February 18, 2007
Celebrating The Year Of The Pig
There may be a few of you out there who are not aware that the Chinese New Year has begun and it is NOW the Year Of The PIG... Let me repeat that please, the year of the
猪的年, jaar van het varken, Jahr des Schweins, Έτος του χοίρου, année du porc, ブタの年, год свиньи, or, as the video says, año del cerdu and in any language, a time to celebrate. But it is the Chinese zodiac that gives rise to the name of the year. In Chinese folklore, Budda called all the animals to him and only 12 showed up, he gave them, in their honor, a year named after each of the 12.
But, we in this country, and in others, celebrate pigs in different ways. We celebrate them at breakfast with eggs, we celebrate them when we eat pulled pork, we laugh at them when they do something amusing or funny like fly, cause everyone knows that pigs can't fly... can they? I mean, after all, they do have to obey the laws of nature don't they?
I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, but given the times I don't have any reason to disbelieve it either: recently, some folk at C.A.I.R. or some similar organization have put the word out that they want the Chinese to cancel the "Year of the Pig" celebrations as offensive to Muslims. Well, oh-my-gosh!!!! Offensive to Muslims, huh? Were they offensive to Muslims 12 years ago in 1995? Because that was the Year of the Pig too. How about 1983, or 1971 or even the year my brother was born 1947? Were those years offensive to Muslims too? I don't remember any "riots" back then, I don't remember CAIR or any other organization in the past demanding China cancel the year of the pig. What goes? I mean, as you can see on the left, since the Chinese did NOT cancel the Year of The pig in 570 CE did they? And all them pigs have been making more pigs since then, and those pigs have been making more pigs... Geeze, you'd think that Allah would not have allowed all those pigs in the first place if pigs were to be cancelled in the year 570.
Of course, pigs do like to wallow in mud, they are not the cleanest of animals perhaps, but they sure do make good eatin' when you are hungry for pig. I wonder if Mohammad ever had a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich, or, as Ogre would say Sammich, but then he is an ogre! But pigs can be clean too, and they make terrific house pets, in fact, for many years the most popular pig pet was the Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig. And of course, we have all laughed at Porky Pig for years. So, all this nonsense about cancelling the year of the pig is just that, nonsense.
So, all you folk out there who are so intolerant of the Pig, let me make a couple of suggestions to you. 1.) Relax like that fellow to the left; 2.) Get out your favorite Crock Pot and get the following ingredients and follow the directions to a little bit of heaven.... and no, there are no 72 vegans in this heaven, but the eating is fantastic.
Ogre's Pulled Pork Sammiches
(yes Ogre, I named this one for you)
4 lb pork roast
2 onions, sliced, divided
1 onion, chopped
5 or 6 whole cloves
2 cups water
16 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
salt and pepper
1. Place one sliced onion at the bottom of Crock Pot.
2. Stud pork roast with cloves and season with salt and pepper.
3. Place roast in slow cooker on top of the sliced onion. Cover with the second sliced onion and add enough water to fill Crock Pot two thirds of the way.
4. Cover and cook on low 8 to 12 hours.
5. Remove roast. Remove and discard cloves, bone and fat as well as any water, onions and grease remaining in pot.
6. When pork roast is cool enough to handle, use a fork or your fingers to pull it apart until the entire roast is shredded.
7. Return the pulled pork to the crockpot. Mix in the chopped onion and BBQ sauce and cover. Heat on high for 1-3 hours or until the onions are soft.
8. Serve on large, crusty buns with a mustard based Carolina-style BBQ sauce.
9. Leave room for desert.
Can't think of a better way to Celebrate The Year Of The Pig than to celebrate by eating pig. Does a culture that far exceeds that of the Muslams in terms of length of time on this planet have to eliminate every 12th year just to please a bunch of fanatics? Or, more likely, is this merely a ploy to see if someone will bow down (kowtow as it were) while they push their agenda farther and farther. Well crap boys and girls, this ole fellow ain't bowin' down to that most ridiculous demand. In fact, I'm going to do all that I can to include pig in every week for the next 52 weeks. Please pass the Fatwah!

A tip O' The GM Derby to Kender
Long live The Year of the Pig! Especially if celebrating it upsets CAIR.
The recipe looks great. I may have to try this one. I use the crock pot all the time, and my family calls me "The Queen of the Crock Pot."
Posted by Always On Watch at February 18, 2007 07:13 PM
Oh, nice! Now did you already make these so I can sample them? :)
Posted by Ogre at February 18, 2007 08:00 PM
Posted by Macker at February 18, 2007 08:49 PM
Gong Hay Fat Choy!
And pass the sammiches, please...
Posted by Peter Porcupine at February 18, 2007 09:13 PM
Since the number of Chinese exceeds the number of Muslims worldwide, and since the Chinese culture long predates Islam, and seeing the unconcern the Chinese have for the opinions of outsiders (and how they treat the Falun Gong), I don't think the Chinese government is about to roll over and yield to CAIR on this matter. (Nor our neighbors either, from the sounds of it at 2 AM.) The Chinese at least still have a societal identity they are willing to stand up for.
Posted by civil truth at February 18, 2007 09:33 PM
I see you have a few of the pigs makin' bacon up there. That is how I feel about the Muzzies, screw them.
I will concede that they should cancel the year of the pig if it offends Muslims if CAIR and the rest will concede that they should eliminate Muslims because THEY offend me.
We need a new law that every thing made in America (and that isn't much any more) needs to have some component of a pig in it in order to honor the little fella just right.
Posted by Big Dog at February 18, 2007 09:34 PM
HEY OGRE!!!! YOU better NOT eat all that pork at once...
I'm hungry darnit, save some for ME!!!!!!!!!
LOL GM this is FUNNY...thanks for the laugh.
Posted by Raven at February 19, 2007 07:11 AM
LMAO, is there anyway I can be Chinese for this year only?
If this offends Muslims, I'm all for it! Porky will be decorating my yard for the year.
Posted by Robert at February 19, 2007 08:52 AM
There is zero evidence given for the assertion that C.A.I.R. has a problem with the year of the pig. Neither a web search nor a brief search of their website suggests any resentment or call for action. In other words, the second half of this post is based on mere supposition. Bad form.
Posted by Mavis Beacon at February 20, 2007 12:57 AM
Mavis, this is obviously a humorous post my god man, look at the animated gifs to see that. Roper didn't say that C.A.I.R. did it, he said CAIR or some other organization MAY have done it. Lighten up, don't you have a sense of humor.
Posted by Mykal at February 20, 2007 07:11 AM
pass the sammiches and the beer....
Posted by Michael at February 24, 2007 12:21 PM