February 15, 2006
Marine Ace Who Downed 28 Enemy Planes Is Downed Himself by Snot-Nosed College Student
It's so typical. University students get infected with academic liberalism and take great pride and glee at attacking and destroying the memory, reputation, and heroic deeds of our military. The latest victim at the hands of the left was a military hero for whom a memorial was proposed by the student senate at the University of Washington. Here are the credentials of this hero. Can you guess his name before I reach the end? ...Medal of Honor winner, Navy Cross recipient, Purple Heart recipient (won honestly, John Kerry), World War II Marine combat pilot hero, destroyed twenty-eight Japanese aircraft, survived Japanese POW camp, and a graduate of the university snubbing him. Who is he? Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington of the famed Blacksheep Squadron
Neal Boortz had an excellent entry on this matter, which was covered by the WorldNetDaily. The complete discussion by the students is documented by a copy of the 02/07/2006 minutes of the Washington student senate meeting. Here is part of Boortz's article.
Under old business there was a discussion of a resolution calling for a tribute to Pappy Boyington. Student senate member Jill Edwards immediately moved to table the resolution. She wanted other issues to be considered. Another member said that the issue was at the top of the agenda and should be dealt with. Jill's motion failed, but she wasn't through. There was then some discussion on why Andrew Everett, another student senate member, wanted the memorial. Everett responded that Colonel Boyington "had many of the qualities the University of Washington hoped to produce in its students." Well, I guess that might be true, if leadership and courage are considered to be good qualities. Anyway ... that's when Jill Edwards spoke up and showed her true colors. She questioned whether it was appropriate to honor a person who killed other people. Then the lovely Jill Edwards said that a member of the Marine Corps was not an example of the sort of person the University of Washington wanted to produce. By the way .. there's at least one more moonbat on the U of W student senate. Her name is Ashley Miller. Ashley says that there are already enough monuments at UW commemorating "rich white men." Well .. I guess you have to get that wealth-envy stuff in there somewhere.
(Note: Boyington was not rich and, in addition, he was part Sioux, according to the discussion at Paradosis, of which the writer personally knew the man.)

How pathetic of the student representatives at the University of Washington. How pathetic and typical of the arrogant and unappreciative attitudes of those in college academics. Maybe the next time that they want protection from our enemies or terrorists, they can find someone who can stop the attackers without killing them. Maybe one day they will learn that war is fought with bullets and not college text books.
Posted by Woody at February 15, 2006 09:50 AM | TrackBack"She questioned whether it was appropriate to honor a person who killed other people."
"... a member of the Marine Corps was not an example of the sort of person the University of Washington wanted to produce."
"Ashley says that there are already enough monuments at UW commemorating "rich white men""
Oh, my God, this makes me FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
My friend, this is NOT "liberalism", this is "anti Americanism" rearing its ugly head. Call them what you will... "anti Americans", "leftists", "far leftists", "radical leftists extremists", "socialists", "dumbasses", etc.,
But PLEASE do not call these punks "liberals", because until Webster changes their definition of the term, they fall way shy of meeting it.
I would just be happy to call them "stupid kids" if they weren't so dangerous.
Blog ON, friend...
Posted by Gun Toting Liberal at February 15, 2006 12:03 PM
My bad,
I forgot to say...
May the Colonel rest in peace, and thank you, "Pappy", from the bottom of my heart, for your unselfish service to the United States of America!!!
Posted by Gun Toting Liberal at February 15, 2006 12:06 PM
Gun, your point is well taken. The term liberal as it should be used has been hijacked by the extreme left, which likes to portray itself as being more moderate by using more moderate terms. They also use "progressive," although I don't know what is progressive about attitudes that hold back our economy and our nation. In any event, this is not untypical of attitudes you find on college campuses these days.
Posted by Woody at February 15, 2006 01:14 PM
As one who served in the Marine Corps for 32 years, AND who is employed as a college instructor, I can tell all where most of these "kids" get their political cant (WAIT FOR IT...IT WILL BE A BIG SURPRISE):
college instructors.
OK, it wasn't a big surprise. Are all college instructors left-leaning and anti-military? No. Are there alot who are? Yes. And while you're considering it, how about K-12? Many "kids" arrive at college already indoctrinated. Note: I tell my students NOT to necessarily believe what I say. I encourage them to read widely and surf the many news sources. However, most do not. Sadly, most are easily led and he who screams the loudest and longest (the BIG LIE deal) garners followers.
Note: How is it that nearly everything Liberals once stood for is now opposed by most of those claiming to be Liberal? Since when was Castro, Hugo Chavez, Arafat (and those who followed), Mao, Che...and the list goes one...considered Liberals? Just asking.
Well, I will cease and desist.
Semper Fidelis...and Regards to Pappy Boyington and Ira Hayes...among many, many, many others who guarded the "ivy halls."
Posted by Tad at February 15, 2006 02:07 PM
That was fast - proposed resolution at http://senate.asuw.org/legislation/12/R/R-12-24.html:
Posted by Tony at February 15, 2006 05:37 PM