May 04, 2005
As I Give Finals - Unrest In Academia
Pat Santy writing in Dr. Sanity has a terrific post up on the "Plan to Retake Academia" complete with diagnosis, prescription and an observation or two. Dr. Pat (a practicing psychiatrist) has a unique ability to cut through the BS and focus on what a specific problem is. I can only imagine that this is a major benefit for her patients. In her practice, as well as in the practice of anyone who really cares about their patients, good diagnosis leads to good and efficacious treatment.
Pat comments:
"This past weekend I was at a dinner where I met several academics--one from English and one from a Social Work department. As is usual in such activites the topic turned to politics and unsurprisingly, the gratuitous comments about "those awful Republicans, don't you know" and "BushHitler" were made.I concur; Many times collegues in the therapy profession ask me how can I be a therapist and a conservative, let alone a conservative Republican. The answer is simple, as Pat Santy would say, I still know how to think. Posted by GM Roper at May 4, 2005 10:28 AM | TrackBackI've been to too many of these affairs to be surprised at this, but everytime it happens it is simply mind-bogglingly breathtaking to me that my esteemed colleagues could possibly assume that everyone thinks exactly like they do!
The tragedy is that they actually stopped thinking some time ago."