April 26, 2005

What A Bunch Of Cowards You Are!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The best of times? Easy, Republicans have the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The worst of times? Again, easy! The Republicans are too stupid to capitalize on their gains.

The Democrats threaten to shut down the Senate if the Republicans change the Rules of the Senate to end the "Gentleman's Filibuster." The Dems cry out how "dare" you end the constitutional protection of the minority. They argue that it is a "power-grab." They yell about their Danish. Whoops, wrong argument!

How then, about this argument from Kevin Drum?

"I shot my wad on the narrower question of judicial filibusters a couple of months ago in the Washington Post, arguing that the real issue was Republican hypocrisy in systematically dismantling Senate rules that they themselves had used with eager abandon back when Bill Clinton was president:

There are powerful arguments that these arcane Senate rules are fundamentally undemocratic — arguments to which I am sympathetic. But it's harder to see any good argument for allowing the rules to be cynically changed based solely on who's in power. If one blue slip is the rule when your opponents hold the presidency, then that should be the rule when your own party holds the presidency. Ditto for the rules on reporting nominees out of committee.

Read the whole thing if you're interested in the entire glorious panorama of Republican hypocrisy on this issue."

Now, I like reading Drum from time to time, he's somewhat of a fruitcake about liberal politics, but this time he is not only a fruitcake, he's so far out in left field, he's dropped off of the continental shelf. Hypocrisy? Whom is Drum kidding? The Democrats griped (well, the most appropriate word here would start with a 'B' but this IS a family site) when Clinton was in office and the Republicans wanted to use the filibuster and threatened to do so. Then it was Byrd, Ried, Boxer, Schumer, Leahy and a whole panoply of Democrats saying "Change the rules, give us an up or down vote" and equally "disingenuous" comments; though I acknowledge the Republicans tended to hold up the nominations in committee.

Yeah Drum, hypocrisy rules.

Now the Democrats want to "compromise." Gee Fellow Senators... if you will promise NEVER to use the constitutionally approved recess appointment we "promise" (yeah, that's the word and they are sticking to it!) to allow a vote after a lengthy debate, and more debate, and more debate, and more debate, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, and eventually, eventually (yeah, that's another word and they are sticking to that one too.) it will come up for a vote ... Say around December, 2008?

If anyone believes that "compromise" agreements by EITHER party when they are attempting to gain a political advantage, is going to be kept... well, I have a delightful ocean front property in Manitoba to sell you.

The only reason the Democrats are willing to compromise is that they are deathly afraid that Frist and Co. will push the button on the dreaded "nuclear option." Then, if that happens they will be forced to "shut down" the Senate (assuming they really can) and the country will see them for the obstructionists they truly are.

The Republicans on the other hand have all the intestinal fortitude of an earthworm (That much? ... ed.). They are deathly afraid that if they call for the "nuclear option." they will lose the vote because of a few namby pamby, panty waisted, girlie men by the name of McCain, Voinovich, Chafee, Snow and perhaps a few others. They are also worried about having to abide by the "new" rule when they are out of power as they will sooner or later be (unless the Democrats continue to act like the children they are in which case the Republicans may be there a very long time.)

What courage the Republicans have. What stalwarts they are! What ... ahhh, NUTS!!!

Look folks, the “gentlemen’s” form of filibuster is a sham enacted by lazy senators to give the illusion of filibuster. But it’s BS. I mean that in the kindest way of course. You want the filibuster? Fine, then by gosh have a real, honest-to-goodness filibuster. Get some clown (Byrd will do just fine - even Hillary would suffice) and filibuster away. Read the Readers Digest condensed books into the record, quote from the New York Phone Directory, stay stuck to the floor till you give out and make everyone else stay there and listen to you drone on and on and on. Then vote for cloture.

But this chicken flavored gentlemen’s filibuster? What a bunch of cowards you all are. Yes, you, all 100 of you for not having the courage of your convictions.

I'm sick of the bunch of you and I'm sick of the whining that changing rules made by the senate is a disaster when the other guy wants to do it but a good thing when your side wants to do it. You were all elected to serve the people of this country. Ladies and Gentlemen, you have failed miserably.

Posted by GM Roper at April 26, 2005 07:46 PM | TrackBack

Put.... The.... Gun.... Down....

Seriously though, I couldn't agree more. Cowards and prevaricators and hipocrits all.

Posted by too many steves at April 27, 2005 06:38 AM

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