June 25, 2006
Don't Buy The New York Times or The LA Times
There is a new movement to re-issue World War II posters with a War On Terrorism theme via Photoshop. Here is my contribution, especially given the way the New York has opted to expose national security secrets which even it agrees are legal. I can only believe that the Gray Lady is now openly siding with the islamofascists by giving them details about how we protect the US and the rest of the free world. Be Ashamed NY Times, be VERY ASHAMED!

A tip 'O The GM Derby to Michele Malkin
And my favorite from her collection? Easy:

Truth in humor.
Posted by Seth at June 25, 2006 04:06 PM
This is the very reason that a couple of years ago I stopped calling them the MSM, and started calling them the TSM (Terrorst Supporting Media). It now must be so very obvious to everyone that the moniker is quite accurate. The other, more effective action, is to boycott the advertisers that choose to advertise in those treasonous rags. They don't make much revenue from subscriptions, as the bulk of their revenue stream is from advertising. Stop the flow of ad money and you bring them to their knees. My fondest hope is to see their name on the docket of the Bankruptcy Court.
Posted by Vulgorilla at June 26, 2006 08:36 AM
Vulgorilla: We probably don't want to see them in bankruptcy court because our tax dollars will be used to bail them out and make them just viable enough to repay us by moving to Europe.
Wait a minute ... what am I saying?
Posted by Oyster at June 27, 2006 08:02 AM
Here's mine:
The original:
My Photoshop:
Posted by Oyster at June 27, 2006 09:13 AM