January 15, 2006

One Year For A 180?

On January 30th, 2005 John F. Kerry (AKA "Do You Know Who I Am?" Kerry) was a guest on Meet The Press with Tim Russert moderating.

MR. RUSSERT: Would you sign Form 180?

SEN. KERRY: Yes, I will. But everything that we put in it, Tim--everything we put in--I mean, everything that was out was a full documentation of all of the medical records, all of the fitness reports.

This prompted me to write to Senator Kerry a number of times. The lead off letter was never answered, and of course neither were any of the others. Why he never answered me is totally confounding, I mean, after all he is a public servant, and he is wealthy and he does have staff to prepare letters for him to sign. I guess he has just been far too busy. So, I'll make another attempt and maybe I won't have to write another one next year at this time.

Senator John F. Kerry
304 Russell Bldg.
Third Floor
Washington D.C. 20510

My dear Senator Kerry: By now, I'm sure you are getting tired of not answering my letters to you and I know that you will soon be sitting down to your computer and firing off a good solid rejoinder as to why you haven't kept your promise.

I know that the pressures of being a United States Senator is more than likely difficult, and I'm sure that I wouldn't want the job, after all, having to primp and comb your "better hair" [than George Bush has] getting ready for makeup so that you can appear on Tim Russert's show and all. Where you can make statements like

And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not..."
Oh, Senator Kerry, do you still suffer from the delusion that America would elect YOU to the white house? Senator, if that is your belief, you need to know that they have medications that can help you with that.

And Senator? I'm not the only one that thinks you opened your big fat mouth and firmly inserted your foot. Captain Ed at Captain's Quarters noted:

The Democrats need to answer for this outrage. Is it really the party position that American soldiers terrorize Iraqi civilians? Do they want the Iraqis to do it instead of us? Kerry has unmasked himself and his fellow anti-war zealots for the hypocrites they are. "

Senator, you have spent more time bloviating about things you know absolutely nothing about (Iraq, Sam Alito, NSA intercepts, etc.) than ever it would have taken you to sign your name to a Standard Form 180. Of course, if you did, we might be privy to who put you in for those medals, where you really were when you claimed to be in Cambodia, maybe even, after the truth comes out, the real provenance of the "magic hat."

I'm disappointed in you Senator, you have lied consistently, you have told untruth's when the truth would have served you better, you denegrated our troops in Vietnam:

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."
Then you tried to put on the hero's mantle for the 2004 presidential election, you posted pictures of 18+ officers indicating that all of them supported your candidacy when the truth was that only a couple did and a few were dead and probably would not have supported you. Though, truth be known, we cannot know. On the Podium at the Democratic Convention you had one of the Swift Boat Troops up there saying how great you were as his commander, when the reality is that he was severly wounded in the head before you came on board and returned to duty after you left. Is there no shame in you Senator Kerry? At long last, is there no shame?

I have of course written these letters to you knowing full well that you would not sign a SF 180. Or, that if you did, it would be for only part of the papers and those would only be released to someone who would keep cover for you. Can you say Boston Globe Reporters?

Senator, Mark Levin had you pegged as a leftist more than two years ago. Which of these don't you believe - or do you believe them all?

You Might be a Leftist If . . .
-You believe John Ashcroft poses a greater danger to America than Osama bin Laden.

-You think President Bush lied to the nation but his predecessor did not.

-You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy.

-You believe all conservatives are racist, but do not think minorities can ever succeed without Affirmative Action.

-You can't decide which is worse: the Patriot Act or the Patriot Missile.

-You believe Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, and Yasser Arafat were fairly and democratically elected, but President Bush was not.

-You root for prisoners when they escape from our oppressive prisons, but oppose allowing poor children to escape from failing public schools.

-You support every kind of "diversity" on campus, except political orientation.

-You support banning the smoking of tobacco and legalizing marijuana.

-You are enraged by the so-called mistreatment of Muslim prisoners (who have gained weight while dining on their specially prepared Koran-approved meals) at Guantanamo Bay, but believe the world should have stood idly by while Saddam Hussein filled mass graves.

-You have found where the right to an abortion is written in the Constitution but cannot find where the Constitution provides for a right to keep and bear arms.

-You support campus speech codes that ban pick-up lines and amorous gazes, but never spoke out against President Clinton's physical sexual harassment in the White House.

-You applauded Jimmy Carter for talking about human rights in foreign policy but opposed George W. Bush for doing something about human rights.

-You believe that trial lawyers taking 33 to 40 percent of a plaintiff's recovery in lawsuits is just about right, but the federal government taking this amount of our income in taxes is not nearly enough.

-You believe the former Governor of a New England state with 608,827 people is more than adequately experienced to be President in 2004, but the Governor of a Southwestern state with 21,325,018 people was completely unprepared in 2000.

-You agree with Toni Morrison that President Clinton was "the first black President," but didn't criticize Al Sharpton for recently labeling President Bush a "gang leader."

-You believe we could get more truth out of the Pentagon if only Don Rumsfeld were replaced by Mohammed Al-Sahhaf.

-You believe evangelical Christians are destroying America but don't feel threatened by the radical Wahabbi sect of Islam.

-When it comes to violent crime, you believe in hating the crime but loving the criminal.

-You support unlimited appeals for convicted criminals, but believe it is undemocratic for Californians to reverse their earlier mistake of electing Gray Davis.

-You believe U.S. exports of genetically modified foods pose a greater threat to African nations than corrupt dictators like Zimbabwe's Mugabe.

-You believe welfare is a fundamental human right and workfare is a human rights violation.

-You believe religion is a scourge on our society, but becoming one with Mother Nature by merging with the universal consciousness and harmonizing with lunar reverberations will save us.

-You believe President Bush is an environmental criminal for poisoning the water with arsenic, but have never complained about Saddam Hussein's devastating Iraq and Kuwait's environment by setting intentional oil well fires and committing genocide against the Marsh Arabs by draining their wetlands.

-Your car sports the bumper sticker saying that "it will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and the military has to hold bake sales," but oppose allowing the U.S. military to volunteer recruitment tables on college campuses because of their "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

So, Senator, I'm sending this to you a little early, the year isn't up yet, but I would guess you need time to get a copy of Standard Form 180 and sign it sometime in the next 15 days so that you can state to the world and your many fans (all 17 of them) that you have kept your pledge. You will keep your pledge won't you Senator?

Posted by GM Roper at January 15, 2006 03:00 PM | TrackBack

Oh man, thanks for bringing this up again, even though we all know it's going nowhere.

Just before the 2004 election, steelworkers from out-of-state came to my workplace to campaign for Kerry. When challenged, one physically threatened me, and was clearly incensed that I was laughing at him because he claimed that Bush wouldn't sign "Form 108" to release his military record. "It's Form 180!" I guffawed, "and it's Kerry who won't release his."'

Why I would be stupid enough to laugh at a steelworker I'll leave for you to decide, but I'll admit it was partly because we were right outside the 1-way glass of campus security.

Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at January 15, 2006 05:08 PM

This is one man that definately needs a handler. I still puzzle over the "women kids and children. "What the hell are we doing to the baby goats again???
He is a disgusting excuse for a man. I have seen a few disgusting excuses for men before but he takes the grand prize........

Posted by Patty at January 15, 2006 09:59 PM

GM, it was a year ago we started the Sign Your 180 Form Kerry blog burst thingy. I gave up participating because it just wasn't getting anywhere. LOL
But I like your letter here. Awesome, to the point.
Will link later.

Posted by Raven at January 16, 2006 07:55 AM

The really sad thing is that he is the second best senator from Mass. How low can you go.

Posted by Neil at January 16, 2006 08:27 AM

The Kerry supporters are nothing but low lifes. I mean, Kerry is a lying gigolo who had to submit the reports himself to scam his medals. Kerry lies to Congress and the ethics people who want to hang Rove and Libby for Plame say nothing. What a bunch of partisan hypocrites, but looks like you have to be a lying hypocrite to be a Democrat now days.

Posted by PCD at January 16, 2006 09:22 AM

How much trouble is it to sign the form? This is very troubling.

Posted by Woody at January 16, 2006 12:02 PM

But Woody, Kerry DID sign the form. He agreed to allow only certain portions of his records be released though.
But he did sign.

Posted by Raven at January 16, 2006 01:45 PM


Are you going to send the letter to Kerry?

Posted by L.B. at January 16, 2006 02:24 PM

In case you were wondering what a real leftist who is unashamed of his views thinks:

You believe John Ashcroft poses a greater danger to America than Osama bin Laden.

In a much more subtle way, yes, Ashcroft poses a greater threat to America. If we as Americans embrace fascism in order to defeat terrorism then we haven't accomplished much. No, I'm not saying Ashcroft is a bonafide fascist but its best to do as Barney Fife would and "nip it in the bud" if you can.

You think President Bush lied to the nation but his predecessor did not.

True leftists don't trust Bill Clinton either.

You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy.

Hey, I appreciate and respect the stand that the liberal celeberties mentioned above have taken, but I wouldn't vote for any of them for an elected office either.

You believe all conservatives are racist, but do not think minorities can ever succeed without Affirmative Action.

Affirmative Action should probably be phased out eventually but not just yet. In the next generation, perhaps.

You can't decide which is worse: the Patriot Act or the Patriot Missile.

Yes, I can. The Patriot Act. By far.

You believe Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, and Yasser Arafat were fairly and democratically elected, but President Bush was not.

I certainly don't believe Hussein and Kim Jong Il were elected fairly. Not sure about Arafat. Bush won only because Gore's team made the wrong challenge to the Supreme Court. Should have challenged the 'overvotes' instead of the 'undervotes'.

You root for prisoners when they escape from our oppressive prisons, but oppose allowing poor children to escape from failing public schools.

I could accept a school voucher program so long as underprivleged minorities got bigger vouchers. Schools need an incentive to keep themselves from resegregrating. And I'm all for keeping violent prisoners locked up... non-violent criminals are a different story.

Posted by Leftist at January 16, 2006 04:47 PM

You support every kind of "diversity" on campus, except political orientation.

Maybe we should start an affirmative action program for conservative professors?

You support banning the smoking of tobacco and legalizing marijuana.

I don't think people should be allowed to smoke marijuana in public either. What you do in the privacy of your own home is another matter.

You are enraged by the so-called mistreatment of Muslim prisoners (who have gained weight while dining on their specially prepared Koran-approved meals) at Guantanamo Bay, but believe the world should have stood idly by while Saddam Hussein filled mass graves.

Well, if we were going to do something about it then we should have done it when he was actually filling the graves as opposed to waiting 20 years later. I guess we were a little too preoccupied with the Cold War at the time.

You have found where the right to an abortion is written in the Constitution but cannot find where the Constitution provides for a right to keep and bear arms.

The genie is out of the bottle in both cases... we'll never get either back in. Guns and abortion clinics are now a fact of life. Don't really think either are healthy for society but that's how it is.

You support campus speech codes that ban pick-up lines and amorous gazes, but never spoke out against President Clinton's physical sexual harassment in the White House.

Clinton was a sex fiend... but otherwise, we've had worse presidents.

You applauded Jimmy Carter for talking about human rights in foreign policy but opposed George W. Bush for doing something about human rights.

George Bush is trying to make an omlette. He might succeed. I don't have high hopes for it though. And, no, I'm not so sure the broken eggs are worth it.

You believe that trial lawyers taking 33 to 40 percent of a plaintiff's recovery in lawsuits is just about right, but the federal government taking this amount of our income in taxes is not nearly enough.

The success rate of lawsuits is pretty low... the lawyers have to take a large cut of any suit they win or else not bother. I have a tough time believing in 'trickle-down' economics. Cut the taxes on the wealthy and all you do is just further concentrate great wealth in the hands of a few.

Posted by Leftist at January 16, 2006 05:03 PM

You believe the former Governor of a New England state with 608,827 people is more than adequately experienced to be President in 2004, but the Governor of a Southwestern state with 21,325,018 people was completely unprepared in 2000.

For what it's worth I wanted Edwards to win the nomination.

You agree with Toni Morrison that President Clinton was "the first black President," but didn't criticize Al Sharpton for recently labeling President Bush a "gang leader."

I prefer the description of Bush as a "Mayberry Machiavelli."

You believe we could get more truth out of the Pentagon if only Don Rumsfeld were replaced by Mohammed Al-Sahhaf.

No, I don't think that. And I distrust the CIA far more than I distrust the Pentagon.

You believe evangelical Christians are destroying America but don't feel threatened by the radical Wahabbi sect of Islam.

I don't have much respect for fundamentalism, no matter what flavor it comes in.

Posted by Leftist at January 16, 2006 05:12 PM

When it comes to violent crime, you believe in hating the crime but loving the criminal.

Our justice system has many flaws. It's getting better, I suppose. Modern methods of DNA testing is freeing hundreds of supposedly violent criminals who have served time for crimes they did not commit.

You support unlimited appeals for convicted criminals, but believe it is undemocratic for Californians to reverse their earlier mistake of electing Gray Davis.

Rather than unlimited appeals, I simply don't support the death penalty.

You believe U.S. exports of genetically modified foods pose a greater threat to African nations than corrupt dictators like Zimbabwe's Mugabe.

I have more problems with property rights issues associated with genetically modified foods than the foods themselves. It's unethical to sell seed to a farmer and tell him he can't use seed from the plant for next year's crop.

You believe welfare is a fundamental human right and workfare is a human rights violation.

There will always be a certain percentage of members in a society who are unable to provide for themselves. Yes, it's best to keep that percentage as small as we possibly can but the inevitable fact is, that percentage will never approach zero. Providing some kind of public assistance to that group is a very necessary thing.

You believe religion is a scourge on our society, but becoming one with Mother Nature by merging with the universal consciousness and harmonizing with lunar reverberations will save us.

Actually, to me, that sounds like a religion as well.

You believe President Bush is an environmental criminal for poisoning the water with arsenic, but have never complained about Saddam Hussein's devastating Iraq and Kuwait's environment by setting intentional oil well fires and committing genocide against the Marsh Arabs by draining their wetlands.

Yeah, but when it's OUR WATER we're talking about, you'd think people would take things a little more seriously. I'm not pleased with how China is damaging its environment as it tries to become an industrial powerhouse, but I don't have to live there either. On the other hand, I live in America...

Your car sports the bumper sticker saying that "it will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and the military has to hold bake sales," but oppose allowing the U.S. military to volunteer recruitment tables on college campuses because of their "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

It *will* be a great day when our nation is at peace and education is a higher priority than making war. And if we have to make war, it'd be nice to let anyone who wants to fight in it volunteer, regardless of sexual orientation.

Well, there you go... a real live honest to God leftist has shared his views with you. Were they really so horrible and terrifying?

Posted by Leftist at January 16, 2006 05:44 PM


Thank you sir, and I'm sure there are more of you. I would disagree with some points, but would only seriously challenge a few. The whole Patriot Act/ Ashcroft/ proto-fascist belief system is based more on innuendo and suggestion than on actual damage to our civil rights. Most of the things people are complaining about have been in place for years. We ate those bananas a long time ago. How the issues are described are often overblown. The New York Times would say "Americans are being spied on!" I would say "People who get calls from Al Qaeda have their previous foreign calls reviewed." Both are technically true, but the former makes it sound as if Bush is putting the jhomes of the staff at Moveon.org under surveillance, which is ridiculous.

I will grant that this sort of political spying has been done before, and perhaps we should worry about it. Clinton brought in the FBI files of his political enemies for perusal.

Second, I also accept that many Democrats genuinely disliked Clinton's lies and illegalities. What conservatives generally complain about is the decided lack of energy they put into condemining it. No Democratic senator went to even view the privileged information on Clinton before the impeachment vote. The depth of that dishonesty still astounds me when I play the "what if the situation were reversed" game.

Third, the point about Saddam's executions 20 years ago is well-taken, but is the exact reverse of you argument about China and pollution. We disliked it, but it didn't matter so much until he started slipping the leash and training terrorists (I think the estimate was 2000/year from 1996-2003), which we suspected and recently discovered.

Still, you seem quite reasonable and not so far apart. If the Democrats were electing folks like you we could do business.

Posted by Assistant Village Idiot at January 16, 2006 08:56 PM

From this Vietnam Veteran:

1. Kerry was no hero. Heroes DO NOT abandon their men/unit after only 4 months in country.

2. Kerry's Purple Heart Medals are a idiotic. If you take NO fire from the enemy (nor explosives from the enemy) and you fire an M-79 close to yourself and shrapnel from the explosion YOU caused wounds you.....so slightly as to be a literaly a band-aid "wound" you have treated THE NEXT DAY, I submit that there are three reasons why a PHM ought not have been awarded. Damn good thing he didn't get NJP. No, he should have gotten NJP or, at minimum, a verbal warning aka serious ass-chewing.

3. As to the other two awards of the PHM, would someone explain to me just how one gets three PHMs in less than 4 months - all are minor - one is a bruise vice a puncture wound. How did this occur? Did the fact that Kerry knew that 3 PHMs and you could leave have anything to do with it?

4. Silver Star Medal for killing ONE enemy, while the WOUNDED enemy is fleeing. Hmmm. Shot him in the back? What heroism is involved here?

5. A Bronze Star Medal with a "'V" for jumping in the water and saving a Green Beret who fell overboard. Doesn't seem like that rates a BSM w/V either.

6. Who recommended him for these awards? Were they present? Did they see his "heroics", or did Kerry submit after action reports and his command want to make the Brown Water Navy look good and thus gave away medals that were undeserved? And while were talking about it, how is it that members of the crew of his small craft did not get any awards? I believe one sailor got a Navy Commendation Medal...period.

7. Kerry was no heroic leader. He bugged out on his men. We've soldiers, Marines, sailors who after being seriously wounded demand to go back to their units.

8. This opportunist wanted medals and no danger. He wanted to go home and ride his "glory" to glory. Arriving home, he discovered that the war wasn't popular. About Face for Kerry. He throws his ribbons over the fence and roundly damns the very men he once "led". Again, opportunism at its' "finest". Years later, he tells us he is "reporting for duty." Right.

He has yet to put ALL his records out for the public to see. Shame.

He's another example of the people of Mass not paying attention. The other one is Jeba the Hut aka Sen. Teddy Kennedy

Posted by tad at January 17, 2006 01:02 PM

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