me to put my statement regarding calling W.A.R. into language you will understand:
Posted by kender at July 13, 2006 06:48 AM
Kender, you don't even rise to the level of punk. I'd no sooner "debate" a gutter rat like "Misha" than I'd call-in to David Duke. I thought GMR had the balls to at least condemn the vile spew from his cohort at WAR (nice acronym), but I was wrong. Next time put your entire comment in caps. I find that very intimidating.
I'm not sure what you guys represent, other than a bunch of right-wing midgets in a circle jerk, but you've proven my point about hypocrisy and shown a rather remarkable inability to address the issue I raised with either coherence or intellectual competence.
"kender" in particular sounds like he's about 12 years old.
Too much time wasted in Toontown...
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 01:58 PM
Basically, what Reg is saying, GM, I think, in a roundabout sort of way, approximately, of course, is that if your input doesn't fit into the well known, famous even, hypertolerant frame of liberal opinion, it does not qualify for such privileges as the consideration given input from elite, superior, "out there", antiAmerica, surrender-monkey leftist wingnuts.
Posted by Seth at July 13, 2006 02:16 PM
You mean to tell me Kender, that Reg hasn't even called the very people he chooses to bash online? What is he afraid of? An audience that actually hears him? Or the voices of reason that he would hear?
Posted by Raven at July 13, 2006 02:41 PM
Raven, reg is a wuss (to put it kindly on a G rated site) and like all liberals doesn't have the spine to face those that he disagress with....
Reg, if you wish to prove me a liar the number is 1-888-4-07-1776
Posted by kender at July 13, 2006 02:53 PM
Roper, go over to Marc Cooper's site and his post titled "An Early Thanksgiving." Randy Paul and reg talk about how much nicer you are than I am. You need to start working harder. But, to your credit, reg later put you and me in the same category of people that he doesn't like. Why in the world does the left think that everyone should believe the same as them?
Kender, if you're going to invite reg to call you, BE SURE that you have a ten second delay with a bleep button. With reg talking and the bleep button going, it's going to sound like the Titanic's telegraph key going full bore.
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 02:57 PM
Kender got his little phone call. I SPOKE IN CAPS,
Oh my, I was very, very rude to the "lynching judges is just a point of view" gang ! Typical of those liberal punks and wusses.
Too bad nobody except the circle jerk was listening.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 04:22 PM
I almost tuned in but was listening to Sean Hannity. Man, I would have loved to hear what a screaming, lisping, spitting, cursing, maniac sounded like. I bet that the guy pushing the "bleep button" had to go ice his finger. Will there be a "Best of WAR" so that we can hear a replay of this?
Hey, G.M., you go on the air on Wide Awakes Radio tonight. How do we call in? Will you control the telephone lines to pick up or do we just get inserted into your discussion--or blocked?
Will you have traffic reports from McAllen, Texas between 9 and 10 tonight? Since National Public Radio has "All Things Considered" but since they only consider liberal views, you might sub-title your show "Things to Consider that All Things Considered Didn't Consider." You have to consider the source.
Here's something else for you to have on hand in case the subject comes up.
Good luck to you and Ugly tonight!
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 04:26 PM
I get called a punk and a wuss and taunted to call this moron's phone number - for some reason that still eludes me. What does he deserve from me? Oh, I guess that would be reasoned discourse. Sure. And be sure to smile while they piss on your shoe.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 04:42 PM
Hey, Raven is on now with Kender. It's nice matching voices to the commenters. Now, they're discussing reg. I wish Mark A. York would call in to discuss global warming with G.M. tonight.
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 04:51 PM
reg, seriously. What did you talk about?
Hey, reg. They're talking about you again and are discussing "minorities cannot be racists." Apparently, they archived your discussion and will use it as a teaser. Wow! You're a celebrity!
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 04:52 PM
reg, you are welcome to call in on my show this evening. I only ask that you not use any foul language.. Thanks.
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 04:52 PM
Oh, no. Now, G.M. has called in and said that reg is "very intelligent." It must be a different reg.
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 04:58 PM
GM - this has been officially run into the ground. I called that little creep Kender because he taunted me. I yelled at him, used mucho profanity and tried to get him to explain why I was supposed to be talking to him, which he couldn't. He also was totally clueless as to why I attempted to engage you on Misha's lynch mob fantasies. If anyone doesn't get it from reading the comments I made over at Coopers and the ones I made to you here, they never will.
I also checked "Kender"s blog and found some pretty sensitive, New Age stuff about Mexican women popping babies and eating tortillas and how we don't say Kike or Nigger anymore because "somebody will get mad". High level of discourse, at least compared to "Five ropes, five robes, five trees. Some assembly required." Of course, Kender assured me that y'all have no truck with racism. (Hey, I thought everybody was entitled to their "point of view" and things like lynching are merely matters over which one might "disagree".)
You hang out with a crowd that you're more than welcome to enjoy.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 05:08 PM
Why can't we all just get along...
Posted by alan colmes at July 13, 2006 05:11 PM
reg, that is akin to me tarring you with the Koskids or the Democratic Underground who are some of the vilest posters on the internet. Or some of the more virulent folk on Marc's blog. Not going to do it. Again, you are welcome to come on the show, but lets discuss it and not devolve into a rantfest. I reserve rants for my blog. ;-)
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 05:19 PM
My research tells me that reg agrees with Alan Colmes. G.M., you might have a cordial visit from reg--as long as you stay away from politics.
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 05:32 PM
Enough folks, show up and throw up may make you feel better, but those of us around you are not quite so sure...
In any case, if nothing else, the so's your mother line of argument has been run into the ground. Examples abound all over of people having blind spots towards those they agree with politically -- and we've all probably been guilty of this at times. Even so -- these past actions don't necesarily qualify or disqualify us from evaluating the present controversy.
Briefly, from where I sit, Misha's one liner (two liner?) about the Supreme Court justices is plain indefensible, agreed? You win hands down on that one, reg. Anyone here trying to defend thsi statement is standing in qucksand. The Great Oz has spoken.
However, reg, demands for ritual denunciations are also red herrings. Misha alone is responsible for his comments. No one else is required to denounce him -- we're not living in Maoist China. (Of course, we're all free to form our own private judgments based on that silence.)
Obviously there's a lot of interpersonal history going on here, some of which I've observed in past postings. Indeed, coming back here after having not commented in over four months (for my own personal reasons), I am discouraged to see Pavlov's dogs going at it again.
It would be good for the rest of us if you all figure out a way to find mutual respect for each other, which to my ears seems sorely lacking at present. However, I suspect this would have to occur offline. This is beyond my meager referee skills -- not to mention that being in the middle means you get shagged from both sides.
--GM, best wishes for your life as a media celebrity -- don't let all the lights blind you, though.
Posted by civil truth at July 13, 2006 06:49 PM
CT, you make me hang my head, you are always welcome and the comments you make are genuinely good ones. I've missed you friend, and welcome back.
I've welcomed reg to my broadcast, tonight I'm interviewing Rick Calvert from The Real Ugly American and the only caveat I've added is that the language not be x rated. Again, welcome back CT.
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 07:00 PM
and I promise not to let any bright lights blind me to reality. Hope you will tune in tonight.
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 07:00 PM
I agree civil truth. So, G.M., when reg calls in don't say anything disagreeable. Just play that screeching music from the shower scene in Psycho.
BTW, do you have to have a theme song, G.M.? I like the opening music to Green Acres. But, you may like the theme music from that spinoff of "Three's Company"The Ropers (with link to music about half-way down.)
Any suggestions?
Posted by Woody at July 13, 2006 07:06 PM
No one is required to denounce anybody, but sometimes it's prudent to call people out on your side of the fence with at least the vehemence you reserve for percieved "enemies" when they step way, way over certain lines in very public comments and then proceed to stand by them.
I asked a question of GMR, actually on another blog we both frequent, and repeated a version of it here. It was admittedly posited as a tweak, but it was reasonably respectful. I actually suggested that I'd be surprised if he wasn't disgusted by the behavior in question. He taunted me about Alec Baldwin who've I have not the remotest association with (but who did a great job in Glengarry Glen Ross, incidentally.) If Alec Baldwin were a friend of mine or we were part of some federation of liberal assholes and cranks that I touted on a website and he called for people to be lynched, I'd be pretty upset and say so. ( If only to head off the old "guilt by association thing". Scratch that. I'd condemn his remarks because I'm a person of incredible and consistent integrity who never says anything stupid or vile - on the record. Unless I get called a punk. Then all bets are off.)
Maybe that's "maoist". I don't know. Woody routinely tries to link me up with Stalin and Castro, when he's not accusing the New York Times of treason, so perhaps using this line of reasoning, asking what someone thinks about another blogger's vile remarks who is part of their radio project just might be "maoist". Since I'm a crazed ranter, I'll leave the heavy historical-philosophical lifting to you guys.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 07:08 PM
And to clarify, I could care less about "Misha", who's a bona fide idiot. But this question to GMR originated on another website we've both frequented for a long time, on a thread that had a long discussion of the "Frisch-Steingold(?)" brouhaha that was full of attempts to draw significance from some crackpot blog comments between people I'd never heard of, before clown-cons like Malkin latched onto it. Of course, this launched ritual denunciations and other maoist stuff that I treasure, so I thought I'd push for just a bit more.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 07:20 PM
One last thing, tonite I promised to take my wife out to dinner because she's been having some rough days at work. (Unfortunately, I had the day off.) And she thinks I'm a complete lunatic for spending time arguing with wingnuts on the internet. And of course she's right. So there will be no furtive phone calls. Plus, I've said everything that needs to be said, plus a bunch of other stuff...
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 07:26 PM
Hey, reg?
Why don't you ask me if you have an issue?
I promise I won't bite. Much.
I certainly hope that your anger and lack of understanding of the word "hyperbole", not to mention your outrage at not being allowed to dictate the lineup of hosts at W.A.R. to your likings, won't lead me or anybody else to lose you as a listener.
I remember clearly, back when I decided to do this, my first thought: "First, I must make sure that "reg" and others like him who wouldn't agree with me if I told them that the sun rose in the east don't get in the least offended. I must also make sure to run everything I want to say, EVER AGAIN, by a committee of people who fundamentally disagree with me on everything, including what the meaning of "is" is so that they may pre-approve it for me."
Posted by Misha I at July 13, 2006 10:27 PM
I'd prefer that you just continue to out yourself.
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 10:46 PM
Hyperbole (from Wikipedia)
Largely synonymous with exaggeration and overconsulting, hyperbole is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated or extravagant. It may be used due to strong feelings or is used to create a strong impression and is not meant to be taken literally. It gives greater emphasis. It is often used in poetry and is a literary device.
* "I nearly died laughing."
* "He is as big as a house!"
* "I heard that a million times."
* "She had a zit the size of Texas!"
* "That's the worst idea I've ever heard."
* "You are the ugliest person in the world!"
* "This book weighs a ton."
* "This is the worst film ever made."
* "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
* "Let's lynch the Supreme Court."
(I added that last one myself, because you can do that with Wikipedia. Ain't the internets fun ?)
Posted by reg at July 13, 2006 10:57 PM
"In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude, repetitive or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion." yes reg, and since you are obviously the troll, get thee gone.
Posted by GM at July 13, 2006 11:04 PM
I'd prefer that you just continue to out yourself.
Much as I expected. No testicular fortitude at all.
Oh, and don't worry. I can almost assure you that I'll continue to "out" myself. I've been writing like that for 4 years now, or perhaps you weren't aware of that?
Why on EARTH would I change?
One final observation, re-reading your first bleat on this thread. You know, the one where you demand that the host lineup is changed so that it doesn't offend you since Debbie Frisch lost her job?
I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference between hyperbole directed at the subject of an angry rant and creepy, psychopathic threats and homicidal/pedophile fantasies regard the 2-year-old SON of one party to a discussion. That's all too common on your side of the aisle, due to the severe shortage of brains you've been suffering under since -- well, since forever.
I AM a little bit surprised that you feel so hurt and personally insulted that a pedophile psychopath lost her job teaching young kids in college that you feel a need to demand that blood money is paid for her loss by somebody on the other side getting kicked off the air.
I'm not in the least bit worried about your demand being actually met, but I have to admit that the psychopathology of your grievance and how you seek to redress it puzzles me a bit.
It's almost as if you feel sorry that she was fired, which DOES surprise me a quite a bit, seeing as how that's not at ALL common on your side of the Blogosphere.
So, completely off the record, reg: Are you into murder fantasies and pedophilia too? Just wondering. Birds of a feather, after all. I mean, that certainly WOULD explain it.
Posted by Misha I at July 13, 2006 11:05 PM
GM, perhaps it's time to close this thread since the commenters seem to have forgotten the motto of your blog:
This is the place where truth, honesty, and integrity are honored above all else!
I need to go take a shower now...
Posted by civil truth at July 13, 2006 11:42 PM
CT, reg can do that to people, but we don't have to take his bait. But, he's not the worse. On another site that I frequent, one of the wacko liberals wants me to die because he doesn't agree with me.
G.M. wrote reg a very cordial email to bury the hatchet and to try to start positive discourse to understand rather than fight. To no one's surprise, reg provided a false email address, so the note bounced back to G.M. Before you have understanding, you have to open communication.
reg, I hereby pardon thee. Go forth and fight no more. Why don't you write G.M. privately?
reg, wrote a note to me on another site somewhat critical that he was banned when someone else was the one with a greater offense. Not having followed the entire situation, but having some knowledge of what happened, I wrote the following note to reg:
"reg, I was totally out of the loop on that. Even if the discourse over at G.M.'s Corner is below my comments here, that still leaves a lot of room for it to be excellent.
"I didn't realize that you were banned--if you are. I know that G.M. wrote you a very cordial email wanting to bury the hatchet and to have some positive conversation--even offering to buy you a beer and take you out for some good Mexican food. Of course, given your privacy concerns, the email address that you provided was phony and his reconciliation was bounced back to him.
"It was probably a good idea to block someone temporarily and at that point just to stop the back-and-forth attacks, like we avoid here.
"I agree that calling you a murderous pedophile damages the image of those people. Okay, I'm kidding. I agree that is over the line and I'll try to straighten that out, but not by calling the offender a necrophiliac of animals. But, they might rather be called that than a liberal.
"Forgetting differences in political philosophy and the fact that we don't have busts of Stalin on our desks, there is just a totally different thinking process that you bring to the table versus those of others, who are ususally conservative. It's like me, an accountant, trying to discuss something with my daughter, an artist.
"Maybe we need a translator. The commenter Civil Truth brings reason to the discussions and maybe he can help to moderate some of the tension.
"I'm actually sorry for the extreme offense against you and will check with G.M. about righting the situation.
"Check back. It's good to hear other sides when the conversation can be calm."
Maybe wounds can be healed and reasoned conversation can be started on another topic.
At this point, I noted that G.M. took Civil Truth's advice and closed this post to further comments. Let's cool down and start again on another issue. Thanks to everyone for participating on this subject.
Posted by Woody at July 14, 2006 06:09 AM