November 15, 2006

Shocking! Voters Realize Democrats Have No Iraq Plan

Now, we find out. The Democrats do not have a plan to get out of Iraq afterall, and they want to wait on a study led by Republicans before they will take a position--a position which, naturally, will be non-specific and will continue to blame President Bush. It's the typical avoidance of responsibility and action that we have come to expect from the Democrats. Do nothing, don't get blamed, and point fingers at someone else. It's amazing that an entire political party can act like a teenager.

Poll: Most doubt Dems have plan for Iraq

More Americans rank Iraq as the top priority of the new Democratic-controlled Congress, but nearly three out of five say the party does not have a plan to deal with the war. (Actual Poll Here)

...No doubt, the election results have put Democrats in something of a box, said Stephen Biddle, a defense policy expert at the Council of Foreign Relations. "It's a very, very awkward thing to run a war from the Congress," he said. "The public wants them to do something. And they don't want to go into 2008 and be accused of being the do-nothing 110th Congress."

For now, Democrats appear willing to wait for the recommendations of a bipartisan Iraq study group led by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton. The group's findings are expected within the next few weeks. The Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, also wants a bipartisan congressional summit to debate Iraq.

Why wait on a bipartisan study? Why have another summit or debate? Do something like you promised. Or, maybe the Democrats do not already have a plan for Iraq and are just wanting a basis to blame the Republicans for their own failure for a solution. How many Americans and Iraqis are going to die in the meantime because of the Democrat's delay in sharing their bold plan for withdrawal--certainly not to be confused with victory?

Or, can we say, "Democrats lied, people died." Well, we know that they lied. Let's see if they take responsibility for continued deaths in Iraq, but don't hold your breath. In the meantime, we'll have to pray for the best Iraqi outcome from another source.


Posted by Woody M. at November 15, 2006 12:50 AM | TrackBack

The Democrat party of "new direction" will probably choose where John Murtha suggeted re-deployment should occur; Okinawa, Japan.

Posted by Denny at November 15, 2006 01:50 AM

Honestly, how many times did we hear that they had a plan for Iraq? If they're plan was to withdraw troops and redeploy to Japan (which is what we kept hearing) then why are they still being so wishy washy? Had they ever bothered to ask Japan? We don't know. Either that's the plan or not. They don't have to keep secrets anymore. They won the election. Unless of course their plan is simply to leave and they never got any further than that because winning took them totally by surprise.

Much like John Kerry's "plans" nothing materialized. If John Kerry's plan for, say, healthcare was so good for the country, then I'd say that as a united States Congressman, sworn to advance what he felt was good for the country, he had an obligation to reveal this plan and make an effort to garner support for it from his peers at any point in his unremarkable career. Not hold it a secret to use as fodder for his own advancement to a higher office.

Like Alaska's Ted Stevens holding back the bill to force transparency in Congressional spending for selfish reasons.

Recently Neal Boortz said John Linder recently talked to a Democrat Congressman (he wouldn't reveal who) who told him that yeah, they would get other Democrats to sign on to the Fair Tax Bill - but not until they were in power.

They're always thinking of the American people, eh?

Posted by Oyster at November 15, 2006 05:45 AM

Remember the welfare reform that Clinton took credit for back in the 1990s? It was the Republicans in Congress who were actually responsible for that.

Re Iraq, if we don't cut-and-run, it will be a Republican plan that "changes our direction" over there, and the Dems, being the majority, will breathe a sigh of relief and claim credit for that as well.

They never have any plans for anything, except raising taxes and throwing the money at social issues.

It would be awfully funny if all the Republicans in Congress just sat back, shut up and contributed nothing for the next two years, allowing the Democrats to flounder planlessly and cluelessly about. Unfortunately they can't do that, because there probably wouldn't be a U.S. come Nov 2008.

Posted by Seth at November 15, 2006 08:37 PM

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