August 09, 2007

You must be a liberal if …

We see lists like this regularly, but occasionally we need an update.

You must be a Dave Weinbaum

I must admit, I've been surprised by the amount of vitriol coming from supposedly intelligent rational people when it comes to what they believe about our world and how we should live and govern. They seethe when talking about President George W. Bush. Their hate for him is inexplicable. Those people are known as Liberals, or as some refer to themselves, "Progressives." Below are traits of the above. You can believe in one or two, but if you identify with 3 or more you get the Liberal medal around your neck or as I look at it, the albatross. You must be a liberal:

If you voted for the Iraq war when it was the popular thing to do, then claim you were hypnotized by Bush's "lies" when it became unpopular.

If you say Bush is "dumb" even after he beat you in two elections you were positive you would win.

If you don't want profiling for terrorists even though evidence is overwhelming that most are Middle Easterners.

If you think capitalism should be replaced by Socialism, despite hundreds of years of evidence that our economy is number 1 in the world.

If you think all American corporations are evil.

If you think you can't have a view about foreign policy if you haven't served in the military…that is…unless its' your opinion.

If you believe there is no liberal bias in the media.

These represent selections. For the entire list, go to this link: JWR

Did he leave any out? My list would include "if you are compassionate with other people's money." If you think of any others, add them to the comment section. I'm sure that we can find a few more.

Posted by Woody M. at August 9, 2007 02:20 PM | TrackBack

If you think the environment can best be protected by diminishing private property rights.

If you understand that raising taxes on -- like -- tobacco could reduce its use but think that raising taxes on income won't depress the economy.

If you think that taxes on businesses aren't paid by their customers.

If you think a government that can't run a whorehouse profitably should nevertheless have control over the entire economy.

...the list is -- or could be -- endless.


Posted by Mark Alger at August 10, 2007 08:14 AM

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