January 30, 2006
Psychic Preview of President Bush's State of the Union Address
President Bush is set to deliver the State of the Union address to Congress and to the American people. C-Span provides a historical review of these Presidential messages, with transcripts back to Truman and a video all the way back to Nixon. However, we will go one step further and provide President Bush's State of the Union address by looking into the future. Please watch the preview by clicking on the picture caption.

In another incredible display of psychic powers, I am predicting that the Democrats will criticize everything that President Bush says.
Posted by Woody at January 30, 2006 10:00 PM | TrackBackFunny. Too bad the Democrats won't see the humor, they'll think the whole thing is real.
Posted by GM Roper at January 31, 2006 07:32 AM
Can't get the damn thing to load. It says it's loading. I'll go back later when traffic might be a little slower.
Posted by Oyster at January 31, 2006 02:47 PM
Thanks! Already sent this video to 5 people! Loved it!
Posted by L.B. at January 31, 2006 02:52 PM
Your psychic powers were up to speed. But I wonder if even your legendary ability foresaw that Democrats would cheer the dashed opportunity to repair Social Security, the linchpin of their socialist meddling.
Posted by Mike's America at February 1, 2006 10:55 PM