December 28, 2005
Liberal Ideas
One of the more conservative blogs employing biting humor (and oh so correct 99.999999% of the time) is Espella Humanzee. A fellow Texan and for sure a caustic wit (yesterday's post is a great example). Scrolling down his site early this morning, I came across a sidebar graphic that I thought was so accurate it was worth putting on my blog as an entry. Some of my more "lefty" type readers won't get it or if they do, they will be insulted (hey guys, you can't be insulted when your friends tell you the truth), but the vast majority of my thinking readers will. If you doubt the veracity of the graphic, just go to the sites indicated (no, I won't provide a link to garbage sites.) Heh!

So, liberal ideas come from the bottom.
Posted by Woody at December 28, 2005 08:52 AM
To a Liberal, the truth hurts. Liberals fight with words and false accusations. Conservatives fight with facts and deeds. Liberals live in a fantasy world. Conservatives deal with what is.
Any wonder why Liberals have been miserable in the year of Reality?
Posted by PCD at December 28, 2005 08:53 AM
Too Good I was tempted to borrow it from you.
Wonder tho how they fair in the coldest and hottest weather. As I recall they really stink in the summer and are so cold in the winter you brain freezes through you butt.
Posted by PattyAka Redneck Granny at December 28, 2005 06:45 PM
I'm really flattered! Just credit my site for the graphic, it's an original "Espella".
Posted by Espella at December 29, 2005 02:46 PM