June 23, 2006
Ain't That The Truth!
When a party's leadership is unable to unite behind a clear position on the No. 1 national security issue facing America, it is not ready to govern. And that is the situation in which the Democrats now find themselves. Last week Democratic leaders produced an election year agenda that said nothing about fighting the war on terror. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi blurted out the reason: 'We don't even have a party position on the war,' she told reporters" -- Washington Times political columnist Donald Lambro.
A tip 'O The GM Derby

Dearest GM..thrilled to see u at my site n commenting!..I tried to trackback to ya but sigh...dint go thru!..Grr!!
Posted by Angel at June 23, 2006 04:05 PM
The Dems yesterday declared "Victory!" when theri two measures about the war failed to pass the vote. They think they've made a statement as having gone on record about the war, which they obviously think will be a failed endeavor for the United States.
Posted by Always On Watch at June 23, 2006 04:47 PM
THE single most important thing facing our country AND the world....and the Democrat Party has no plan....nor even an oh, bye the way about it.
Does anyone with any brains think these guys ought be at the helm?
Posted by tad at June 23, 2006 05:29 PM
Tad, since when does one have to have "any brains" to be able to vote? If an educated electorate were a requirement, a number of past elections might have turned out differently.
Posted by MLSmith at June 23, 2006 07:30 PM
MLSmith... yep, 1960, perhaps 1964, '68, '92 and perhaps '96 although I always thougt nixon a crook even back in '60. LOL, the dems manage to get votes from all the non-thinkers or people who don't know that they aren't thinkers. Or so it seems to me. Oh, and the Dems also get votes from dead people in Chicago. LOL
Posted by GM at June 23, 2006 08:58 PM
The reason the Democrat cut and run Party cannot take a position on the war against Islamofascist terrorism is because they CANNOT even agree that it is even taking place. They don't think that the front in the war against Islamofascist terrorism is being waged in Iraq. They think that President Bush and the Republicans are the greatest threat to "peace" in the world today. They blame Bush for what the Islamofascist terrorist do, then suggest we cut and run, no matter what the outcome, or how severe the consequences might be. Then, they tell us they want to LEAD us? They have no shame.
The worst thing I can think of happening is the Democrat cut and run Party taking over one or both Houses of Congress. How could they possible effectively fight against our sworn Islamofascist enemies when they don't even agree that they even exist?
Cindy Sheehan and Ward Churchill could preside over the eventual dhimmitude "peace" agreement the Democrat cut and run Party would LEAD us to sign with the Islamofascists.
Posted by Denny at June 25, 2006 04:04 AM