November 08, 2006
Jim's Predictions
My friend, and commenter Jim Hitchcock posted the following comment at Marc Coopers bloog. I found it so damn funny, I had to steal it. Jim, if you object I'll take it down... but folks, honestly, this is good!
My predictions (Democratic):Hillary Clinton hires James Carville, but is soon forced to fire him when, during an argument, Carville calls Hillary `an ignorant slut’. Al Gore hires Bob Schrum and relearns how to sleep after six years of manic wakefulness. Unfortunately, this occurs mostly during strategy sessions. Dennis Kucinich hires a new hairdresser, and is cast as a regular in the new season of `Lost’. John Kerry buys a bong from Tommy Chong, and wisely decides to sit this one out. Russ Feingold, in a stunningly bold move, hires the California Cheese people, and goes on to sweep the primaries
Feingold running for Prez? OMG... pass the smelling salts.
Filed under Democrats
Jim makes some pretty good predictions there, funny and smart too. I hope for everyone's sake that they never come true.
Posted by James Goodman at November 9, 2006 11:57 AM
Hey, thanks, GM!
I was going to post it over here, too, but was unsure on the law against self-plagiarism.
Posted by jim hitchcock at November 9, 2006 02:52 PM