May 21, 2006
An Announcement And A Contest
GM's Corner was started in November, 2004 with the urging of my "progressive" friend Marc Cooper. Since beginning on blogspot then moving to my own domain at a dot com address and finally a proud member of the Mu.Nu blog family we have changed our design, but never our focus. ON JULY 4TH (OR MAYBE THE 5TH) GM'S CORNER WILL START A NEW AND EXCITING PROGRAM ~ ~ WIDE AWAKES RADIO ON THE INTERNET. The Wide Awakes are a group of conservative bloggers who espouse a variety of beliefs unified by a conservative outlook to politics. You ought to have us on your blog rolls if you are a fellow blogger, or on your favorites if you are a reader and wish to partake of some of the best of conservative internet.
Your own GM, Moi, myself will be hosting a show on Thursday Nights at SIX PM Central Time. More information as it develops!
And now for the Contest. I'm looking for a tag line. The one I've come up with may or may not be the final one, but here it is:

If you can come up with a better one, and I bet you can, I'll have you as a guest on the show. Here is YOUR chance to develop an international reputation for your own political savy. Game? Of course you are, my readers are the smartest on the internet. Posted by GM Roper at May 21, 2006 07:47 AM | TrackBack
Wow! That is exciting news! I'll be listening, that's for sure.
Can I read the commercials?
Posted by Michael Meyn at May 20, 2006 10:17 PM
How about:
"Politics - The dirtiest, vilest, filthiest word in the English language"
There, in a single word, one can communicate all of the corruption, immorality, greed, total misuse of power, and lack of any values to live by. A single word encapsulating all of those thoughts and concepts.
Posted by Vulgorilla at May 21, 2006 07:10 AM
Not always "a FOND look," though.
Posted by Always On Watch at May 21, 2006 07:26 AM
A Right Look into Politics
Counselor to Political Insantity
Posted by Woody at May 21, 2006 08:08 AM
Spreading conservatism click by click :-)
Posted by Michael Meyn at May 21, 2006 11:08 AM
Great idea, GM!
How about: Eradicating the cancerous lies of the insane.
Posted by Ben USN (Ret) at May 21, 2006 06:59 PM
Since you are a head shrinker how about GM's Couch: Therapy for Politics.
Posted by Mike B at May 23, 2006 08:28 PM