May 10, 2006

But, Can He Carry Florida?

Just something else to drive the left crazy.

Brother Jeb would make 'great' US president: Bush

President George W. Bush praised his brother, Florida governor Jeb Bush, as an "excellent" leader who would make a "great president" of the United States.... "I think Jeb would be a great president. But it's up to Jeb to make a decision to run."

Think of the benefits of electing Florida Gov. Bush as President. Maybe this time Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, and half of California might really leave the country for good. To put the punctuation mark on it, Brother Jeb could decide to keep Dick Cheney as his Vice President, since the VP isn't limited to two terms.

However, J.B. needs to worry about his brother's low ratings--that is, until the Democrats nominate their next out-of-touch, left-wing radical, tax-and-spend, open the borders, kiss up to Castro, act like the French, and gut the military candidate...who will be roundly rejected by the voters.

Posted by Woody M. at May 10, 2006 01:30 PM | TrackBack

I hope Jeb runs and gets elected... not for one but for TWO terms. I honestly mean that. Can you guess why?

Posted by E. Nonee Moose at May 10, 2006 01:47 PM

Sounds like old fashioned monarchists to me. Face it your own preferred dictator is what you guys reall want. Choice isn't in the vocabulary.

Posted by Jake Elmore at May 10, 2006 03:05 PM

Moose, so that federal spending will increase at record rates? So that Democrats will be elected for a century after that? So that Rumsfeld can remain as Defense Secretary? So that you will win a bet?

Why do you want him to win and get re-elected?

Posted by Woody at May 10, 2006 03:52 PM

Jake, when you oversell the point with the use of the terms "monarchists" and "dictators," whatever reasonable debate we might have hoped for flies out the window.

Might I mention that Al Gore and Hilary Clinton both have uh, relatives who have been involved in politics? Plus Kennedy, Dodd, Jackson, Daley...

Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at May 10, 2006 04:27 PM

Well that may be but "in politics" isn't the same as The Adams and The Bushes. Thise are the only two that have pulled off this particular stunt. Oversell? Try overgeneralize.

Posted by Jake Elmore at May 10, 2006 06:05 PM

Jake, Jake, Jake... are you saying the Adams were a Monarchy because it was Father Son? Then where are the rest of the Adams. JQA didn't die without children, where are his decendents sitting on the White house throne?

Your argument is not only silly, it beggers belief.

Try again.

If Jeb, or Hillary, or Chelsea or JOHN Q. Public wants to run, that is not only their right, but their privilege as being an American. Are you saying that is not OK? How elitist of you.

Posted by GM Roper at May 10, 2006 08:14 PM

Elitist? Are you serious? How elite is it for multiple generations to hold the presidency? So two isn't enough to count? Pretty damn elite where I come from. But husband and wife, both from less than wealthy "Old Money" backgrounds? I like. That' the real America. From poverty to the presidency. Lincoln comes to mind. You're the elite one here pal.

Posted by Jake Elmore at May 10, 2006 08:39 PM

No Jake, it is not elite. It is called politics. Reps nominated Bush and more states gave him their votes than Gore or Kerry, both of which had a chance to sell their schtick and the public wasn't buying.

Now you'll tell me that gore won the popular vote... so, our presidents aren't elected by popular vote, never have been. That is called electoral college.

What more civics lessons do you need before you give up your pathetic BDS?

Posted by GM Roper at May 10, 2006 09:25 PM

Next you'll tell me that Gore and Kerry didn't come from money. Pure hypocracy. Damn son, get your act together or go join York in limbo. I don't mine your arguing, but at least come up with some rational and believable arguments.

Posted by GM Roper at May 10, 2006 09:28 PM

GM, he's bad, but ain't nothing compared to our mutual buddy, York.

JEB does sound like a potential candidate, and not because he is W's brother, but because he is (apparently) a successful governor of a southern state (a proven edge in the presidential race).

But I don't know enough about him to comment beyond that.

Posted by John Moore at May 10, 2006 10:02 PM

Why do you want him to win and get re-elected?

In polite terms, I want conseratives to have control of the presidency, the senate and the house for 16 years straight. (We've already done six years so they only need ten more.) I want them to have the opportunity to make their "vision" a reality. (Vision - you know, that thing you say Democrats lack entirely.) And when the conservative vision fails miserably, yes, I do want someone else to step in and fix things up. And if it isn't Democrats, then that's AOK with me. Any true liberal party will do... the Greens for example.

So, bottom line, I think things are going to have to get worse before they get better and Jeb Bush is admirably suited for the job of making things worse. So, there you go, my full-fledged, complete and honest endorsement for the presidency of Jeb Bush. Really, I'd even consider campaigning for the guy but I live in Alabama and he's probably already got the state locked up.

Posted by E. Nonee Moose at May 11, 2006 05:53 AM

Moose --

Haven't liberals already made enough "great" contributions to this country?

Hmmm, liberal "vision"...

Let's see, in the last four decades alone, they've pulled off every kind of legal coup there is to make it tougher for cops to get criminals convicted by turning the rules of obtaining evidence and the legalities of investigative techniques and arrests into some kind of bizarre game in which the criminal is much better protected than his victims and also holds a strong advantage over the police.

They've helped keep the spectre of racism alive and well by tossing the racist label around at every opportunity, merely to hang on to the votes of minorities for whom they accomplish absolutely nothing in any tangible terms, and create an atmosphere of racism whenever they need one, regardless of whether any exists.

They've already demonstrated by their complete lack of any grasp of reality or human nature and their chaffing-at-the-bit desires to support and naively become best buddies with Democracy's worst enemies, as well as through their habit of stripping our defense and intelligence budgets at every opportunity, that they're profoundly incapable of defending the country -- G-d help us if, after three or four consecutive Democrat administrations, Trinidad and Tobago decided to gang up on the U.S., or we were invaded by Iceland.

They've tinkered disasterously with the concepts of morality, family and parenting, turned our educational system into a pitiful fiasco and helped make the pressing of fraudulent, overstated and frivolous law suits into a major industry.

I could go on for another hour or two, but out of deference to this excellent blog I'll just suggest this:

Isn't it time we gave those poor, hard working liberal politicians a vacation, say, for about ten thousand years?

Posted by Seth at May 11, 2006 08:54 AM

You stupid dipwads. I am York. Take a flying leap. You're both not qualified to carry my bags to the airport. Gotcha!

Posted by Jake Elmore at May 11, 2006 09:21 AM

"and more states gave him their votes than Gore or Kerry"

Not really.


Most folks on the right rail against Clinton, a poor man from a broken home rising of his own effort to the presidency while condoning a legacy money dupe from a war profiteering and banking fraud family in business since WWI. If that isn't elite I've never seen it. Son of a senator, Gore, not wealthy, and son of a low level bureacrat (Kerry: he married Republican money) is true, but not comparable to the son of a a rich man senator, president, and now apparently here in wingerville brother of a failed president. Yeah that's equivalent to a load of horse manure. What faulty reasoning from a serf. GO shine his shoes.

Posted by George Boyle at May 11, 2006 09:31 AM

So I was right then -- "Jake Elmore" was named after Jake and Elwood Blues.

Boy, for a guy who thinks GM and Woody aren't fit to carry his bags, he sure is desperate to comment on this blog, so desperate he has to sneak in through the back door.

On the other hand, York probably hasn't got much of a life -- if the way he comports himself in the Blogosphere is any indication of the real York, I doubt he'd have many -- if any -- friends, even among his fellow liberals, so he probably comes here to get attention by mounting his clueless leftist arguments.

Posted by Seth at May 11, 2006 11:42 AM

Mark aka Jake...go look over at Marc Cooper's where I addressed you as "Jake York" two days ago. G.M. and I discussed that Jake and Mark were one and the same, but let it drop.

You may now pick up and carry OUR bags.

Posted by Woody at May 11, 2006 12:58 PM

Moose, I'm in Alabama a lot--particularly during football season, both in Auburn and Tuscaloosa. You don't have to provide details, but I'm curious as to the general area where you live. I'm guessing Tuscaloosa first (with Univ. of Alabama connections) and Birmingham second (perhaps living near Forest Park or Five Points South). Am I close? You could join us for some tailgating and we won't even talk politics!

Posted by Woody at May 11, 2006 01:06 PM

Just for the record, Jeb Bush doesn't have a chance in hell. The American people have definitely had their fill of the Bush clan. That's an official prediction.

That said, it's not unreasonable to have some concerns about an elected family dynasty. While 12 Bush years over the course of 20 years isn't the biggest deal, 20 over 28 years (2 Jeb terms) starts to look a little ugly. I know we like to think of ourselves as democrats to the core, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful.

Posted by Mavis Beacon at May 12, 2006 12:05 PM

Mavis, I personally agree with you vis-a-vis Jebs chances, I also don't think he want's to run. However, notice how it drives the "irrational" lefties (which specifically excludes you) absolutely NUTS?

That's worth the price of admission in and of itself!

Posted by GM Roper at May 12, 2006 01:16 PM

Moose, I'm in Alabama a lot--particularly during football season, both in Auburn and Tuscaloosa. You don't have to provide details, but I'm curious as to the general area where you live. I'm guessing Tuscaloosa first (with Univ. of Alabama connections) and Birmingham second (perhaps living near Forest Park or Five Points South). Am I close? You could join us for some tailgating and we won't even talk politics!

I'm from Montgomery... never been to an Alabama or Auburn football game in my life and probably never will. Thanks for the invite though... I know you offered it sincerely and I appreciate that.

As far as talking politics, frankly, I'm just about sick of politics all around. I've spent most of my life being apolitical and am probably about to return to that blissful state. This country is just going to have to run itself without me! ;)

Posted by E. Nonee Moose at May 13, 2006 06:20 AM

Moose, you can withdraw from politics in general. You, however, are not allowed to withdraw from commenting on GM's Corner. Though we very seldom agree, you add to the discussion. You have your orders sir, carry them out. ;-)

Posted by GM Roper at May 13, 2006 07:38 AM

Woody, read your third paragraph again. You have just recited the record of the last five years, except for the "tax and spend) The repubs have hyphenated that to "spend"
Also you seem to want to keep credit for the "tell the people anything, but go to war anyhow"
You do have blinders on, don't you?

Posted by James S Melbert at May 13, 2006 05:48 PM

It doesn't make me crazy. It makes me wanna barf my guts up, though.

Posted by HelenWheels at May 14, 2006 02:08 PM

Jeb is unelectable as President. I'm from Florida and know this. I'm not convinced he could carry his own state. Even the people of Florida are split over him. I think he's generally done a good job as Governor, however, he hasn't been exactly 'dynamic'. North Florida likes him and South Florida hates him. Please take note too that South Florida (and a lot of Central Florida) is majority Democrat.

My biggest concern is not so much about our governorship, but our state legislature and a possibility of enacting a state income tax in the near future. So far we've avoided that. But there has been the issue of how fast the state is growing and those from 'blue' states moving here in droves. They come here mainly to escape rising housing costs and the costs of living and the taxes in their native states, yet, when they arrive in Florida they don't consider that many of their problems derived from their voting practices which they do not leave behind.

I would vote for Newt as president. Yes, I know he has baggage. What politician doesn't? But mostly because I like his no nonsense attitude toward solving problems. Where most politicians ignore problems or are happy with applying "quick temporary fixes", Newt is willing to look at what needs to change and is not willing to just throw money at the problem.

Posted by Oyster at May 16, 2006 07:44 AM

Jeb. That would be something. Then we could make a movie: Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.

Nope, George ruined it for everybody. I am worried enough about the next election (John McCain, preferably), but if Jeb is running, there is nothing more to think about. Jesse Jackson could come out as a homosexual crack-addict and still beat Jeb Bush.

Posted by mike at May 22, 2006 04:30 PM

On the other hand, York probably hasn't got much of a life -- if the way he comports himself in the Blogosphere is any indication of the real York, I doubt he'd have many -- if any -- friends, even among his fellow liberals, so he probably comes here to get attention by mounting his clueless leftist arguments.

I can confirm that we liberals also don't like Mrk.Yrk (as he's now known on Making Light, where disemvowelment is the penalty for persistent and boring rudeness).

Posted by Xopher at May 30, 2006 10:10 AM

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