December 26, 2005

Four on the Floor: As low as this can go.

-- G.M. challenged me to answer The Meme of Four, so here is my best attempt:

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Taking our garbage cans to the street, picking up bread and milk on the way home, representing my wife in traffic court (and winning), and defending Ronald Reagan against liberals.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Just intellectual movies with messages like Pee Wee's Big Adventure, National Lampoon's Vacation, Smokey and the Bandit, and especially these Jane Fonda films.

Four places you’ve lived: As "lived" can have more than one meaning...a golf course along the ocean, going parking as a teenager, 1971 road trip to New Orleans, and as an electrician in Colonial America in my former life.

Four TV shows you love to watch: Star Gazer, Winky Dink with samples here, Girls Gone Wild infomercials, and the Charlie's Angels show where Farrah Fawcett wore that cute swim suit.

Four places you’ve been on vacation: I take vacations one hour at a time at work.

Four websites you visit daily: Microsoft Help Page, GM's Corner, HTTP 404 - File not found, and this science fiction site.

Four of your favorite foods: Any meal picked up by a client, ketchup, pralines, and Dippin' Dots.

Four places you’d rather be: The future, the White House, further from Neverland Ranch, and age eighteen again with what I know now.

Four albums you can’t live without: Only the ones that I use for drink coasters. Not this one, probably not this one, not this one, certainly not this one, and REALLY not this one .

I hope this cleared up any questions and gave you more insight into how I think. Satisfied, G.M.?

Posted by Woody at December 26, 2005 01:00 PM | TrackBack

Awesome Woodster, Just Awewome!

Posted by GM Roper at December 26, 2005 05:22 PM

Funniest Meme in a long time. I loved the Jane Fonda movies comment. Funny. My New Years Resolution to date is to come back here often.

Posted by thirdee at December 27, 2005 11:54 AM

Thanks, thirdee! That's a good New Year's Resolution. I've enjoyed your site before and will be sure to check if frequently, as well. Anyone whose affection for Jane Fonda is similar to mine has to be all right.

Posted by Woody at December 27, 2005 03:59 PM

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