April 05, 2007
Gee Thanks Nancy!

UPDATE: Civil Truth writing at And Rightly So was inspired by my cover and put up Diplomacy For Dhimmis with a contest for anyone to enter. Go there and have at it folks.
Is there a chapter on gerrymandering?
Posted by Ogre at April 5, 2007 08:22 AM
She looked kinda cute in that god-awful scarf. If you like bag ladies.
What a bozo.
Love the art work!
Posted by DADvocate at April 5, 2007 12:54 PM
Hahahaha Good one!
OH h ow I wish she would go away, and never come back. augh
Posted by Wild Thing at April 5, 2007 03:09 PM
They need to quickly come out with the companion volume: Diplomacy for Dhimmis.
Chapters would include:
Appeasement as an Art Form
Unilateral Bargaining
Exposing State Secrets
Surrendering to Terrorist Threats
Rewarding Bad Behavior
Backstabbing Allies
Misreporting Messages
Capitulation through Negotiation
Capitulation in lieu of Negotiation
White Flag Folding Techniques
Posted by civil truth at April 5, 2007 04:58 PM
BWAHAHAH GM...I lurve it!! LOL where did YOU find this gem??????????
Posted by Raven at April 5, 2007 06:51 PM
The trip by Peeeeloshi was the best thing that could happen. Now the world knows for sure she is a traitor to her country so they had better not trust her. Israel trusted her and in less than 24 hours she was lying about them to their enemy. Her and the ditch witch should be pardners in a whore house. They could make a couple bucks a month, maybe. If Hanoi John, Drunken Ted and Mad Jack were around they might even make $3. That is about the extent of their qualifications to breathe.
Posted by Scrapiron at April 5, 2007 10:23 PM
Some cats like the bag ladies!
Posted by ptg at April 6, 2007 03:45 PM
Did Nancy Pelosi have just as much right to go to Syria as any Republican congressman would have? If not, why not?
Posted by e. nonee moose at April 9, 2007 11:08 AM