March 01, 2007

Aliens Can Solve Global Warming

No,I don't think that this means illegal Mexicans. This is about getting space aliens to solve global warming. (Yeah, the "global warming delusionals" really have their heads screwed on right.)

Alien technology the best hope to 'save our planet'

A former Canadian defence minister says be believes advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to "save our planet" from the perils of climate change.

Paul Hellyer, 83, is calling for a public disclosure of alien technology obtained during alleged UFO crashes -- such as the mysterious 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- because he believes alien species can provide humanity with a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

"Climate change is the No. 1 problem facing the world today," he said. "I'm not discouraging anyone from being green conscious, but I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet."

"We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know," he said. "Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough."

If there is a consensus that space aliens in flying saucers have visited Earth, then this guy should get a global warming grant just like the rest of the consensus scientists and advocates.

What other sources can we come up with to solve global warming? How about Ghostbusters or the Abominable Snowman?

Posted by Woody M. at March 1, 2007 04:10 PM | TrackBack

Well, you've already named one alternative fuel source here:

...he believes alien species can provide humanity with a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

So all we have to do it to capture enough members of these visiting alien species and convert them to enegy. And if they're as ubiquitous as Mr. Helleyer and his acolytes evidently believe, that shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure he's got plans drawn up for alien traps, complete with bait.

Speaking of aliens, maybe if we'd been a bit faster on the draw, we could have managed to capture some Martians when they invaded back in 1938 and extracted the secret from them before they succumbed to infection.

As for other sources, perhaps we can draw on the lost wisdom of Atlantis. Lots of people seem sure they know where it is, and some claim to be in communication with its inhabitants (or their spirits).

Oh, I almost forgot - dilithium crystals!

Posted by civil truth at March 1, 2007 04:43 PM

"The rumor is that when this particular alien came on the scene, his appearance was so offensive that his nickname was 'Alien Gore'. Eventually, he became so well informed on many Area 51 projects that he blackmailed his 'keepers' into letting him start a career in politics.
"Now, even though Mr. Gore knows very well that the covert weather war is the cause of global warming, he has hitched his career to the popular idea of global warming being caused by manmade greenhouse gases", Hendricks explained. "The concern now is that he might not be as friendly to humanity as he was thought to be, and that his appearance on Earth might be part of a planned alien takeover attempt. People willingly giving power to this 'freak' would be much more effective than an 'Independence Day' style invasion."

Posted by Mike at March 1, 2007 05:23 PM

Set phasers to stun Mr. Spock, Lt. Ohura, raise your skirt, uh, I mean, shields... Really... Mr. Sulu, raise a ... Never mind, we all knew you were strange... Photon torpedoes at the ready...

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Posted by TexasFred at March 1, 2007 06:13 PM

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