December 22, 2005
Open Letter To The Distinguished Gentleman From Nevada!

Dear Senator Reid: You sir, despite the title of this blog entry, are no gentleman. Moreover, that should be obvious to even you. Chris Muir has, in his cartoon above, nailed you for the scoundrel that you are. Your leadership of the once great Democratic Party has left it in tatters, perhaps even worse than your predecessor did, and that is saying a lot!
Recently, you bragged to your democratic colleagues, that you had "killed" the renewal of the Patriot Act. How dare you! I will admit that you had some help then from others that share your particular brand of so-called "patriotism", but you cravenly took credit of that act of cowardice on yourself. When, the following day, you were challenged on that bit of "statesmanship" by the president, you again cravenly changed your tune to show how much you wanted a Patriot Act. Sir, you seemingly care for this country, but only when the country stands for your particular brand of democracy (small d) meaning of course that you and those that think like you are only satisfied when you get to rule your way, and didn't Mr. Muir say just that?
Did you learn nothing from the loss of Dear Leader Daschle? Do you not understand that this country is at war with a relentless enemy who wants nothing but your death, and the death of everything you say you hold dear? Have you not listened to those terrorists who proclaim the desire for a new Caliphate? Do you not remember the beheading of hostages in a brazenly cowardly attempt to sway public opinion or who murdered, yes murdered over 3000 Americans in a wanton terrorist attack?
I have been accused of being a "cheerleader" for President Bush and for the war in Iraq, and for the war on Terror. Guilty as charged. One of the major reasons for this is the behavior of Democrats such as you. When I see the majority of Democrats in the United States Senate call for the immediate pull out of our troops, when I see Democratic congressmen demand a pullout, then vote against that very pull out when the Republicans call their hand, I wonder where is this Democratic Party headed?
Senator, have you EVER considered why you are the MINORITY leader in the US Senate? Perhaps if you reflect on how your party handles governance in a time of war, how it and it's allies in the ACLU "demands" information be made public, information that cannot but help our enemies maybe you will begin to see that the majority of the American people do not back your handling of national security. Maybe, just maybe if you eschew the politics of the DU and Daily Kos and your so-called "base" you could gain some traction with the American voting public. However, to be totally honest, I will not hold my breath.
I cannot help but think that past Democrats such as Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Scoop Jackson, and even Hubert Humphrey are spinning in their graves. That, is a sad note on the state of affairs in the current Democratic Party!
Thanks for the Assist and a Hearty Tip of the GM Chapeaux to Chris Muir
Linked at Right Wing Nuthouse, at Dr. Sanity, at Sister Toldjah and at Pirates Cove
I rather think is says so VERY much about the Democratic Party when we consider that Harry Reid is the Minority Leader in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi is the Minority Leader in the House.
If one wanted to go to conspiracy theories, I damn near could believe it that the Republicans are secretly paying those two.
They range, in what they say, from just laughingly stupid to near treason.
Well, that's my opinion anyway.
Posted by tad at December 22, 2005 12:59 PM
The right of dissent is an important democratic principle and one that we should foster in our great nation. However, honest debate is not what the Democrats under Reid and Pelosi are engaged in. What they are doing is subversive to our way of life, our values, and plainly dangerous to our citizens, both in and out of uniform. What did Abraham Lincoln say about politicians who aided and abetted the enemy? He labeled them as traitors; perhaps that applies to Reid and Pelosi as well.
Posted by Mustang at December 22, 2005 04:31 PM
I'm with my friend Mustang on this one. Dissent and debate are vital to the preservation of this country, but certain politicians are flrting with crossing the line into treason, if they have not already crossed that line.
All this politicking (which is what Reid is all about) is placing us in danger. Will it take another 9/11 for some people to see how dangerous are the times we live in? Maybe even another such attack wouldn't wake certain people up. Then, of course, some don't want to wake up; leftist utopians are incapable of rational thought.
Posted by Always On Watch at December 22, 2005 05:40 PM