October 12, 2005

Celebrating Bravery - Part II

Today is the 5th Anniversary of the attack on the USS Cole. Remember the fallen in your prayers and remember also the heroes that saved the USS Cole from further harm by their quick actions. Brave men and women all.

The USS COLE Memorial dedication ceremony was conducted at Naval Station Norfolk Virginia on 12 Oct 01, commemorating the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack in Aden, Yemen. The Memorial honors the 17 sailors who lost their lives and the crew for their heroic actions to save the ship.

The Memorial was made possible because of contributions to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society from thousands of private individuals and businesses across the country. The Memorial design began as a vision of USS COLE crewmembers. The ship then joined forces with Navy architects and the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society to bring to life their vision. The memorial is a gift of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society to the Navy. This Memorial will fulfills an important objective of the Memorial Fund for USS COLE set up by the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and the Navy.

On behalf of the USS COLE family, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for all of your support and prayers. Without your assistance, the USS COLE Memorial would not have been possible. Thank you.

UPDATE: Those murdered by islamofascist are - Kenneth E. Clodfelter - Richard Costelow - Lakeina M. Francis - Timothy L. Gauna -Cherone L. Gunn - James R. McDaniels - Marc I. Nieto - Ronald S. Owens - Lakiba N. Palmer - Joshua L. Parlett - Patrick H. Roy - Kevin S. Rux - Ronchester M. Santiago - Timothy L. Saunders -Gary G. Swenchonis Jr. - Andrew Triplett and Craig B. Wibberley.

Posted by GM Roper at October 12, 2005 08:09 AM | TrackBack

WOW FIVE years? Will have to do a trackyback. Seems like yesterday huh? I remember that day. And I remember Clinton and his reaction to it.

Posted by Raven at October 12, 2005 08:42 AM

Someone remind me of the retaliation and actions that we took against the group responsible when our ship was bombed.

Posted by Woody at October 12, 2005 09:19 AM

Thank you for remembering. May these mistakes never be made again.

Posted by Xavier at October 12, 2005 11:50 AM

More people, from those at the "pointy end" right through all our government...and most importantly, the American People, need to re-learn how to deal with peoples of no compassion and no morality. We need to, metaphorically speaking, learn again to talk hard between our teeth. A sense of steely resolve must be in the hearts of a majority of Americans. If we collectively act like sheep and our concerns are mostly self-centered and interested in trivia, the enemy will note that. This War, and it is a War of greater proportions that too seem to realize, requires courage, tenacity and long term committment. Failing that, the fat, lazy and hedonistic sheep in the valley will be slaughtered by the wolves in the hills...and all the high tech in the world will not stave off this calamity. I pray that this isn't a Kaboki play in which all is pre-ordained and we cannot regain our outrage and our dedication.

Posted by tad at October 13, 2005 07:23 AM

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