March 07, 2006

Where the Hell is the MSM on this?

Sometimes the MSM does it's job. Most of the time it doesn't. Here it didn't:

Remember that kid, Farris Hassan, the 16-year-old from Florida, who went to Iraq a few weeks ago to allegedly find out for himself what conditions were like for Iraqis and to satisfy a requirement for this journalism class he was taking?

Remember also how his parents were all distraught not knowing where he was?

Remember how the media praised him for being so brave?

Would it surprise you to learn that NO NETWORK JOURNALIST took the initiative to do a little research?

Further, would it surprise you to learn that his parents KNEW where he was because they helped him get his ticket?

Would it surprise you to learn that his school has no such journalism class?

Would it surprise you to learn that his parents sent a note to school saying he'd be gone during that period?

Would it surprise you to learn his father was arrested for forging 2,000 Iraqi passports and was probably attempting to forge more?

Has it occurred to you that the student and his family may really be prospective terrorists in sheep's clothing?

Click this link and read about it because you WON'T hear it on the network news!

The MSM... Ain't they special?

Special H/T to JC - a regular reader

Posted by GM Roper at March 7, 2006 04:07 PM | TrackBack


No--They're pathetic.

(How'd I do on this quiz?)

Thanks for the information. So, what is anyone going to do about it? Of course, we can't profile. Maybe we should go to Ft. Lauderdale and check out 85 year old women to show that we're being fair in whom we check.

Posted by Woody at March 7, 2006 06:59 PM

Maybe he's doing this for extra credit in some sort of Online Degree Program engineered by Jay Bennish?

I mean, honestly, it's hard to cover the important news when the MSM is busy with making Bush look like the devil and fawning over Hollywood at the Oscars...

Posted by QuickRob at March 7, 2006 07:45 PM

Taking the Long View Department:

If we can just kinda keep the morale of the citizenry up...and let the military do their work...this will, in time, be just fine.

Meanwhile, Barbara Streisand, Cindy Sheehan, George Clooney, the list of too well off people and with too little in facts telling the rest of what to do is too long, by half....right, I used "too" far too often.

BTW, Mavis Beacon and others, yep they have the right to speak their minds. My problem is that they often have not clue as to what they're talking about.

I, for one, think getting correct facts is...hmmm...


Anyone disagree? Why?

Posted by Tad at March 7, 2006 08:57 PM

Here's an excerpt from an essay that the boy supposedly wrote about why he went to Iraq:

There is a struggle in Iraq between good and evil, between those striving for freedom and liberty and those striving for death and destruction. You are aware of the heinous acts of the terrorists. Women and children massacred, innocent aid workers decapitated, indiscriminate murder. You are also aware of the heroic aspirations of the Iraqi people, liberty, democracy, security, normality. Those terrorists are not human but pure evil. For their goals to be thwarted, decent individuals must answer justice’s call for help. Unfortunately altruism is always in short supply. Not enough selfless individuals answered the call when Sadaam Hussein purged Iraq of its virtuous. Not enough are willing to set aside the material ambitions of this transient world, put morality first, and risk their lives for the cause of humanity. So I will.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear it's exactly the kind of thing someone here might write... maybe minus the "I will" part. If he is a 'prospective terrorist' then why write this essay?


Posted by E. Nonee Moose at March 7, 2006 09:10 PM

Do you guys know why Hassan's father tried to get forged passports made more than twenty years ago? They were for anti-Saddam dissidents who merely wanted to get out of Iraq and escape the brutal tyrrany of dictatorship. Of course we were all friendly with Saddam at the time so it's no wonder we didn't trust him then... but now, the man must surely be a hero in the eyes of pro-Democracy, freedom-loving GREAT AMERICANS everywhere. Yes? No? Feeling a little conflicted?

Here's my take on this... the kid is spoiled, rich, niave and has radical tendencies much like his father. He isn't a terrorist... Although, if we had kept supporting Saddam like we did in the 80's then, who knows, maybe he would have grown up to be one.

Funny how the greatest threats to America are the Frankenstein monsters that we helped create. I blame it all on the CIA. Most of the terrorists that we are fighting today are former CIA operatives. Okay, maybe I exaggerate... but not much.

Posted by E. Nonee Moose at March 7, 2006 10:00 PM

Moose, you may be very correct in that the boy is really not "on the side" of the Iranians or any other terrorist. But that was not my question. My question was why was there no other MSM reporting on this? Too, while the lad may indeed have written the paragraph you quoted, is there any other evidence one way or the other. Again, where the hell was the MSM?

Oh, yeah, at the oscars.. ;-)


Posted by GM Roper at March 8, 2006 01:47 PM

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