November 04, 2005
British Muslims Celebrate Victory
London - Associated Press
Muhammad al Fawaz-Turki
There has been massive celebrating in London and throughout the British Empire as one of the most hateful and racist cartoon's and literary character has been banned by the Home Office. On Monday, Mamoud ibn Ukbar-Jihaddi filed a complaint stating that tens of thousands of Muslim children were not able to enjoy the stories of Christopher Robin and Winnie-The-Pooh because of the inherent anti-muslim character that can pop up in the stories. Deriding the character Piglet, ibn Ukbar-Jihaddi stated that muslims could even conceivably be irrevocably harmed psychologically by growing up without having a thourough understanding of the 100 Acre Wood. "After all," said ibn Ukbar-Jihaddi, muslims are people too and we have every right to live in a swine free environment."
Of course not everyone agrees with the ban. Contacted at the 100 Acre Wood, Tigger noted that he would have his workload increase beyond his ability to perform as he and Eeyore will have to now fill in for piglet. "Those folk (the Muslims) have no idea how difficult it is to keep up with Pooh and provide him amusement for the stories," said Tigger.
Eeyore agreed nodding his head and saying only "Uh-huh!" Cristopher Robin, attending the now mandatory Madarass in Lincolnshire could not be reached for comment.

Ahh this is CUTE...hehe. I gotta get my piggy up on my sidebar. LOL I like the piglet you have too.
Posted by Raven at November 4, 2005 07:13 PM
Hmmm. I guess a C-141 dropping pork-chops over Iran is out of the question, huh? Damn. Well, back to the drawing board.
Posted by Mustang at November 4, 2005 07:25 PM
Mustang, oh, I don't know... Tehran, Rydiah, Damascas, Cairo... sounds like a goodly bombing run to me....
Posted by GM at November 4, 2005 07:58 PM
Where can I find some lawn ornaments in a pig or hog design? I'll put them out as talismans.
Posted by Always On Watch at November 4, 2005 08:13 PM
Wow, how sad! I never thought about how deprived the little terrorist juvi(s) are.
just think, Orwell's Animal farm can be used to ' P.O.' Commies and Islamofascists!
Posted by Squamata at November 4, 2005 08:40 PM
Kind of like someone moving into someone else's house, then demanding that the hosts adjust their lifestyle to meet his/her own specs.
Personally, I'd give 'em the boot.
Posted by Seth at November 4, 2005 10:14 PM
Seth, you're way too kind. I still think the religion of death should be outlawed as subversive.
Posted by Ogre at November 5, 2005 06:20 AM
'Go back where you come from', if you don't like our cartoons!
And, Eeyore said, "Oh, Piglet! They called you swine. Does that mean I can't play with you anymore?" :)
Posted by Barb at November 8, 2005 09:18 PM